"Kirby and her thoughts".

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone going back to school as a mature student.... view prompt

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Alarm went off. Kirby fluttered her eyes open and thought,"how is it six-thirty already?? i just went to sleep!! Exasperated, she scrambled out of bed to her desk where the ringing phone was charging, and then quite out of habit, stumbled back to bed. There she dreamed that she was out of bed and getting ready. "i have gotten ready, i have gotten", she thought repeatedly

Kirby jerked her eyes open as she heard her mother's shrill voice calling her for breakfast. she jumped out of bed mumbling, "last year, first day", as to compensate for lost sleep, "i am going to nap for hours when i come back", as to comfort herself after gazing at the empty, welcome bed longingly. it only took her about five minutes or less to get ready. black tights and plain red hoodie with white sneakers, a bit of almond moisturizer and cherry lip balm. A long braid of her chestnut brown mane. There i am ready!, she thought with a sigh. Grabbing her phone and bag ,she opened the door of her room.

With two spoons of corn flakes and a hasty good bye to her breakfasting parents and a tug at her younger brother's blonde hair, she was walking down the street in her brisk manner with her black and purple backpack lugged on her right shoulder. the school was a seven minute walk from her house and she always walked to school saying that it energized her. looking up at the velvety,blue sky Kirby's thoughts analysed the last three years of her high school. Kirby had been a a bit unlucky in the matter of making friends in high school as just before she started her family moved to a completely new state so it was already hard for her to settle down in the new environment. So, in her class there was this girl called Eliza who instantly took a dislike to her and was bent on being her enemy as she was popular with a huge influence among the girls, poor Kirby was ostracized. Her freshmen year was not very enjoyable but tables turned when in her sophomore year a new girl joined her class called Sarah, Kirby took the opportunity and became friends with her.

Weirdly enough, Kirby considered Sarah as her best friend but well, Sarah didn't. there was some girl in her neighborhood who was as she said her best friend though quite hurt, Kirby didn't say anything and went on being friends with her. "Beggars can't be choosers", Kirby thought sadly still they had quite merry times together and at least Kirby had someone to go around with. But when Junior year began, suddenly they were not friends, Sarah acted as if Kirby didn't exist which was quite confusing and unsettling but the most agonizing part was that all of a sudden Sarah and Eliza were best of friends. Kirby didn't confront her at all, being the passive aggressive type and went on to ignore her right back. "If she is going to act this way, see if i care," thought Kirby with a scorn. Consequently, she was back to being the loner that year.

Now, Kirby was completely sure of her bad luck in friendships and knew without a doubt that she will never be able to make good, loyal friends in her life, at least not in high school. Those three years had taught her a lot about herself and life in general, for example Kirby learned that no friends is better then fake friends, and she also learned not to be over trusting, but gradually trust if you find them trustworthy. She learned that she was not afraid of walking alone if following others was the only choice. If she didn't approve of someone's ways, though she will be civil to them but not put up a facade of liking them. The most important thing she learnt was to stop feeling sorry for herself but create happiness in her own company.

Presently, Kirby stood at the front of the beige colored building which was all to familiar to her now, she took a deep breath with an air of someone who has to scale a mountain. Her mind went back to her first day of High school, how nervous and frightened she was!! and now she felt nothing but skepticism. Chaterring groups of students were scatterd about, some she knew by face, some by personas. She could also spot a few frightened young freshies, how innocent they all look, scared they will make some embarrassing mistake. Just wait, in a year, they will realize the reality of this hell-hole disguised as high school. Thinking all this cynical thoughts, Kirby's eyes fell upon a sweet faced girl standing alone by the tree, she was wearing a knee length, pink skirt with the most lovely white top she ever saw and gorgeous golden brown hair. "she looks old enough to be a senior but i have never seen her before, should I go talk to her? I think i should, she really looks so lonesome," thought Kirby warmly.

Kirby walked towards her and as soon as that girl realized that she was coming to her, she smiled happily and as Kirby put her hand forward and with a friendly smile said, "hey, you seem to be new, is this your freshman year? Kirby noticed that her eye's were a beautiful indigo as she took her hand and gave a pleasant shake and replied,"hi, yes I'm new, nope i am in senior year. Kirby's whole face lit up and she exclaimed joyously, "really!! i am in senior year too, my name is Kirby, what's yours?" "Janice", answered the girl affably. Just then the bell rang and Kirby proposed to show her to the class which Janice graciously accepted. They chatted amiably all the way to the classes and Kirby showed her around and, both of them took to each other almost immediately. "I have found my long lost best friend", thought Kirby delightfully.

August 14, 2020 12:00

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1 comment

Batool Zehra
18:44 Aug 16, 2020

seems like a story of someone i know, btw i see the spice you added. kirby? lol


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