The Landline Conversation

Submitted into Contest #285 in response to: Write a story in the form of a landline phone conversation.... view prompt


Christian Funny Romance

Anna & Protais: The Landline Conversation

The phone rang twice before Anna answered. Her voice was soft but carried a hint of weariness. Protais, on the other end of the line, took a deep breath before speaking. He knew this conversation was critical, and he didn’t want to mess it up.

Protais: "Anna, thank you for picking up. I’ve been trying to call you since I reached work this morning, but you couldn’t pick up."

Anna: "I know, Protais. I’ve been busy with the children. What is it now?"

Protais: "It’s about us, Anna. I… I don’t think we should rush into this divorce. Can we talk, please?"

Anna sighed. The strain of their recent arguments was evident in her tone.

Anna: "We’ve talked, Protais. Over and over again. And where has that gotten us? We’re stuck in this endless cycle of misunderstandings. I can’t keep doing this."

Protais: "Anna, please. I know we’ve had our share of problems, but we’ve also had so many good moments together. Do you remember when we first met in 2012? How we couldn’t stop talking for hours, as if the world outside didn’t exist? And when we decided to get married in 2014, how happy we were?"

Anna’s voice softened, a hint of nostalgia creeping in.

Anna: "Of course, I remember, Protais. Those were beautiful times. But beautiful memories don’t erase the pain we’ve caused each other."

Protais: "I know, Anna. I’m not denying the hardships we’ve been through. But think about what we’ve overcome. Do you remember that year when I lost my job and we struggled to make ends meet? We stuck together, Anna. We supported each other through it all."

Anna’s silence on the other end encouraged Protais to continue.

Protais: "And what about our children? The three beautiful souls God gave us? Do you remember their laughter during our family gatherings, how their eyes light up when we’re all together?"

Anna: "I think about them all the time, Protais. That’s why I’m doing this. They deserve to grow up in a peaceful environment, not one filled with arguments and tension."

Protais: "Anna, separating won’t solve that. It will only create new problems. Imagine our children having to shuttle between two homes. Imagine them celebrating birthdays or holidays without both of us there. It’s not just about us, Anna. It’s about them too."

Anna’s voice cracked slightly as she responded.

Anna: "Do you think I haven’t thought about that? It breaks my heart, Protais. But staying together just for the sake of the children while we’re miserable isn’t the solution either."

Protais’s tone grew more earnest.

Protais: "Anna, I’m not saying we should stay together just for them. I’m saying we should fight for what we have. For the love that brought us together in the first place. Do you remember our family trip last year? The joy on their faces when we all went to the park, played games, and laughed together?"

Anna’s voice was barely a whisper now.

Anna: "I remember."

Protais: "Do you want to take that away from them? Do you want them to grow up without those moments, without that sense of unity? Imagine our youngest coming home from school with a drawing of our family and realizing it’s no longer complete. Imagine the questions they’ll ask, the confusion they’ll feel."

Anna’s tears were audible through the phone. She took a moment to compose herself before replying.

Anna: "It’s not an easy decision, Protais. But how do we move forward when we’re constantly hurting each other?"

Protais: "We move forward by trying, Anna. By remembering the love we shared and the promises we made. By finding ways to communicate better, to resolve our misunderstandings instead of letting them fester. We’ve reconciled before, Anna. Every time we thought it was over, we found a way back to each other. Why can’t we do that now?"

Anna: "Because it feels different this time. It feels like we’ve reached the end of the road."

Protais: "It only feels that way because we’ve let the bad moments overshadow the good. But Anna, love isn’t just about the good times. It’s about standing together through the hardships. And we’ve done that before. Remember when you fell ill, and I took care of everything? Or when I was at my lowest, and you stood by me, encouraging me to keep going? We’ve been there for each other, Anna. We can do it again."

Anna was silent for a moment, the weight of Protais’s words sinking in.

Anna: "I don’t know, Protais. I don’t know if I have the strength to keep fighting."

Protais: "You don’t have to do it alone, Anna. We can do it together. For us. For our children. Let’s go back to the basics, to the love that brought us together. Let’s seek help if we need it, talk to someone who can guide us. But let’s not give up on what we’ve built."

Anna’s voice was filled with uncertainty but also a glimmer of hope.

Anna: "Do you really think we can make it work, Protais?"

Protais: "I believe we can. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove it to you. Please, Anna. Let’s give it one more try."

There was a long pause before Anna finally responded.

Anna: "Alright, Protais. Let’s talk. Not over the phone, but face to face. Let’s figure out if there’s still a way forward."

Protais: "Thank you, Anna. That’s all I’m asking for a chance to make things right. By the way, will you be home early tonight, before the children go to sleep?"

Anna: "Yes, I will. Will you?"

Protais: "I’ll make sure I am. Let’s go somewhere quiet and talk after they’re in bed."

Anna: "Alright, Protais. Let’s do that."

As the call ended, both Anna and Protais knew that the road ahead wouldn’t be easy. But for the sake of their children, their shared memories, and the love that still lingered between them, they were willing to try.


The next day, Anna and Protais sat down to talk, with tears, laughter, and heartfelt honesty filling their conversation. They decided to seek counseling and work together to rebuild their relationship. Their journey was far from over, but for the first time in a long time, they felt hope. And in the faces of their children, they found the strength to keep moving forward together.

January 15, 2025 16:57

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