Written in response to: Set your story beyond our own world.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Drama

It was early morning as he stood at the window of his house looking up. He saw the Bezeq fountain in eruption as usual, water squirting up and coming out like smoke. Who was he? He was Ptocho the well-known astronomer and magician who practically ruled that little territory on Tellus. Only a couple of days earlier he had returned from Rubi Isle after meeting the king. He was satisfied the ruler had been most cordial. He now directed his energies on other matters.

Meanwhile the same morning on Rubi Isle the king was taking a walk on the royal grounds talking to his prime minister (PM). As they walked they crossed 2 birds chatting and the king said “PM you understand  bird language. Tell me what you heard.”

“Sire, the birds were discussing about what the magician has done. He has apparently cast a spell on princess Killy your daughter. It can only be countermanded by Ptocho who is surely now in his home near the Bezeq fountain.”

“If the spell isn’t countermanded,  what will happen?”

“Difficult to say as we don’t know what kind of spell has been cast.”

“What is this fountain? I’ve heard it being mentioned but have never bothered to go into it further.”

“Sire they say it’s an enchanted fountain and living near it, Ptocho almost rules the area. It’s on the island of Broq a day’s journey from here by boat.”

“What is special about it?”

“Sire, they say its water has special properties. Men who bathe in it temporarily lose their manhood to get it back with increased vigour only a couple of days later. And women who bathe in it are said to seek much greater satisfaction from partners. Men and women have to bathe in the fountain totally nude. In the case of men the effect of again having reached peak power will be visible.”

“I would like to visit that fountain.”

“I suggest you don’t. The waters surrounding it are said to be crawling with pirates. As a just, reigning monarch you shouldn’t take risks.”

“I understand. But first I’ll call my witch Wizma to try to countermand the spell on Killy. I’ve one more question. Why would Ptocho choose to cast a spell on the princess?”

“I can’t say. But he was with you recently. May be he discussed certain matters with you.”

“Yes. I had summoned him as I’ve heard he was good at forecasting. I gave him a few questions to find answers to like when Killy is likely to get married, will my future son-in-law  succeed me, when will the financial problems we face  be settled, and the like. He has promised to study the matters and come back with answers soon. Now can you reason out why he had cast a spell on Killy?”

“Sire, I can’t hazard a guess in these matters.”

“Alright! Let us walk back.”

Back in the palace, the king summoned his daughter and said “Killy have you heard about Broq island and the Bezeq fountain?”

‘’Dad you know I’m learning the casting of spells and counter spells from Wizma. She had told me about that island and the fountain. I once dreamt I had bathed in it and came out even younger and happier than before. In fact I wanted to seek your permission to visit Broq.”

“It would be risky to travel in those parts is what I hear. But I’ll send you with an escort ship. Come back and tell me about it all.”

The king next called Wizma and said “Cast a counter spell on Killy so that no harm results due to others.”

“I hear and I obey.”

As arranged by the king, 2 special boats took off for Broq one morning. Killy and her entourage were on one and the other carried the escorts armed with bows and arrows, knives, machetes etc. Only a couple of hours after embarking, there came a warning that pirate captain Cabteri had been prowling these shipping lanes and they had to be careful. The escorts said they were ready to battle pirates. However as they were having lunch, Cabteri swooped down and he carried away Killy leaving his pirates to battle the king’s men.

Cabteri took great care of Killy. He had fallen in love with her at first sight. She too had reciprocated. Unlike the images of a thief or a brigand, Cabteri appeared a decently dressed young man with powerful limbs and a moustache which did not provoke. He was tall and gentle and courteous.

He said “Princess, I’m Cabteri and you’re on my boat. Your boat has been seized by my men and your security men have been taken prisoner. But you’ll be safe with me. Where were you bound?”

“To Broq and the famous fountain on it.”

“Ptocho who runs that island is my friend. I was there under the fountain only 2 days ago. I’ll take you there in a day or two. Meanwhile be my guest on our pirate island.”

As promised Cabteri set off that morning for Broq which was only a few hours away. He sent word about his arrival to Ptocho but he had sailed for elsewhere and it was his son Cooch who came to receive the visitors.

Cabteri introduced the visitors. He said “Killy, this man is Cooch son of the well-known astronomer and magician Ptocho. And Cooch this is princess Killy.” He turned to Cooch and said “We would like to bathe in privacy. We don’t mind you but please clear the place of outsiders.”

Cooch looked disappointed at Cabteri coming with Killy which was contrary to what his father had in mind. But he knew he couldn’t disobey Cabteri’s request.

The next day, as Cooch watched, Cabteri and Killy, shedding all their clothes, were in the water. The effect on Cabteri was instant showing his magnificent proportions  promising remarkable endurance to satisfy even the most wanton of women.  Killy justifiably and thoughtfully cast a spell on Cooch so that his evil eye would not affect the pirate.  After a while in the fountain, Cabteri and Killy sought privacy in a shed alongside. What happened further isn’t possible to relate except in Latin! Perhaps you’ve already guessed!

Cooch was upset at the developments. His father had held out high hopes of the possibility of Cooch becoming future king after marrying princess Killy. He sent for his father to return urgently but the man was a long way off somewhere else.   

 A day later, Cabteri and Killy set off in their boat for her home on Rubi Isle. The king having heard their stories, received them in an audience and granted pardon to the pirate who would become his son-in-law. Killy said “Dad, you must rename Broq as Bezeq Island”

He nodded as he was looking up absently and said “The birds are our friends. They tipped me off. Ptocho will go into exile after exiting Bezeq Island.”

The PM applauded and there was happiness all around.


February 21, 2022 08:07

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