
The small toaster pops as the old kettle whistles. It's morning time in San Francisco, exactly 9 o’clock. I hum loudly to myself as my husband quietly scrolls on his phone. Things have been going well between us lately, we’ve been more connected than ever since the last incident. I stir a wad of honey into my daily cup of tea as I join my husband at our table.

“Lovely day today isn’t it?" I ask him while gazing at his handsome face. He grins at his phone then looks up to me

“Yeah I guess so”. My smile droops a bit. What was that? Why is he smiling at his phone? My heart speeds up as my breathing increases. ‘Its fine, we are doing well.’ I reassure myself ‘It’s not going to happen again’. I sip my tea as I leave the table. Time to get ready. I slip on a yellow sundress with black flats and head to the bathroom. GUUUURG! POOFT! I spit out my blue mouthwash. ‘It always burns after you brush your teeth’ I thought to myself ‘wonder why’. I chuck my hair into a neat bun and grab my handbag.

“Bye baby, I’ll be home soon” I yell to him as I heave open the hefty wooden door. “Uh huh, yep” he was still engulfed in his phone. my face morphs into a frown as I leave. ‘Nothing’s happening NOTHINGS HAPPENING’ I hop into my car and pull out into the wide suburban street. I look back at my house, take a deep breath and head off. After 6 long sluggish hours of phone calls, I am back on the highway. I quickly glance at my phone, no messages today. My teeth start to grind. ‘It can’t be happening again, can it?’ I speed home to see a white Mazda parked on our driveway. My eyes widen, heart racing. Not again. I burst through our wooden front door as I scan inside. Things have been knocked over and strewn across the house. My heart burned with rage. I follow the large mess to our bedroom door. I check the handle, its locked. I hear wet mushy sounds coming from inside. My stomach drops. I can't believe it.

“OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!” I scream at my partner as I frantically bang on the door. ‘I knew it, I should have trusted my gut’ I angrily scowl to myself. I start to forcefully kick the flimsy door in hopes of the lock breaking, in which it did. I storm into my bedroom to see my partner hovering over another woman. Her long, blonde hair messy, crimson lipstick smeared; bed sheets thrown around. I was furious. My face twists into a hostile growl, literally baring teeth.

“HOW COULD YOU!” I shriek at my husband “AFTER ALL THIS TIME. THINGS WERE WORKING PERFECTLY; WE WERE DOING SO WELL!” My husband jumps with surprise and slowly rises to his feet, sweat rolling off his wet skin. He puts his hands up as a surrender.

“It’s not what it looks like, let me explain” My eyes widen as my mouth curls into a sadistic grin. My body starts to shake as i chuckle to myself, my husband awkwardly following along.

“It’s not what it looks like huh?” I stop laughing and glare at my now scared husband. “You are going to use that excuse AGAIN?” He nervously shakes his head.

“N-No really, I’m serious!” He exclaimed as he tries to defend himself. I see red.

“DO NOT LIE TO ME AGAIN! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I SAW!” I throw my shoes at him and storm out of the room in a miserable anger.

“WAIT STOP!” he follows after me. He grabs my arm in hopes of getting me to stay. I swing my arm around and strike him square in the face.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” My hand stings with satisfaction. He holds his red cheek as he blankly stares at me. I grind my teeth together.

“You said no more lies, you said you wouldn’t do this again.” I disappointingly say. My spouse walks up to me.

“I am truly sorry; I shouldn’t have done it.” I push him away.

“You said that last time and look what happened! We nearly got caught!” He groans “That was an accident!” I chuckle angrily

“How is eating someone a goddamn accident!” he sighs

“for the last time, I was H U N G R Y, I didn’t mean to lose grip!” I take a deep breath and clap my hands together

“We need to be more careful, especially you.” He looks at the mess on the ground. “I’m sorry”. I sigh

“No more hookers and junkies, ok? Only pigs blood.” He whimpers in despair.

“But…Its free food.” I shake my head as I pan across the room, observing the mess the girl made.

“Look what she did” I exclaim while annoyingly looking around the room “Why didn’t you just kill her” My husband stomps his foot childishly

“Well it’s not like I COULD, she was a damn strong!” I chuff and turn towards my spouse.

“Whatever, you’re still cleaning it” My husband sighs in dissatisfaction then gets to work. I slink to my room and throw on some old, ratty clothes and a pair of thick gloves. It’s always me that has to do the hard work. I grab the still warm girl by the arm and drag her outside. I can’t even fathom how people can eat these, they are disgusting. Their blood is too thin and too salty. My preference is pigs blood, it’s sweeter and low in fat. After a rough battle, we arrive outside. grabbing my trusty shovel, I get to work. Once I finish digging the 9 foot hole, I boot the limp girl in and start dropping the soil on top of her. At about 3 feet deep, I grab a spare dead dog from our little tin shed and bury that on top. Now if we do get caught, they won’t find a thing. I smile in satisfaction as I wipe the coarse dirt off my sweaty face. Man, being a vampire is not easy.

July 16, 2020 02:33

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15:58 Jul 20, 2020

Hey Amy, that plot twist took me by surprise! I really liked your ending statement. My only recommendation would be to make the dialogue a little clearer, it's a little tricky to understand who's speaking sometimes. These sentences: “for the last time, I was H U N G R Y, I didn’t mean to lose grip!” I take a deep breath and clap my hands together “We need to be more careful, especially you.” He looks at the mess on the ground. “I’m sorry”. I sigh should be written like this: “for the last time, I was H U N G R Y, I didn’t mean t...


Amy Hunter
09:23 Jul 22, 2020

Thank you for your kind feedback! It really helps alot :)


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