
It was only October when the breaking news came. It had said that there was no more cures to save people from any diseases. I was only eight at the time but now i'm thirteen. I live alone because my whole family died. And I was left alone. Every since that day, I had never really seen people leave there houses. Anything you need, a drone would usually come and deliver it. But I never liked that idea, and as a rule no one was supposed to go out of there houses. We have to do our jobs inside, we can't even have any pets. It's sad in a way, because in the last five years I have seen this world go into shut down. I have never thought that the world could do this, but I was wrong it could and it did. I break the rules all the time, no one knows that i'm alive. So I sneak out, and I hunt for my food, and I explore a lot. But I have to be careful because I didn't want to get caught. Because then I would have to be killed, just like all the other people did if they went outside of there house. And I want to live and be happy, besides all these diseases are like nothing, I mean yes they can be dangerous but what about all those thousands of years ago, when there were a lot more dangerous diseases. How do you think the people had dealt with it back than? I guess what i'm trying to say is, yes people do die they die everyday but just because one person dies doesn't mean that the rest of us have to be locked up, it just means that we have to be aware of what's out there. People don't need to be locked up anymore, if only people could feel what I could feel. When the wind blows in your face it feels like your flying and the sunset, It's so beautiful it's like your in heaven. If only people could see what I see. It's just everyone is so dramatic about this, there just diseases yes we die but others live. You shouldn't live behind closed doors, or live in the past, you should live in the future go explore. I have never lived in my shadow, so why should everyone else? Why make everyone else scared just because you are? why not let people live there life the fullest, you only have one life to live so live it the best you can. People don't know what they are missing out on when they are locked up in there house, they are living a fake life, the real life is outside and sadly, people don't know that. That's why people who are like me, should help those who are living in closed doors, we need to open those doors and let the people see what life they are missing, showing people that we do die and we shouldn't be scared because others live. We should just be happy that we are alive and that we can still do the things we do, people need to let loose of there fears because those fears can turn into memories, good memories. And the less fears we have the more happiness can grow, the more we can live our life. I'm trying very hard to make people see the world even though they can't see me. People deserve the choice to live there life, it shouldn't matter what colour, or where we came from or what me look like, we should be able to live the life we want to. It shouldn't stop us from living our dreams just because someone doesn't want us to, it just means that they are jealous because we know how to live and to be happy, and they just know how to be controlled. So to all those people out there I don't know you, and you don't know me but just live your life enjoy every minute of it. Because you wont know when your last breath will be, and that's why we live laugh and we love. We make memories some maybe good and some not good, but that is life, that is reality. We all should just listen to our hearts and our head don't listen to the haters because they just want to bring you down, in stead of being hurt show them that your happy show them the right way to be happy show them what they are missing. Show them that there are people like you and me that love them. And every day you should say to yourself, I am proud of me, I am proud of what I am, I am proud of what I have accomplish. And I am proud of all of you who made it this far, yes we have our ups and downs but we are still here we are still human we are still us. Stop hiding, stop living your fake life. Go and make the world a better place, make your self a better person. Show the world and other people that you are one, you are whole. People need to know how to open up and need to know that they can trust us. We all need this world to change, we need people to see that they can be whatever they want to be, we need to show them that there are people that love them and that care for them. We need to be strong and we need to be our own person, our own boss. We need to make this old crappy world into a brand new loving one. Make new memories, make new friends and what the hell, make enemies too, just be happy and live. Be the best person you are and live the best life you ever could. And everyone should know, that I love you for who you are even if I don't know you. Enjoy life, and love the person you are, you have one life so make the best out of it.

February 06, 2021 18:42

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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