Fiction Friendship Funny

A girl in amazon forest, taking pictures of the most amazing animals with great joy. She took the pictures to the magazine she works in. The editor saw Amanda’s work; he loved every single picture, and said to her:"this is your best last work you did for this magazine." she was happy for moment and then she was:"what? What do you mean by my last work here?!", He replied:"well Amanda you know the magazine aren’t doing well lately so the board decided to lay off some of the staff. I am very sorry. And hey look for the bright side Valentine's day is just around the corner you will get to spend it with your boyfriend this year."

She left with great disappointment, disappointment that she worked with this man for years and he doesn’t know that she doesn’t have a boyfriend. And sad because she can’t do the only thing she loves to do anymore. So she went home all alone.


The second girl, she is not alone; she has the handsome boyfriend that she loves deeply; he moved in with her for over two years. She is the perfect girlfriend she takes care of him; she cooks for him, does his laundry ..., a beautiful evening, the house is full of the gorges smell of Lucy’s cooking, while her boyfriend is in the shower. The phone make noises, “ring, ring, ring “ a lot of messages came one after another, she looked if it was her phone, but no it is her boyfriend’s, she was curious what the messages are about. She took a sneak peek and found a lot of dirty massages coming from a girl named jessie. She was in total shock the boyfriend came out from the shower saw Lucy holding the phone, he knew she exposed him, so he came clean, he told her everything, he is in love with jessie, she is the real girlfriend not a mom like Lucy. So he left the house, leaving Lucy crying the ugly cry in the kitchen.


Lat night in the office, Henry a hard working young man,l. He is finishing his work, closing his laptop and holding his briefcase and two tickets in his hand looking happy, he left the office, went home to his girlfriend soon will be his fiance, he is planning to propose to her on valentine day in Paris. He entered the apartment when he saw his girlfriend making out with-you knew who? Lucy’s boyfriend- so with shock, he put the tickets on the table and left for good.


A man with no girlfriend or even a friend, he is computer guy, loves is apps and his video games he plays in the house all day, leaving his mother that she lives with him, or I should say he lives with her, with no personnel life. she is unlike her son, very social lady, especially with men. She lately signed in the dating site, and like a beautiful lady she find a match, a gentleman who she invite to her house, she offered to cook for him her favourite dish, and they can have a nice meal under the stars in her balcony. But there is one problem, her son David, he doesn’t have any intention to go out on Valentine's day. So she thought of something, she got a reservation in the restaurant, and she convinced her son to go out with her and her friends to celebrate Valentine's day. As you all think the day’s come, David's mother she got sick. She can’t go with David and her friends to the restaurant but she insisted David Will go and have fun with her friends.

While David is getting ready to go out, to celebrate love. Lucy, amanda and henry, were sitting alone in their homes, watching tv, with lot’s of food, a show like Oprah show, “the healer” spoke about self-love, self-esteem and about your enough, doesn’t matter you’re alone on Valentine day, "get up and take a shower, ware your favourite cloth and go out have a nice meal at your favourite restaurant.", they all were moved by the speech. They did everything the show host said. Lucy arrived at the restaurant, she entered and said to the receptionists:"hello! Can i have a table please?" the receptionists:" do you have a reservation?" “no, i don’t have” Lucy replied, the receptionists:" oh, i’m sorry miss, i can’t help you all the tables are booked tonight."

“but, is there any table is available, please can you check again?” Lucy said .

While the receptionists is looking for the table, Amanda and Henry entered at the same time and said all together:" hello, can I have one table please?" and they looked at each other. The receptionists asked:"are you together?", “ no, we are not.” They both replied. The receptionists said: “ do one of you have a reservation?”

“ no i don’t.” both replied. “I'm sorry, the restaurant is full I can not help you.”, henry said “please, can you check again,I'll take any table, anywhere in the restaurant, even in the kitchen?”, Lucy added:"me too, please,", the receotionists:"I am so sorry, I can’t, it’s Valentine, there is no table left," while henry and lucy were begging the lady to let them in, Amanda was looking around for an empty table, and she found one, -well sort of-, she said to the receptionists:"there is one table is a kind of empty, look this is a big table with just one man,". Henry said:"yes, we can sit there, I don’t think we will bother him, after all it is valentine," “well, I can’t just let you sit on his table, but he was sitting by himself for long time, I think he’s friend canceled,” the recep said, “ can you ask him please, if we can sit on his table?” Lucy asked. The receptionists replied:"that will be the first, but sure I'll ask him,". She went to david’s table - yes as you guessed, it is david- she said:"good evening sir, there are two ladies and a gentleman," -she pointed to them-, “they were wondering if they can join you, if you are by yourself?” he was so shy and embarrassed that he was sitting by himself on this big table surrounding with couples. With no hesitation and with such a relief and happiness said to the receptionists:"of course they can,". So the receptionists invited them, they sat, and they all thank david. For a moment there they all took a good look to each other and laughed. They all ended up having a delightful meal together, they spent the evening talking and sharing their stories, the stories that led them to this restaurant alone, and I hane to say that David Was no longer lonly with no friends.

July 02, 2021 03:59

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Rustys Logic
05:15 Jul 08, 2021

Hi Iman, I loved the plot of your story. I like it how all of the characters come together at the end to celebrate a great Valentine's Day!


Iman Bellatrach
18:45 Jul 08, 2021

Thank u so much, that mean a lot.


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Iman Bellatrach
17:50 Jul 06, 2021

Hi everyone, I hope you'll read my story and tell me what you think about it. Thank u


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