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Drama Fiction Friendship

The loud banging of the speaker can be heard outside the lawn of a bongalow house. A party was hosted here, but the house was empty. For the guests had left earlier. Now two beings can be seen inside. Sweeping, picking up bottles. In short tidying the mess up place.

Aleyn POV

Im Aleyn Rodriquez a 17 year old party goer. Currently cleaning he mess up place with my best friend Jam. His parents knew that he hosted a party so it's no problem. They are rich the typical contrast with "old money"; fr. vieux riche.

We are childhood bestfriends so we're pretty close. Sadly words are lethal he hurt me with his words I retaliated.its exhausting.

Due to his confrontation with his father asking him to go abroad to study. Me pursuading him to take it. He was angry and spouted non sense such as me being his dad's pet always trying to suck up to him. He was pretty harsh and out of the line so I retaliated saying he was such an ***hole and I don't even know how am I still friends with such a jer*.

So here we are in a cold war.

I picked up the bottle sitting near the the moon was full so it shone upon the french window, looking lonely a silhouette forming from the bottle. I stood there motionless even the blaring sound was still on. The only thing keeping the liveliness in this seemingly cold dark house.

I was startled when the music was suddenly cut off a buzzing sound irritating to the ear echoed due to the forceful action of plugging out the plug.

I shook my head to get rid of the ringing sound inside my head and shouted.

Hey ass**** next time can you turn it down first before putting out the plug!!! Such a scoundrel!!!

He ignored me so I walk towards him just to see him. Staring at a cup seemingly different from the party cups that we've clean up. I walk over and inspect it. Nothing was inside so I flipped it over. And the bottom was shallow there plastered a bow and arrow pendant, with a message...

I love you, Happy Friendsary! Aleyn❤️

I tilted my head to the left to look at him.

He was crying silent tears. That clenched my heart ignited a burning sensation in my eyes as tears covered my eyes like mist my vision became blurry as he pulls me into a hug and buried his face on the crook of my neck as he cried silently with muffled sobs that rips heart into pieces.

You know we can't be together... Still you... Why you... I tried to reason out as I choke cause of the crying I was suppressing.

I don't care! I can do everything; I can change my surname!!... I can go to abroad! just don't leave me!!! He said desperately.

I hugged him tightly as I hear him say the most beautiful yet shook my whole being to crumble.

I love you Aleyn... Mahal kita

... Te amo... Wo ai ni... In this lifetime and the succeeding ones.

Please d-dont leave me... I beg you please. He whispered slowly pain evident in his shaking voice.

As I we hug each other, silently crying. In that old bongalow house where we could've done more but make do with jsut this, for now.

Were not real cousins... So please he whispered the words that I was trying to evade and forget. Trying to bury deep in my mind.

I looked at the cup standing at the bar table isolated from everything like our feeling. Inside the arrow and how pendant was situated, I mumbled.

We aren't but in papers we are... I whispered softly as he cried more viloilently...

When we calm down and separated from each other's seemingly warm but dangerous hug. He stared at me deeply trying to delve into my eyes then to my soul. I look away so he walk at the bar tavle one meter apart from us. Pick up the cup and get the bow and arrow inside. I cried feeling helpless as I remember that it was him who induce me to join archery. Who made me look farther. See the sights accurately. And made me love it profusely.

I stared at his hands as he walk towards me. Attached the pendant to the silver chain that matches the bow and arrow pendant with remnants of diamonds place at the tip of the arrow. It looked beautiful and expensive, but filled with meaning.. Just like our love.

He took my hand and place it inside contrary to my expectation.

"I will let you decide... If you want it to be with you all the time. Or keep it inside a box. So that no one can see touch or feel"

"But know that I won't hold back anymore. I will do it the proper way so you ain't need to worry"

He said those words while he held my hands between his. Trying to pacify the surging emotions. I look into those eyes that where as deep as the ocean.

An ocean that is surged with storm but deep in the bottom remain clear and placid. Resolute in everything, undoubtedly he is be Jamren Hestinio.

Jam I can't promise you anything for I don't just settle with words. We've got long way to go. It will be tough messy and filled with debris. Obstacles will be everywhere hindering us but my feet is agile and steady though it might shook from time to time. I still got you right. And up until the end as long as I have you. Untill then that you don't, I love you. I said with extreme seriousness.

We stare at each other's eyes for who knows how long. As I try to spluoores the smile that keeps on showing. Not in embarassment but the joy that we cannot hide I embraced him tightly once more.

We clean up the house and got to the city. Facing the problems after problems hat will come. I wasnt scared for that last cup will always linger inside my head buried inside my heart. Always to remember me what this is.

Though this love is unsure, dangerous and crazy. Let the waves take control.

May 07, 2021 17:38

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Hanah Limasag
12:26 May 09, 2021



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