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Urban Fantasy

Zik n Zak

Zik n Zak

The whole sky is full of stars with repeatedly falling stars, the road of night darkness, like the Florida Georgia black tar Highway, was moving at full speed.

But for me, the Permanent Georgian currently Cincinnati, Ohioan, maybe all the other speeds in the world were either not so much in other parts now or it seemed to me.

Because now Zak was gone.

Due to the presence of Zak for about a month,

After some happiness and a little bit of fun, now it seems that the car of these temporary pleasures of mine not only did it slow down but has got brakes or maybe someone has also applied the handbrake.

It cannot be said that in order to meet him again, it is absolutely necessary that, like the first meeting, the comet of Haley in the sky should once again appear?

Although, I remember the first glimpse of Zac, Zac nevertheless appeared before the appearance of Haley's star, and despite all its mystery and my curiosity, wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans with Red P cap on head & a laptop in hand, and Shire Belgian shoes, he seemed more heavenly than Haley, and it must have been Tuesday evening and The next day was that, the breaking news of the comet of every news channel was going on, and in the same way, after watching Zak, my condition which I would not call sick ... but ... yes, of course, was getting weirder and weirder ... Now you may be wondering why weird? I ask you if you see an object or entity that does not look like a human being or any other terrestrial animal, and which you see in your back side on Tuesday evening, Transparent Golden, and the next morning in the front, Find in another color?

Then surely you wouldn't order a family size double lord, buttercream, Italian pizza on this day in peace, nor would you have a good drink? Or will you take?

By the way, there is a funny thing in all this, you may not believe that my strange condition was only a guest for two hours, that evening, when, It had changed from golden to red, for the first time, he said a some words, maybe in new England states type of an English.

While purple, he made astronomy, sociology in Spanish, ethics in French, and psychology his subject was in Arabic, and then, when he was probably hungry, he turned pale and spoke eloquently on economics and politics in northern Russian language.

The family pizza dinner was ordered by Zak and off-the-record and with censored I apologize to the Department of Health that we both drank Tennessee whiskey all night but never smoked. But that night, that is for sure, we were both probably changing colors.


My father, who has a purely materialistic mindset, owns 2 restaurant in Georgia & 2 in Texas, while my mother moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, after my father's separation, where I had a family quarrel two years ago. And yes I forgot to introduce myself, my all friends call me Tom Zik, i passed high school in 2010. By the way, I am also an amateur rape singer. I like Kenny West. I am often in the evening club. Sometimes I go to church on Sundays.

My mother has been in Georgia for a week now, with some references to the divorce papers. But, she was arriving in Cincinnati on Thursday evening. In short, there were only 24 hours to left fighting between my mother and Zak because it was 100% certain that my mother would have to face Zak.

I was worried about Zak but I was also excited for the match between Manchester United and Liverpool 24 hours later at home. By the way, I think the biggest and most unique reason for the expected match between my mother and Zak, Timely change of color of Zak, and my mother had a permanent oneness, the same great oneness that would eventually lead to the divorce of my father and mother.

Now the other thing is that my one day or so spent with Zak, as much as time has passed, I find it very easy to change color over time, more rewarding and more conscious and educated, at least we cannot be called like this goat, when only a drop of rain falls on the body, with a very sharp grin, for the last half a million years, just looking for a canopy.

Anyway, more than a canopy or a roof, I just needed to prepare for the situation that was to come a few hours later and which I had to handle without a canopy.

And to solve this problem I looked at Zak who was smiling in a very meaningful way in full sulfur black and also trying to explain something to me with hand gestures maybe he was telling me to call someone.

And holding a picture of latest model roles rise car in the hand, I guessed from the purely materialistic gestures that he was telling me to call my daddy, I told him in a dumb, deaf gesture, as well as in the Swiss-English touch of the Spanish flavor by the French background, "Zak, take my place, talk to my father for a while, maybe he'll agree." In pure Sanskrit, he said, "What kind of cold war is there between you and your father?" And why?

I said he was a principled man, he wanted me to do business and I was an art lover, aspiring to be a rap singer.

Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first, and this right should be for everyone.

Zak replied in Goethe-style pure German,

Maybe he said that your thoughts are great.

And as he explained and did all this, first some pink, and then sky-blue for a while, after shining and bursting fireworks, then he had become Lily White.


By the time my mother entered the room, And the room less, so to speak, if not the fish market, then at least it would be like a small bar, and my mother, after staring at the empty bottles, took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa. I was watching TV news, while Zak was in Green, playing electrical piano.

My mother without looking at Zak and without paying attention, get the latest news updates from me,

when I then asked about the divorce papers, the mother said that the bipartisan lawyers had given the parents one month and time to reach a final decision.

Then the mother said, "Let's be good. Once again, it is wise to think and make a decision, and then the time is only a month."

I asked my mother what you want.

What should happen?

The mother said calmly,

"There must be something in which my son, I and my husband are all satisfied."

I smiled at my mother's words.

Then the mother started ordering lunch for two people on her mobile phone,

Then Zak suddenly turned red and yellow with anger.

And Mozart's tune began to play faster,

I told my mother to order lunch for three people, thus Zak turned pale pink and he played the Titanic,

The mother said,

"Oh, my son, maybe father's love is making you emotional."

I smiled and said,

"Father is father anyway.

Mother smiles,

If only father is everything, then why did you leave home two or three years ago?"

My differences with my husband also started after your Cincinnati came.

 Why did you leave your sweet home Georgia?

What I gave now is that,


LA, New York, Texas, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama or Cincinnati Ohio are all going to be Sweet homes but when you have freedom there?

Do you have any freedom? Why are you divorced?

Fuchsia colored Zac, had a very sad melody on the piano, mother speak, you are right too but son now I realize that there should be limits to freedom as well as traffic signals and those that look like life is just imprisoned in red, yellow and green but this red, yellow, green, also, imprisonment is the lifeblood of traffic flow, meaning that the laws or systems that we come to regard as imprisonment are meant to give us freedom and life, and no matter what the rules or the different scattered colors are the identities of living people and living societies.

Zak was rapidly turning red-yellow-green.

I looked carefully at my mother who was reading the divorce papers, then I looked at Zak, he was now scattering the colors of the rainbow, I was glad that my mother was starting the month very positively, but I was surprised that, my mother hadn't taken any notice of Zak yet, don't know why?

And so what about the match between Manchester United and Liverpool, it seems that the match between Durham and Cardiff doesn't seem possible then, so how is big match will also be postponed due to inclement weather.

Zak teased Rainy day and swayed.


Throughout the day, the Ohio sky remained Niagara Falls

And Chelsea football team kit shirt coloring Zac's nose was about to run less than that, It seemed that dozens of goals were scored Chelsea today.

Then the spectacle was that he was wearing a woolen hat on his head, so either he was a Siberian bear,

Otherwise, he was definitely an Alaskan cat. My eyes were on the Zak.

I was shaving. His beard was also growing. Seeing that, I said that my mother did not take any notice of your presence. It is very surprising.

Zak smiled, and after a while

He told me in a purely philosophical way that you should talk to your father as you did to your mother.

Always remember that the solution to big problems is possible only through table discussions and dialogue.

He turned his hand over his face saying he was clean shaven in an instant.

I almost jumped up and said... How did you do that? Then he put his hand on my face but my face remained the same. Then he started spreading the philosophy that everyone is responsible for himself and I am not a family barber anyway. During this time he was completely whitish in color,

He spoke again,

If we start fulfilling our responsibilities.

So there will be no problems.

But the tragedy is that man is very easygoing and..... and...... I put my hand over his mouth.

Although in the meantime,

Philosophy is distorted and distorted,

Now he was deeply purple,

In pure Portuguese he began to say again, perhaps for the first time in my name,

Look, zik, the world is so big,

In it all kinds of colors, seasons, thoughts and ideologies, people, people's natures, are different, each has its own importance and place,

But still everyone is a part of each other,

Now, if your father runs after money according to you

So very wrong?

Is that so?

Well tell me if there is no wealth, means, material or capital in the world,

Only human hands and artificial machines.

So will everything get better?

Capital or material is not corruption in itself,

How do you use it? &,

What kind of rules have individuals and institutions proposed for its proper use in society?

This becomes a debate.

While green and sneezing three or four times, He began to speak in a hilly Scottish accent,

Capital comes into being by accumulating labor. Suppose the daily wage of a laborer is Rs.1000. Out of this he saves a hundred rupees daily. At the end of the month, he accumulates 3,000. He buys a trolley. Buying this increases its efficiency. He now earns 2,000 a day by working with this.

Then he saves more and saves a year and buys a pickup. This further enhanced his ability to work. Now working with him, he earns10, 000 a day.

We saw how capital came into being. Every day the laborer accumulated a little labor, that is, every day he saved a little of his wages. And capital came into being which doubled and then quadrupled the efficiency of labor.

In the first example, we saw that capital increased the efficiency of labor by 800 times. Here, too, the efficiency of workers who work with machines in factories increases hundreds of times. Even an illiterate person can easily understand this process.

Then the capital that is used in trade is also obtained from savings. No one descends from the sky.

Buying a laborer's trolley and pick-up, buying a farmer's plow, plowing and tractor, installing machinery in factories and buying merchandise, etc., are all called investments.

Since capital is the result of savings, the total investment at the national level will be equal to the total savings.

Now, if the people of a country do not save, how will capital come into being there, and if capital does not come into being, how will the working capacity and efficiency of the people there increase?

After complete transparent ash white, then with a cool sigh he began to speak in the style of the desert Bedouins of the Arab villages,

But on the other hand, we see that some of Nature's own principles have certain requirements.

Savings of any kind do not last long. For example, a cooked meal is fine for a few hours.

After a while the grain looks like a moth,

Fruits also have timings,

The water also rots in one place

Even the blood circulating in our body gives fresh oxygen to every part otherwise death is certain,

In terms of wealth

More wealth, more worries, more enmities,

You're own and your family security issues,

Fear of theft and robbery,

Various diseases due to tension due to change in price of petrol, currency and gold, silver and other gems.

Making a Blend of Karl Marx and Adam Smith,

Zak said ... Impossible to build capital without savings, Impossible to live without capital,

But the principles of nature,

And human self-esteem demands that everyone have the right to live freely.

So, it is the job of the world's powers, governments and institutions to create a law and order or system in which every color, thought, gender, age and class can move forward with freedom.

Then they first greeted me in pure Indian style, next he bowed to his waist in Japanese style and left the room.

Cooking, frying & mixing Socrates, Plato, Malthus, Karl Marx, Adam Smith & Sigmund Freud, at that time Zak, himself was logical golden or probably was dry like philosophy books but fragrant like a garden, Maybe even quite theoretical tasty too?


It was so cold this morning that even in the afternoon, like the sun shuddered from the cold.

While, at first I was worried that

Why no one but me is taking notice of Zak,

Why? Does he only see me?

Who is he? Where did he come from Why did he come?

Does he has anything to do with Haley's comet?

Changing colors, speaking different languages, why?

And now that he hasn't seen me in two days, has he gone back? And was that a message to me?

The night before, when the sky was suddenly clear, he had probably disappeared.

Who was he?

And that's why,

I also have had a Flu type headache, since morning and I have the biggest tried and tested prescription, the hottest two cups of expresso coffee, are enough, then meditate for about fifteen minutes, And now I've probably done only half the journey of meditation, because of my own fault, that is, not to turn off the mobile phone.

The cell phone screamed as if waking me up.

My dad was on the phone, yes, surprisingly, rather you can name this, the only phone call, Renewal and return, Renewal and return part2 and Renewal and return's returns, because what my father said, let's share it,

How are you Zic? Never make a phone call, I miss you son, how is your singing and music going?

You come to me and play music with me, not long ago I have formed a band myself, Guitarist, drummer, orchestra is also fine, but just need a good singer.

Yes i want your mother back with you, she was in the right place maybe I am wrong but now I realize my mistake, I have also spoken to your mother on the phone and now we will all live together. 

Now tell me, what will be my answer?

Because at first I wondered about my father how the East became the West, and then how the sea breeze blew in Colorado, which became a Hurricane, Hundreds of miles away Ohio

And the storm that went and fought to Georgia via Dad's band.

Let me give you an indication that my answer contained all the colors of Zak, all the accents of Zak, all the languages, all the philosophies, from the Socrates to Freud.

So I said to my father, just some lines, And whatever you call the lines, let's remember Zak's philosophical memory, so, this is the classical Capital Socio Ethical Liberal lines.

And those were the lines, 

'''' In Ohio & anywhere else in this whole planet, although, you have your own freedom of thought, living, Profession, or any kind of other liberty, But in Georgia, '''' father has the father & we, in the Great parents' bosom are Ethical Liberals.''''

Story, Zic n Zac, by Syed Wajeeh Ahmed.

Cell & WhatsApp, +92 332 3116805.

E-Mails, wajih.hashmi@yahoo.com


November 23, 2020 19:43

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1 comment

Munmun Singh
18:14 Dec 04, 2020

Hey, I was your critique for the week. I liked the descriptions and metaphors. But other than that, it was very difficult for me to read the whole story. There are grammaticals that need to be worked on, so that the story is clear and readable. Wish you luck. Cheers.


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