Fiction Horror Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

I'm Jennifer, my friends call me J'en, a thirty-three yealr old single woman. No education, Working in a bowling Alley. No kids, no serious boyfriend. I'm not able to find myself a husband material guy. Since I lost my baby five years ago, my boyfriend left me. I've been single since. This time of year is the hardest part of the year for a single lady, that doesn't even have a cat. What I called the kill zone, you get killed, or kill yourself.

I used to walk at night through the cemetery after my evening shift, but not today, not on Halloween week. It's like this every year, the week before Halloween. It's nice to see the houses with all the Halloween décoration, but it scares me even though they are made of plastic and are fake ghosts. Seven more days of horror movies on television is why my mind is playing tricks on me. Plus, the temperature rose a bit, that's why there's fog everywhere, horror movie style. To add to all this it's supposed to be the full moon this week. I don't like this time of the year, everyone trying to be funny by scarring other people. Every single year, kids are throwing garbage at my door and calling me the witch.

No way I'm going to give Them candy, with all the ghouls, the goblin, and the werewolf roaming the streets. It's the best way of getting raped and left for dead or getting killed. People finding You two or three months later, no thanks. You know when you have the feeling of being watched? Lately, I have this feeling every time I walk home from work. Last night, I was sure to be followed by some creep. When I turned around, I did not see anybody.

The hair on the back of my neck raised straight up, goosebumps immediately. Since I'm not taking my usual path, it's taking me ten minutes longer to get home. Tonight, I'm walking faster. I feel a weird vibe in the air that I don't like. Finally, in front of my house, I always prepare my keys before I get to the door.

"Jackie!" a whispered voice.

I even felt a chilling breeze in the back of my neck. I dropped my keys and turned around quickly. Again, nobody was there. I picked up my keys so fast and got in. I took a very long hot shower that night. The mirror was all foggy, but there was something written in the mirror. I Could see the name Jackie written with someone's finger. Somebody was playing with me, I had such difficulty sleeping that night., but when I finaly fell asleep. Weird dream I had all night. In my dream, I saw a teenage girl looking at me without doing anything but staring. Pale skin, wet hair she's only wearing white close.

Back from work again. When I came to the cemetery, I stopped short. I could not believe it, I wasn't sleeping, and there she was in front of me. It was only when she began to move her hand that I ran as fast as I could to the left. No way I could go through the cemetery after that. I managed to get home safely. I prepared my Keys before opening the door, and There she was, in my house, in my face. As she opened her mouth, that's when I screamed so loud she vanished. The neighbor's outside light opened, and he squeezed his head out between the door and the door frame.

"Are you okay?" Ask the friendly neighbor.

"Yes thank you, a spider scared me!" I said to the curious neighbor.

That night, I called a friend to come to my house. I could not stay Alone after those events. I brushed my teeth and realized there is someone in my bathtub. The curtains were closed, but I could feel her presence. The goosebumps are back.

"leave me alone!" I shouted really loud.

"I choose you." whispered the girl.

"get out of my house!" as I told her she disappeared before I opened the shower curtains. On the shower wall, I could read 'Jackie in the cemetery,' written in blood.

In the morning there was a message in my coffee, 'cemetery'. In the morning, I decided to get there to see if i could find something. I was curious why she said that she chose me.

In the cemetery, I Found a girl named Jackie Smith. She died in twenty-twenty-two at sixteen years old. Why did she choose me to scare the hell out of me? Somebody puts His hand on my shoulder making my heart stop.

"Hi !" says the guy who take care of the cemetery. "So sad, poor girl!"

"You know what happened to her?"

"Yeah, got killed by her mother, stab to death. Thirteen times in the chest and the neck"-

"Thank you, I got the pictures!" I needed to Cut it short. Her mother killed her, and then she chose me, why? 

After work, I walked home like always and I went to the cemetery. I have goosebump on my body and the hair on my neck rise again like every time she is near me, she's probably close, but I can't see her. 

The next morning I have an appointment with my doctor. Every year since I lost my baby I go see him and he's telling me the same thing year after year.

I tell him all about my dream, my hallucination.

"You're too stressed., I'm going to give you pills, they going to make you sleep." the doc says, but there is something else. "It might not be good for the baby! Did you know you are pregnant?"

"No!" I was so surprised. "It's not possible !"

"Why is that?" Ask the doc.

"Because we took our precautions."

"It only takes one time!" Explain the expert." Well, I have your test result right here in front of me, we can run these tests again if you want?"

"No, it's okay!"

"Do you have a name in mind?"

"No, I didn't even know I was having a baby! I have to go!" as I was leaving the office he called me out.


"yes!" as I turned around.

"Jackie's a beautiful name for a girl!"

October 27, 2023 14:19

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Emilie Ocean
17:03 Oct 31, 2023

Loved reading Ghost of Halloween. I feel for the MC. Thanks so much for sharing :)


M.R. Simon
18:06 Oct 31, 2023

Thank for talking the time to Read m'y story. Happy that you've Enjoy it. 👍


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