Emilie Ocean

Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2022

3 Stories

81 karma pts


Author bio

Emilie Ocean is a fantasy writer and polyglot originally from Réunion Island. She has a bachelor’s degree in LLCE (languages, literature and foreign civilisations) from the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, and a master’s degree in Literary Translation from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. After starting her journey as a translator, she embarked upon a career as a writer. Ocean has a passion for languages and speaks Reunionese, French, English, and Spanish, which she often uses in her writing. She enrolled in a Counselling & Psychology course at PCI College in September 2022, which helps her analyse her characters’ behaviour and life choices. Ocean currently resides in Galway, Ireland, where she has been working on her Chronicles of Protectors series. Protectors Inc. is her first novel, soon to be published. Follow me on Instagram at @author_emilie_ocean