
  My life has always been one derived in pleasure. I'm sure many other animals will tell you the same thing. You've given me a voice and this dreaded intelligence but from that grin I can tell it's not for me to just have. You want something from me.

  Yes I will tell you it,all of it and hopefully you'll get what you're looking for.

  Life was so simple and pure. It's only come into horrible clarity with this dreaded intelligence that you've cursed onto me for the sake of my narrative. 

  They cared for me all my life,my first memory was of one of them holding me in their arms and whispering sweet promises of love. I couldn't open my eyes yet but I didn't need to see to feel the tenderness of their heart.

   When I opened my eyes I saw them. My family. It was small but my heart radiated with love for all of them. Two women, a blonde with emerald eyes and the other with blue hair and blue diamond eyes. Their daughter, Lizzy. Oh Lizzy she was wonderful in every regard she loved more than my owners did and was truly my best friend. She was my girl.

  Life was easy and fast. I wagged my tail when they got home and sometimes would push Lizzy to the floor and kiss her face. They would pet me whenever I came up to them and if I was really lucky I would get a treat. 

  There were some more unsavory times. Like when they took me to the vet and he stuck what seemed like infinite needles into me. Both my owners had to hold me down when he did that which I still liked,it felt like a big hug.

  I adored the green grass of the park,the wind blowing against my face when I stuck my head out of the car and the runs me and Lizzy would do together sometimes for fun in the backyard. Being inside this frosty plain room of yours makes me long for it even more so.

  Yes,I will get on with my story.

  It didn't happen gradually,it struck like a lightning bolt setting fire to a tree. It all started 2 months ago before my… arrival here. I can't help but ponder on that if I had been intelligent then and there I could have prevented the downfall of my family. I know better however. The story of my family could only end in death and misery. 

  I was sleeping on my girls floor by her bed. When I was a puppy I would sleep on the bed but I was a grown German Shepherd and those aren't ideal for a twin bed. 

  My smile? Yes I still smile! She's still my girl, my best friend. What her two mom's did doesn't change that even now with me being...

Someone screamed in the house as the front door slammed open. I woke almost instantly like I hadn't been sleeping at all. I looked at my girl and her eyes were wide and scared. I was growling the moment I woke up because I knew something was wrong. I ran to the scream,trying to protect my girl from this unknown  entity in our house. No one messes with my girl.

   I barked all the way down to the door,I was telling them to back off. At the front door my teeth were glaring out in the flooding moonlight. I was ready to fight but then I saw my two masters. My blonde master was holding up a man, and the blue haired master was cutting off his tongue with a green knife with an ancient looking grip. He screamed again but they were garbled blood drenched screams. I can now relate these screams to what I think tortured souls bellow in hell without an angel to save them. 

  My eyes were locked on the intruder ready to jump and tear his throat out if he tried to do anything to my masters .His body seemed lifeless and threatless,my blonde master looked like she was supporting him and the only thing he could seem to do was scream. 

  He had a ring on his ring finger and I now know that meant he was a married man. His hands were covered in paint and I recognized the paint. It was a special type where your kid could throw it on the wall and it would come off with a little soap and water. It was what my girl used to play with when I was a puppy. So he had kids too…

  They slammed the front door shut. My blue haired master carelessly cut his face splashing blood to the floor. The more he cried the more relieved they looked. I didn't understand anything that was going on but I knew if my masters needed to do this then I wouldn't object. It was in my nature to obey them.

  They threw him in the basement. They didn't even bother to tie him up. Then it happened. What I supposed you brought me here to find out.

  They were home all the time now except my girl. She still had to go to school after all. I was of course melancholic when she left but I had my other masters to attend to.I went up to each of my masters at least a dozen times in a day. I would wag my tail go up to them and beg for treats and be overjoyed that they were spending more time with me. I'm sure I bothered them while they were watching TV or reading a book but I needed to love them. 

  You leaned in? Yes looking back at I can recall what that book was.

  It was written in some ancient language. Something even with all this knowledge you've bestowed upon me I can only make out the first three words of the title,"Summoning,sacrificing,pledging-". The book itself looked like it had an eternal layer of dirt printed on it. It was wrapped in dried animal skin and back then I had a bad feeling about it.

  My girl came home one day looking angry. I jumped on her and licked her face. That cheered her up at least a little. I loved her too much for her to be that angry. She was angry because she wasn't allowed to leave when she got home from school. I never wanted her to leave so I was happy about my master's new rule. She wasn't and would voice her issues with it openly and angry with them. My masters would explain to her that she didn't understand the gravity of the situation. She said she didn't care. They were yelling at each other and I was at my girls side.. They were my masters but like I told you no one messes with my girl. 

  My girl stormed off to her room and slammed it shut before letting me in. I whined and scratched the door but she didn't let me in. That was okay, she was mad but I at least wanted to make her happy. My blonde master was angry and stormed off the basement. I followed her down those dark steps ignorant to what she was about to do. I owed it to her to make her feel better,she was spending more time with me after all.

  I did not know so I did not take any action in the name of what's right. I was in servitude to my masters so I just watched. I watched as her knife slit his eyes in half. I watched as she took off his fingers with pliers. I watched as she tore teeth from their fleshy dens and forced him to swallow them. I watched on the edge of the last step and smiled. Waiting for her to come back so we can go upstairs so I can do tricks and make her laugh. 

  I hope by the end of my narration you'll strip me of this horrible intelligence and cast me off into whatever pit you cast our souls into.

  So this repeated. Me being at home with my masters getting attention and love. The man in the basement being tortured by my masters and my girl shutting herself in her room angry. Sometimes she would let me in and I was happy about that. I was so so happy. That's when I noticed the man changing. What I'm sure you're keenly interested in. When the man started to glow. When his blood turned into dark black liquid but glowed like aged mutated fungi. How his skin turned blue and his eyes started to look like mine,like an animal. I don't think he no longer wished for death. I don't think he wished for anything in fact his mind looked blanked and his spirit….denigrated. 

  A black robed man came to our house one day.I was armed and ready to sink my teeth in his neck but each of my masters greeted him with a deep kiss. They looked disgusted when they put their lips upon his did it but they also looked scared. I was barking madly at him, back then I didn't know what was wrong with him but I could smell a special brand of evil. Something more potent then what I could smell from that old book. 

  We all went down to the basement and the man down there was nothing more than a breathing statuel. The dark cloaked man chuckled underneath his cloak and caressed my masters breasts with a single finger. He seemed pleased but I was angry. 

  These are the words I am in no doubt you are looking for. These are the words that destroyed my household and brought me to you."You have done well with this one. You are almost free, Rathiilionia almost forgot her curse but she wants the girl." He stood next to the tortured man. A dark line slithered from the darkness and formed a million x's on the floor beneath the cloaked man and the tortured  one. made a strange cross with a thousand little xs all around it. Then the black markings clung to their bodies and said the words,"Ree Agatha Tulu Mier Ra Za" then they simply disappeared. If that's a code you need well now you have it.

  I am sad. You can see it in my eyes and I can see the understanding in yours. What I did I would do over and over until all of existence turns to dust. I would do it all for my girl.

  Three days pass,three last blissful days where I was happy playing with my girl,getting snacks and attention from my masters. They never left the house and I loved them so much for wanting to spend so much time with me but I could tell they were stressing over an issue.

 My masters looked absolutely lost in despair and melancholy. They had bags under their eyes, they weren't sleeping.

  It was a Thursday when it all fell apart. My girl  was due home from school any minute now instead of waiting on the couch my masters were waiting at the door. When she got home she was confused why they were both waiting there for her but that confusion didn't last long. With tears running down both of my masters eyes they dragged her to the basement and threw her to the floor. I barked at them, I was pleading for them to let her go but they didn't listen.

   My masters had knives and pliers in their hands. I knew what happened to the man down here. I saw it in their eyes like how I see the look in another dog's eyes when they're chasing squirrels or cats and we know what happens when they catch them. My masters told my girl they were so sorry but I was the one who was truly sorry. 

  I ran in front of my girl as my blue haired master was coming towards my girl with the pliers. I jumped on her, knocking her to the floor and sunk my teeth into her neck. I bet other animals don't feel anything when they're killing another animal except triumphed but I did. I felt pain and I can divine its meaning through the brilliance running inside my mind. I tasted her blood and quickly tore her throat out. A large gap in her neck showing parts of her throat was gushing blood. She looked towards the ceiling shocked as she died in a growing pool of her own blood. I'm sorry master.

   I growled at my blonde haired master telling her to back off. She said it was alright. She held out a treat and I was hoping everything was back to normal. When I went to bite the treat she stabbed me. She stabbed me hard in my side and by golly the pain I felt was intense and horrible. A flame rose inside me and I jumped on her pushing her to the floor. I was going for her neck but she kicked me off and when I was getting up  she stabbed me in my back three times. It hurt so much but I thought of my girl and fought through the pain and charged at her one last time. 

  I bit her hand off and as she was screaming as I tore her face apart. Chewing off her frontal until I got to her brain and took a big bite out of it. Her face had loose skin and bits of flesh hanging from the sides. Her frontal was covered in tatters of skin and flesh. You could see her the pieces of her brain I chewed up. I'm sorry master.

  I layed down next to my girl and put my head on her lap. I was in so much pain but I was also so tired. My girl was crying a lot but she was safe, that's all that mattered. I wanted to sleep so badly but I knew this would be the last time I got to spend time with her. She  patted my head and it was the most heavenly feeling on earth. She kept telling me I was a good dog. That I was always a good dog. If I could talk like I can now I would tell her she was an even better girl. She told me that she loved me and I would give anything to tell her that I loved her too but I'm sure she knew. I'm sure she knew everyday. 

  You have what you want. I'm sure those words are the key to that devil or god you're searching for so please send me anywhere else and strip me of this hellish knowledge.

   What are you? Why is that door opening there are so many lights that I can't see…..

  Is that my girl? That's my girl!

March 26, 2020 04:06

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