Crime Fiction Mystery

The lawn was decorated with nice scented flowers and beautiful lights. People were excited and rejoice to here the much awaited announcement. Suddenly Harry’s dad Richard’s voice came in the mic, thanking everyone to join this ceremony ,was very happy. This engagement took place in their own beautifully, decorated, huge lawn. The place was attractive because of fantastic decoration, the beauty was enhanced by the nearby pool. Everything was very pleasing. A variety of dishes place at a corner. Every type of dish was available. it was a lovely engagement . Harry and Aliya coming on the stage ,With their charming dresses, Aliya wearing a long ,beautiful frock which ended up to the toe. The dress colour was peach and there were shiny ,bright diamonds on the frock while Harry was wearing his pant coat of black colour and his red coloured tie. All the lights of the Hall were off and one light was highlighting them.Everyone looking at both of them. They came walking on the red carpet placed in the centre of the hall . Cameras and lights had their attention. Finally they were on the stage. They were taking pictures with their relatives and talking to them. Now it was tea time. Aliya and harry , Both were having a Cup of cappuccino. a variety of coffees and teas were placed. It was mind blowing. Harry’s mother Kate and his father Richard were very happy as well as all Aliya's mother lily and his father William were also very happy. Both families belonged to a rich society ,a very high class and decent society where they used to live. William and Richard are best friends wanting to create a great bonding between their families. Aliya Was a very well educated, fashionable, rich, beautiful and modern girl. Harry was also very well educated, Rich, modern, decent, and groomed boy. Harry used to spend his time in get together with his four friends Edward ,John, Ron and Charles,he used to go to parties and enjoy sleep overs with his friends. His friends were very kind, nice , also rich and funny . They were so good friends that nothing could break their friendship but this time he decided to go to the sea side with Aliya so he could spent some time with her and enjoy. The ocean was wavy and deep. The water was mediterranean blue . In front of them was an attractive view.The waves were crawling gently to the shore.The gushing waves were comforting.The humming of the wave-song beguiled them .Suddenly 3 robbers, masks on their faces ,came and snatched some things like her expensive cell phone and her most expensive purse from Aliya. Harry tried to save the things but one of the robbers fired the gun and the other robber was killed . so they ran away and poor Harry was caught in this murder. Harry tried to explain the officers that he is innocent and blameless but the officers locked him in the jail of Juvedile ,the most unwanted prison of that country . The prison had only a kerosene lamp for light. The fence of the jail was as strong as metal. He was locked up with four other murderers, he was scared but he got a little bit friendship with them and he tried to escape with them but they couldn't because the prison was dark and it was surrounded by more than 100 guards. They added an officer in their gang and the officer called one of his member to blast a bomb at the opposite side of the hail so every one gets out and they escape . And that's what really happened. They escaped They ran in different directions. The name of the prisoners were David, Warren, Carlos and Bill. They didn’t contact their parents as phone numbers we're being traced. Bill was caught while the others ran .Harry ran and ran and he got inside a train and fell. As Bill was caught so he was taken back to the dangerous prison of Juvedile. Harry fell on the door of the business class of the train. The train was long, huge and a good travelling vehicle. The business class of the train was not less then the most comfortable place. It had everything you wanted . It was relaxful, comfortable and peaceful. It was cool and his had bed come sofas. Every thing was very perfect . It was amazing .Harry was in sleep-like state and could smell Cappuccino,that's Harry's favourite coffee. In his sleep-like state he thought in his dream that he is taking Cappuccino with Aliya on his engagement. Two people came ,one was Jack the engineer and the other was Mike the professor. They called Harry inside the business class. Harry looked like an old man with London beard hair and moustaches. His clothes looked like pours. Harry was scared but he came in. The ticket collector came but Harry had no tickets so the 2 men gave money for his seat . Mike and Jack wanted to take a cup of tea so they also asked Harry if he would like some. So Harry replied he wants cappuccino. Jack and Mike thought that he is uneducated but style and accent Harry spoke” Cappuccino “was different so they asked him if he is an educated person so Harry didn't reply because he thought that he will be caught by the police . After his Cappuccino came he took a sip and it took him at the time of his engagement and Aliya sitting next to him both taking the same flavoured Cappuccino. Well Harry was lost in that aroma. Harry was in his imagination . Imagining of his favourite coffee Cappuccino and when he used to take it . He was totally lost ,its taste took him to the time, he used to hangout with his friends and that's how his journey ended. It took him to his parents and how he used to take it every day .Harry thought that it's real but it was not . Only one sip of Cappuccino can take him to his previous life. Suddenly the door of the business class was knocked. Harry came back from his imagination and he thought that it is the police and he was scared. But no one knew who was knocking the door. 

     The End 

October 02, 2020 20:30

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Howard Halsall
12:43 Oct 08, 2020

I enjoyed the idea for your story, however I felt there might have been information that was revealed in a previous episode. Is this part of an ongoing saga, perhaps? If so, I look forward to your next piece. Well done.


Huma Imran
13:48 Oct 09, 2020

Good guess . it's just a small part of my story . Well I would love to share my whole story with you . Thanks for the comment Howard Halsall.


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Anisha Zubair
16:23 Oct 05, 2020

It is a really good story. I am highly impressed. Good job.


Huma Imran
16:28 Oct 05, 2020

Thank you


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Emaan Zahid
16:40 Oct 07, 2020

Wow it was an amazing story. I really like it . Each and every thing is described well . The words used for describing are mind-blowing . It is extremely impressive. I hope you carry on like that . It was very interesting and suspenseful when I was reading your story. Wish you a very best luck! 🙂


Huma Imran
07:16 Oct 08, 2020

Thanks you so much


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Ahmed Imran
12:06 Oct 06, 2020

It's an amazing story. I really like it. The way you described each and everything is very good . Wish you best luck !


Huma Imran
09:47 Oct 07, 2020

Thank you!


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