
Let’s play hide and seek and I’m sure, I’ll definitely find you because there is nothing in the world that secrets will stay hidden forever. A woman was standing in a front of the mirror, looking for her reflection, thinking if she can do more, if she can show to others how great he is, but she’s thinking she’s not because there is judgement, there will be a mouth that can hurt you emotionally so you hid it to be perfect, to not be judged even it’s not you. You can be more, you can do more, if you just be yourself, you can be changed but don’t changed because of the others, changed because you wanted to but if I can say something, don’t changed and just be yourself. 

Hey, it’s Monday and its time to attend my class, I’m a high school student, my name is Chelsea Marie Rodriguez, a smart and talented girl, everyone like me, everyone telling that they know me, are they really know me? I guess no, but I should go now, the bell already rang, I’m going. Bye.

A girl Chelsea Marie is a very talented student and graduating in high school. She receives different scholarship for being athlete and for academic. Everyone could say, she has everything, but that feeling differs from her. She doesn’t want her body, she doesn’t want her name, she doesn’t want to live in this world. She lives alone and getting some help of her uncle, her uncle helping her with her tuitions when she’s on the first year of high school but for the last year of high school, she doesn’t want to accept the money that her uncle wants to give her. She receives a scholarship who supporting her studies. She’s working as a part timer in a coffee shop. She looks strong on outside but she’s very weak inside because of the secret she’s hiding. The alarmed rings and she prepares for school, she cooked her breakfast and take a bath. In the school where everyone idolized her, she lives well, compete well and receives full of awards but every time you hide, there will be a chance that you will encounter it, and worse can ruined your life and changed your lifestyle in life. The new teacher enters her classroom, it his uncle. The fear can see on her eyes, by looking on it, she really scared and unexpectedly stand and everyone shocked, but because of her quick-witted, she already looks for a reason to leave a classroom that hour. She stays in the comfort room for almost one hour, waiting for her uncle class ends, Uncle or Teacher? He’s bad. After a few hours, she left the comfort room, and go back to his classroom. Joan came to him and ask if I have a connection with the new teacher. I’ve don’t know what I’m going to answer, yes, he’s my uncle or no, I’ve don’t know him so I just stand up and leave the classroom. I go to the coffee shop to work and an unexpected costumer has arrived, he’s my uncle. Hi, Chelsea, long time no see. Sir, what is your order, asking her when my hands are shaking. So, you’re working here, is this because of your financial problem? if that’s the case, I can help you out, if you just come to me again, just like when you are fresh from high school, she told me and that words make me feel more nervous. Just leave if you’re not going to order, just leave sir. Just call me uncle again. He leaves and my work got done and it’s time for me to go home. While I’m walking home, I saw my uncle standing in front of my gate looks like he’s waiting for someone and I got scared so I called my best friend Aki, if I can stay on her house and she approved so I didn’t come home on my house and just stay in with my best friend, A morning came and a new day, it’s time for their periodical test, she go to the school with her friend Aki and take the exam. It’s time again for them to meet because her uncle is the one who’s giving the test, she’s sitting in second row, she’s very smart and decided to answer the test faster so she can go to her part time job and can leave the classroom where her uncle staring at her. She goes to her part time job early and leave early, while she’s walking outside the café, someone pull her, holding her arms tight. Who are you? Let go off me. He’s wearing a hood and take me to his apartment. Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Dave? Why do you do this? Do you know the new teacher? No, I answered him. Answer me. Do you know him? You are frightened on him, you are shaking if he’s near you and when I’m going to your house, to visit you, I saw him waiting on the front of your gate. So, answer me, is that only coincidence? Answer me and I’ll help you. My father is a policeman, I can help you so just cooperate. Okay, I’m going to told you but I know after you heard this, you can hate me, disgust me. He’s my uncle. He pays for my tuition from 1st year to 3rd year high school and in return, he’s touching my body, he rapes me. That has happened for three years, I hate myself, I think that I’m so dirty, I’m a mess. I want to live in peace so I decided to leave and hide from him. I ended up here and live in peace here for almost 9 months and I’m going to graduate but please get rid of him, lock him. I want to live in peace. You heard my story and you can disgust me. I’ve don’t care. but he’s too kind, he accepts me and my past, my uncle put in jail and I graduated high school and because of being an academic, I receive a full scholarship on college and soon to be your new Flight Attendant. 

Stay hidden on forever, there’s no such thing. There will be someone who’ll help you, someone that will guide you from light. Your shield. Rape, rape is just a verb not an adjective, to judge someone because of what have done to her nor hurting her through verbal because of her disabilities. Can we just live with no judgement? If we can, we can live fully and live happily. 

April 15, 2020 02:15

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Metaxia Tzimouli
10:19 Apr 22, 2020

Very raw and gritty! Definitely not a feel-good story, but well written all the same. It was kinda hard to read because of the subject matter but also because there isn't any spacing between paragraphs.


Norlie Rabino
01:43 Apr 27, 2020

Yes. Thanks u like it.


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Norlie Rabino
01:43 Apr 27, 2020

Yes. Thanks u like it.


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Ivy Spade
18:14 Apr 20, 2020

I liked it but I got confused because it kept going back in forth through the point of views but I still loved it! Especially the plot twist at the end!


Norlie Rabino
21:24 Apr 20, 2020

Thanks u love it😊


Ivy Spade
15:54 Apr 21, 2020

Your welcome!


Norlie Rabino
21:10 Apr 21, 2020



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