
Monday 1st April 2019

Dear Peter,

I have decided to keep a diary because Mrs Hutchinson says it’s a good idea. She said that you can look back on it in a few years' time and read about things you might not remember. I’m worried I’ll forget things like my Mum and my brother and the awesome spiderman costume I am now wearing so I’m going to keep a journal then read it when I’m really old and don’t remember much, like Grandad George.

I have called you Peter, after Peter Parker, which is Spiderman’s real name, of course. Mrs Hutchinson also says that you can write all your secrets in a diary. I know you won’t tell anyone because you can’t talk, and I’ll hide you really well so that Mum doesn’t see.

Today I am both excited and nervous. I have friends coming over from my new school. They know I have a brother, but they’ve never seen him before. I’m worried they’ll be freaked out and run away.

My brother is three years younger than me but he doesn’t go to my school because he is homeschooled. My brother isn’t like other kids, you see. He has a special chair and lots of tubes that help him do things that most kids can already do like eat and drink and go to the toilet. There’s even one for breathing! Mum checks it every night. She checks it all the time, actually, but I don’t really notice I think because I am used to it. My brother has been unwell since he was born. I remember Mum sitting down to explain everything when I was much younger. You see, my brother was born poorly. He has a condition that has a lot of long words in it and I don’t know how to spell any of them. But there’s not a lot my brother can do for himself. We use Makaton which helps us know what he needs and what he wants. I think everyone should speak Makaton so that nobody feels left out, because like my brother, not everyone can speak well.

My brother gets stared at a lot. I’m worried my new friends will stare, and I’ll have to tell them to stop, and they won’t be my friends anymore.

Tuesday 2nd April 2019

Dear Peter,

My friends were really good with Archie! (That’s my little brother, by the way). They thought his chair was really cool, and I haven’t seen Archie smile so much! They’re coming again next Friday after school, and Archie is excited too!

It’s nice to see people smiling at Archie, instead of the usual. Most people look sad, but some people look scared. Maybe they think the tubes are odd or are frightened by how big his special chair is. I don’t like how they look at the dribble down his chin and neck though. There’s nothing to be frightened about! My brother is different, that’s all. But he’s also not different because he likes games and comics and football. He’s just like all my other friends, but Archie is my best friend.

Archie is always smiling and happy. We like playing with Power Rangers. Mum bought them for me for Christmas but I share everything with Archie because it makes him happy. When Archie is in pain I get them out whilst Mum hugs him and wipes his tears away. They make him smile and Mum says they help him take his mind off of the pain. Every time he cries, even late at night, I find his toys for him. Sometimes he wakes me up but I don’t mind. Archie can’t help it, and he can’t get the Power Rangers himself.

Archie had a bit of pain today. It worried my friends a bit, but only because they didn’t know what to do. There’s nothing you can do. I told them not to panic because Mum always knows what to do. She’s a bit like Spiderman. Spiderman always knows what to do when people are scared and need help. She holds Archie like how most superheroes catch people falling from big buildings, her arms beneath his neck and his legs. She must have super strength because Archie is really heavy.

‘Don’t worry,’ I said to my friends when Archie was crying. ‘Mum has him. He’s safe now.’

I better sleep now. I have school tomorrow.

Wednesday 3rd April 2019

Dear Peter,

I don’t think Archie knows, but sometimes Mum cries after he cries. Sometimes she yawns lots but says she’s not tired and she is always happy and silly. Archie can’t laugh really but if he could he’d be rolling on the floor and holding his stomach like I do when Mum is pulling funny faces.

Archie had a bad night last night, but it was OK because Mum knew what to do. She always knows what to do. Sometimes I am scared when Archie is screaming and the Power Rangers don’t work but Mum somehow always knows how to help him. I think she should be on the television winning an award like other people do when they do things braver than superheroes. She always makes me and Archie smile when we are sad, and she gives me a big cuddle and hot chocolate if I’m worried about Archie. He’s had to go to the hospital for a few days and isn’t very well. I really miss him.

I think my mum is really strong and brave. She is never scared and I wish I was more like her because I am always scared. I’m always scared at night in case Archie doesn’t wake up again in the morning.

My mum is super smart. She even knows how to spell the big words in the name of Archie’s condition. Mum always makes Archie feel like he’s just like everyone else and even though she was at the hospital all day with Archie yesterday she still made me chicken nuggets, onion rings, and beans which is my favorite meal. She kept saying sorry to me last night. I don’t really know why. I think it’s because she’s a nice lady. She’s always really polite to people, even if they’ve pulled a face at Archie’s chair.

Mum’s coming up the stairs – gotta go!

Wednesday 10th April 2019

Dear Peter,

Sorry I haven’t spoken to you in a week. I’m keeping the diary to remember good things. Lots of bad things happened this week, and I don’t want to think about them.

We had to say goodbye to Archie, in case he didn’t make it. The doctors told Mum that he was struggling to breathe. I didn’t understand, but I knew it was bad because Mum was crying and looked really frightened. Mum never looks frightened.

I hope Archie's going to be OK. Nan says that she's been praying. I think I'll try that too.

Please God, let Archie be OK. Let him come home.

Monday 15th April 2019

Dear Peter,

Mum kept saying sorry to me again today. I think she thinks she’s a bad mom. I’m hatching a plan with my friends – we’re going to surprise Mum and Archie when they come home. They're coming home tomorrow!

Archie is OK! He had an operation so he's still in the hospital until he feels a little better. I’ve been staying with my nan. She lives a couple of miles away from my house but she drives, so I can still see all my friends whilst I’m with her. They love coming round because Nan makes the best biscuits in the whole wide world.

Nan’s helping me throw a surprise party too. She says I’m a special boy and told me never to change. I don’t know why she said that because I don’t plan to change. Maybe she thinks I want to be a superhero because they pretend to be someone else, don't they? But that’s different. If I was a superhero, I’d still be me.

I’m thinking of writing a letter to my Mum, one that I can read at her party. It’ll go something like this:

To Mum,

You are the best mum in the whole wide world and I think Archie thinks the same. This is a party for you so that you know you are our favorite person and so that you will be happy again. It is also for Archie because he’s had a tough week and been braver than my favorite superhero, Spiderman. I know this is my letter but I’m going to put Archie’s name here too because we are both thankful for you and everything you do. You are awesome, and you're better than Spiderman (sorry Peter).

We love you, Mum. Nan made the bad banner, not me.


Thomas and Archie.

I hope she likes it. I think Archie will too.

April 10, 2020 13:34

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