The room of no escape: the year goes on forever

Submitted into Contest #84 in response to: Write a story that spans exactly a year and takes place in a single room.... view prompt

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(day one)

When did It get so dark? I wondered as I opened my eyes to a room I wasn't familiar with. was it the basement? , The attic?, I don't even remember what time it is or what year I'm in. Should I try to remember? I close my eyes and try to think.


' I have a flashback of my mother holding me in my room because I was scared of the thunderstorm outside my window, it comforts me.'

It fades away as I close my eyes...

(day two)

I call out in case somebody might be near, no answer. I run my hand against the grey walls, dust? How long have I been in here? I hear a creak from the roof or floor above and I look up to see a warm light from the sun coming from one of the cracks in what looks to be wood above my head. It gets darker, it must be night.


'I have another flashback but my Dad comes into view. He's in bed watching TV because he is sick and he needs to quarantine before going out again I helped him become healthy.'

Why do I keep having these flashbacks?

"because I want you to see"

(day five)

It's cold, I looked at my surroundings to see if there is anything that would warm me up. I see a blanket in the corner as I quickly grab it and huddle in a corner, I feel like I won't last another day...

But I'll try...

for mom and dad...

"my school..."

"The day at school where I got embarrassed because of one of my school bullies and I ran back home."

I wonder why I chose to remember that...

"I want you to remember"

(day eleven)

10 days have passed, I was sleeping for the whole time...

why didn't I notice? Am I forgetting...

"my friends..."

" My friends have helped me through anything and everything..."

I miss them...


(day thirteen)

I hear a door slam from across the pitch-black room as I jolt awake. I wake up groggy and exhausted, as I yawn something catches my eye in another corner of the room a silhouette that I don't recognize. I have an urge, one that tells me to keep going to leave and never come back but I can't help it.

I need to stay...

Something is stopping me...

"my home..."

"My safe haven for when I have a really bad day."

I want to go home...


(day twenty-eight)

15 more days pass as I sit here unfazed and emotionless...

when will I escape?

"Will we be able to leave?"

When will I start trying?

"Can we even try?"

Do I even care anymore...

"do we even care anymore?"

"my thoughts and memories..."

I'm forgetting more and more each day...


(day thirty-seven)

The days are never-ending! I need to get out of here, I reach for anything, just something that will help me leave this room before I forget again. I grab hold of something. It's an old rope that someone probably used to escape! I wince in pain as something cuts my leg, I try to keep climbing the rope. I can't stop now! I need to go even if it takes all of my strength.

"are disappearing..."

My mind is like a void emptying out its eternal contents...

"I CAn'T FiX YoU"

"I NeVeR cOuLd"

(day thirty-eight)

The cutting stops causing me to lose my balance. I reach the top of the hole in the ceiling but something's-off...

I don't feel the lower half of my body. I look down to see that my legs aren't there anymore, the world turns grey as I feel the blood trickle down ...


It is excruciating to forget things slowly and lose emotion over this time span and I keep forgetting the reason I'm here...

like I even knew in the first place...

"We DoN'T HaVe TiMe"

" StAy AlIvE...pLeAsE"

(day thirty-nine)


"IS tHeRe An aNsWeR?'

(day forty-five)


"WhY dO I aSk?'

(day fifty-seven)

I only had one chance...

"ThAt's nOt tRuE..."

(day ninety-nine)

one life...

"IT's nOt lIvInG..."

(day one hundred)

I only wanted ...freedom...


(day one hundred and forty-five)

the ability to see the sunset before the end of my days...

"pathetic, what we always were..."

(day two hundred)

I wake up To the room that I so desperately tried to escape from...

"worthless and weak, we can never be strong..."

(day two hundred and eighty-seven)

I glance at the wall I have been marking the days with chalk...

"I can't see where this ends..."

(day two hundred and ninety-nine)



"I am bLind in thE perception of yOur eyes but yOu are the oNe thAt can't see tHe truth..."

(day three hundred and sixty-five)


"I AM YOU and we'll never be free..."

I shake them as they look at me fading in my arms as they turn into ashes on the cold and damp ground...

"I couldn't save them"


(day 1)

I cry as I kneel on the ground with both knees. The wall that I swore was bare where they put their chalk markings faded back into place as if I had regained their vision. I hear a laugh in a corner of the rooms and whipped my head in the direction where it came from.

A silhouette stares back at me...

It used to be myself...

Or at least I think It was me...

My hazy...

I'm starting to forget...who I am...

(day 2)

When did It get so dark...

I wondered as I opened my eyes to a room I wasn't familiar with. was it the basement? , The attic?, I don't even remember what time it is or what year I'm in. Should I try to remember? I close my eyes and try to think.

March 05, 2021 19:38

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1 comment

20:32 Mar 10, 2021

In this story, it's describing the protagonist as they are going through a deep state of anxiety and are trying to help themself see the truth. It doesn't work out in the end as you can see because when the protagonist realizes, it's too late and the cycle restarts again.


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