Adventure Romance Drama

DISCLAMIER- This Lucifer that is mentioned has nothing to do with the from hazbin hotel, religion, or hellvaboss. Lucifer is my Oc's husband, and this is a moment in Nova and Lucifers relationship


Lucifer sigh while looking up at the sky wishing his father and the archangels didn't cast him out of heaven. You alright love are you thinking about your family again Nova said. Nova put her hand on his back trying calm him and telling him that it's alright to miss someone. I did nothing wrong I may have rebled but that didn't make me a bad person I don't know like I was the most kind and beautiful and saw the light in everything in heaven Lucifer said in a sad voice. Hey everything is going to be okay my angel I believe you were in the right Nova said wile cupping his check with a smile. With a smile Lucifer felt a bit better and pulled Nova a closer to him by the waist. I love you Nova Lucifer said with a smile. I love you too Lucifer Nova said in a calm voice with a smile. Lucifer pulled Nova in closer for kiss under the hellish moonlight.

Now lets actually begin the story

The next morning while Nova was making breakfast with Lucifers arms around her waist. And smiles from both of them everything was all good. Until they were getting a call from the other room. (Aka the room that they contact heaven through.) Lucifer was not expecting a call from at least it wasn't on his schedule for the day. So, he went to answered it. "What the hell do you want father" Lucifer said in a firm not so happy voice. "Listen my exorcist are bored so~ I'm going to start a mega war down in hell in a few days how does that sound" God said. Lucifer confused trying to ask for an explanation but before he could ask for a better explanation his father hung up. "WAIT FATHER NO STOP DON'T... hang up... F*~" Lucifer yelled in an upset but also upset voice. What was he going to tell Nova what was he going to tell his hell friends. "Lucifer, I heard you yell are you alright is something wrong" Nova said in a sever concerned voice. Worried to tell his wife that he's been with for 3 years he just tells her not to worry and that it's nothing. And that it's family problems and again nothing to worry about and let him deal with it. Lucifer knew it wasn't the right thing to do but what was he supposed to tell her and his friends at the club. Nova knew something was up and wasn't going to just let him walk off without telling her. So, when they went down to the bar Nova pointed it out. "Lucifer, I know your lying that nothing's wrong you're hiding something so tell us what's wrong what happened on that call that you don't want us to know about" Nova said in a firm serious voice. Lucifer sighed and admitted what was going to happen and that there all going to work together. "F***ING HIGH we can't fight those exorcists just because we did it once doesn't mean were going to win again" Dusk said in a firm voice. "Yeah, especially if one of the Archangels are going to be coming with them aka one of your brothers" Lewis said in a weirder out voice. "Not gonna lie I don't mind beating some angels a**es it will be fun some fresh angelic meat" Savannah said in a non-bothered voice. "Dude this just great more drama of course a second battle that comes out of nowhere f***Ing pathic" Kira said while deep into her phone. Nova just as stunned as the rest just looking at Lucifer wondering why he would hide this from her. "LUCIFER WHAT THE HELL you hid this from me this is a secret you shouldn't hide from me I'm your wife" Nova said very upset with rage secretly filling up inside while holding tears back. Lucifer just stood there feeling bad for what he did he didn't want her to know so that way he could only fight. Lucifer wanted to keep her safe and not in harms way. "Nova I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to keep you safe you all safe losing you would hurt me all 3 of my brothers are coming down with the exorcist I will just fight them all by myself you, Dusk, Lewis, Kira, and Savannah stay out of harm's way" Lucifer said upset with his head down scared. "Oh hell no you are not going out there and fighting by yourself I rule hell with you and you have been friends with them for a while so if you go down I'm going down with you" Nova said being highly serious. Nova was going to help fight no matter if Lucifer liked it or not. Nova was not going to let her husband fight a crap ton of exorcist along with 3 Archangels also in the fight. "Wait a dang minute you said 3 don't you have 4 brothers" Lewis said in a curious voice. "Only Azreal, Raphel, and Michel like getting into battle not Gaberial I know surprising" Lucifer said with his head still down.

(Back at the palace)

"Why just why would my husband hide some like this did he think I would panic be scared be worried I understand he is trying to keep us safe by Jesus Christ" Nova said while sitting against the wall crying. So much was going through Nova's head weather to be mad at her husband or not she loves him but why hide something like this. "Nova you alright...I'm sorry that I hid the battle from you I didn't mean to make you upset pls forgive me...Nova" Lucifer said in a calm voice. Nova got up off the ground and dried her eyes. She opened door too Lucifer holding a blood red color rose a I'm sorry smile. "Listen Nova I'm sorry for hiding it from you I didn't" Lucifer said. Before Nova stopping him and giving him a kiss on the lips. "It's alright you were scared you just wanted to keep the people you care about the most safe" Nova said with a smile. They went back in for a kiss with his hands around her waist while cupping her cheek and Nova running her fingers through his hair. "Say let's go win that battle Nova" Lucifer said with a grin. (they did win the battle anyways luv u all)

May 30, 2024 18:10

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