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                    Story about someone who returns as an adult to a place they last visited as a child

Sarah and her Aunt

Sarah Michael a psychology major student from New York had to transfer to the country side college where her aunt lived, due to sudden demise of her parents in a car accident. Her aunt Samantha lived in a two stored building along with her husband James. Samantha and James don’t have any children. While all were having dinner together Samantha observed Sarah being little reserved and lost in her own thoughts. She must have not come out of the shock of her parent’s death. Samantha comforted Sarah by saying “Sarah, Darling I know you are sad because of what happened with your parents. It will be difficult for you to deal with the fact that they are no more in this world. But remember that I and Uncle James are there for you now. If you need anything and having any trouble you can come to us. And also I from now see you as my own daughter. We are very glad that in these difficult times for you we could be of help for you”. Hearing that Sarah was little relieved.

After finishing the dinner all of them retired for the day saying good night to each other and left for their respective rooms. Sarah’s room was on the second floor and she also have a balcony in her room. Looking out from the balcony Sarah thought to herself “I think it’s been a very long time since I last visited this place.” She used to come here in her childhood along with her parents whenever she has break in summer or winter. But they stopped coming here from when she was 7 years old. Sarah wondered “Why didn’t I come here all these years.” It’s not that Sarah didn’t want to come here but her parents didn’t allow her to come here. Whenever she asked her parents that she wanted to visit Aunt Samantha in holidays they always used to give some or the other excuse saying either they were busy or Aunt Samantha and Uncle James are busy. And eventually even Sarah stopped asking them and even she became busy with her own friends and studies. And so both the families didn’t meet from then. Thinking all these Sarah went to sleep.

Eventually Sarah got used to the life in that country side and she even liked both Samantha and James as there were treating as if she is her own daughter which Sarah felt very happy and thought she is very lucky to have come here. Everything went happy and smooth for the next 2 months. But after sometime Sarah started feeling uncomfortable around her aunt and Uncle as they were treating her with extreme love and closing monitoring her every activity. At first she taught they were being cautious because she just lost her parents and might be a little depressed and now even though she moved on in her life. The way they are showing love and care towards her felt strange to Sarah. But didn’t say anything because she is well aware that they were doing out of love. Eventually 3 months have passed and in these past 3 months Sarah learned driving from her Uncle James and cooking, gardening from her Aunt Samantha.

In the past 3 months Sarah has made goods friends in her college and started feeling comfortable and free around them. But when she is with her uncle and aunt she started feeling little uncomfortable than before because of their overly loving and care towards her. It felt to her as if they were obsessed with her. Whenever she was little late from her college they used to ask her for the reason and treated her still like a child putting some restrictions. She felt her Freedom is being violated. One day Sarah’s friend Amy invited her to birthday party to which Sarah really wanted to go. So she asked her Uncle and Aunt for the same, but they were not happy of her going to her. They felt as if Sarah was going far away from them. Upon some pleading they accepted on one condition that James will be dropping her and picking her up. She told ok but deep inside Sarah didn’t like it because she thought she is not child anymore and she is capable of taking care of herself. She didn’t like them being over protective over her. She also noticed sometimes that whenever she is close with her friends or taking with her friends they become Jealous. Sarah couldn’t understand the reason behind it.

Few days later when Sarah was attending classes in her college, she was called by the HOD that someone has come to meet her. Sarah wondering who it might be went to the HOD office. There she saw her family’s lawyer Mr. Steven has come to meet her. They both has exchanged pleasantries and Steven told Sarah that he has come here to meet her to get some signatures of her regarding her social security account as her parents has saved money for her and it will belong to her after the necessary steps done. And he asked about her life in the new place and how she is coping? She replied with a little nervous smile that everything is fine with her. Seeing her Steven said “Look Sarah you are new here and adjusting might be a bit of problem. But if you need any help remember that I am always there for you. You can share with me anything that is troubling you, after all yours parents are my best friends and we know each other for long enough”. Sarah then said “Uncle! When I first came here until first 2 months everything felt normal but recently I am feeling changes in my uncle’s and aunt’s behavior. For some reason they are being overly protective and they often try to control me. Especially Aunt Samantha, I get scared sometimes when I see her. Sometimes whenever she talks to me it seems she is Possessed.

Listening to Sarah closely Steven said that he don’t know the reason behind it but whenever there was any topic of your uncle and aunt in front of your parents they always used to get furious and often who say do not wish to see them again. Steven asked if Sarah knew the reason behind it. Sarah said “I don’t know why and also I even didn’t knew what had happened between them. Just now by you I got to know that my parents hated uncle and aunt. Anyhow it’s not that they have something criminal in their minds, it’s just that their excessive love makes me uncomfortable sometimes. Other than it I don’t see anything wrong with them that might make my parents angry. Moreover my uncle and aunt are well known here in the neighborhood and everyone likes them and also respects them”. To which Steven said “You are right, Sarah. Before coming here I checked records of your uncle, aunt and everything seemed perfect. Also I had enquired in the neighborhood on them and didn’t find single thing wrong about them”. Saying this Steven bid Sarah goodbye and asked her to call him if she needs any help.

In the evening Sarah finished her college and returned home thinking about her talk with Steven and decides to find out what had happen between their parents that led to not talking to each other for all these years and she hoped that she might find the behavior of their uncle and aunt towards her. So she thought to herself “If I directly asked them about it they might try to avoid the topic or simply cook up some lies so that I would believe”. So she decided to approach them so that they themselves reveal the truth. So in order to achieve the truth from them she must not give them time to calm down, she must tell them something that might take them by surprised or make them furious so they lose their cool and open up.

In the night after dinner while they were about to retire Sarah acting nervously told them that she needed to say something to them and it’s important. So all of them sat in the couch and Sarah said “Uncle and Aunt, I am very grateful that you were there for me when most needed. But today I met my father’s friend in the college, who also happened to be our family attorney. He came to inform me about…..”   then suddenly Samantha said loudly in worried and slightly angry “ Why? What does he want? And…” Meanwhile James caught hold of her, making her sit back in the couch said “Darling, first listen what Sarah has to say and then you can ask your questions.” Listening to James, Samantha calmed down. Then Sarah continued “He told that my parents have saved enough money for my graduation and he asked me if I am ok with it, I may go back to New York to finish education and take up a job there. And that’s what my parents wanted it seems”. Sarah after telling this hoped them to get furious, so she may press them further to pull out the truth out of them.

Hearing to all this Samantha lost control of herself and angrily caught Sarah’s shoulders and said “Darling, No I won’t accept it. I won’t allow anyone to separate us. Now because of god’s grace you became mine and I once again don’t want anyone to take you away from me” and started shaking furiously and Samantha had anxiety attack. Both James and Sarah made Samantha sit in the couch and James rushed in to the room to bring a medical kit and took out a Syringe and gave her a Shot. And she slowly after a few minutes went into sleep. This is the first time Sarah saw her aunt in this state and was totally in dark about her aunt’s condition. So, she asked her uncle “Uncle, now you cannot hide anything from me. I need you to tell everything what happened to aunt and also why do both my parents and you people didn’t take for many years.”

Now as everything has come out, James decided to tell Sarah everything and so he told “Sarah, I think you remember or not that we cannot have children as Samantha has accident when she was with 6 months pregnant due to which we lost the baby and Samantha’s membrane sac has damaged and she cannot conceive child. Samantha was eagerly waiting for the child and she bought all the necessary items even before the birth of baby girl. And after the accident she was not able digest the fact and she was affected by post traumatic disorder. But the year after your mom who is Samantha’s younger sister gave birth to you. Samantha started getting normal only after your birth because she help your mother to raise you. Your mother also wanted Samantha to be happy again, so that’s the reason you people would always come here whenever you are on a holiday. If you remember or not you always used to be very close to Samantha and also you prefer sleeping next to Samantha whenever you visited here. Samantha slowly in that process started to think that you were God’s blessing to her as she is no longer able to conceive a child god sent you to her in the form of your mother who also is Samantha’s sister. So Samantha firmly believed to that you were her dead child that came back to life to her through your mother. So in your 7th year when you came here for your holidays Samantha told this to your parents and asked them to give back to her. Hearing this your mother was very upset and so took you back to New York and never came back. Samantha tried a lot to meet you but your mother never allowed you to meet her. That’s why whenever thinking of you she used to get those anxiety attacks and after 4 months because you spoke of leaving Samantha she wasn’t able to handle it and hence she again got the anxiety attack.”

Now Sarah understood what had happened between her parents and aunt. And also understood why Aunt showed that much love towards here and the reason for her behavior as she simply was afraid that Sarah might leave her like when she was 7 years old. Continuing James spoke “So, Sarah that’s the reason why in the Eyes of Samantha you are still that 7 years old girl who again returned to her. In her mind she believes you are still 7 years old. After all these years world starting moving to her and the reason is your comeback. And I am sure now you must have come to know why we are controlling or obsessed over you because you 7 years old girl to Samantha. I tried telling her you are all grown up and now you nearly 20 years old attending college, but it seems she wasn’t able to believe it. Finally, Sarah it is up to you whether you want to stay with us go back to New York. But I am sincerely sorry that you have to go through all that because of our selfishness.”  

  Hearing to all these tears started rolling down Sarah’s cheeks and she ran over to Samantha and hugged her. Due to which Samantha woke up and Sarah told “Aunt I love you and would never leave you and go. I am not going to New York, I am staying here only. And if it is OK for you I would like to call you as Mom”. Samantha hearing it, was crying out of happiness and hugged Sarah.

                                          The End  

July 24, 2020 16:53

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1 comment

Mustang Patty
15:18 Jul 27, 2020

Hi there, Thank you for sharing Sarah's story. I found it very interesting. A few suggestions - think about using a style guide to help with the more complex rules of comma usage, and syntax. Some of your compound words were two separate words, and there were missing and errant commas throughout the piece. KEEP WRITING, ~mp~


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