You all know the grind, the nine to five, the daily 'take my life away'. Life being something all too precious, but maybe you don't have the will power to change or make it real.
Sure, you have to work, just like everyone does, but should you be a slave to a job? You're not a gladiator that is being forced to fight in life's arena. Will you be strong enough to break the chains of ordinary? Or maybe you'll just die hoping to be released by your master.
You crave change, want change, but where is your determination to make it happen? You don't have the, 'take me to your leader' balls to stand up to 'the man', whose cahones are bigger than yours because the world allows it, or rather you allow it.
Yes you, who silently go about your work for that daily bread, but inside are wishing for something sweeter than bread, something more satisfying.
You want more time to do the things on your to do list and especially more time to spend with your loved ones.
It's killing you inside to see those who are willing to ask for that extra day off to create a four day weekend so that they can participate in life and not be consumed by life's office, rush hours, or billing.
You quietly keep your regrets hidden, never speaking up for the things in life that are important to you. Always on the outside of other people's stories, of how a vacation was taken with family, a day spent relaxing at home or how a co-worker discovered this quaint place in a remote area of the mountains and learned to ski, all in a single day, while you plod along, day after day, with little money or time to define life in a manner of your choosing.
Then one day, your opportunity arrives. You have the chance to ask for that big raise in salary. You've been waiting over a period of ten years to ask for a promotion in your company.
For the first two years, you did the whole, ask no questions and do everything that is asked of you. Yes, that is what you were told it would take to make it in the work a day world. The next three years, you still, like an obedient dog, are following the master around the room, barking only long enough until you are silenced by the chain of command. By year seven, you are going home at night, dreaming of that big, financially rewarding promotion that seems to never be offered to you, tho you stay late hours on Fridays and have even been known to come into the office on an occasional Saturday or even on a Sunday if an emergency came up. And for what?? Years of servitude spent with only minimal financial restitution.
This said restitution seems hardly sufficient reason to console you who have spent years laboring, only to keep food on the table, pay the electric co-op, and place a few nice dust collectors out to keep you busy dusting. Meanwhile, your days are spent and you will soon be returning to dust yourself.
Year ten has arrived and a few of your co-workers remember, bringing in a card or a friendly congratulatory word.
There doesn't seem to be much coming from the boss's mouth, maybe you've been forgotten?
You can not get the silence from him out of your mind. It's driving you mad as the clock overhead ticks out the seconds of the day, your day, another work day that can not be returned to your short life.
You determine to finally take action! You will not go quietly into the night or in this case, the boss's office.
This reluctance to speak out for the things you want, things that make life meaningful for you, has to end.
Finally, with a promotion, there would be more money in your pocket, more privileges in the hierarchy of the office, more respect from others and more time off to attend to all the things you have put aside for the past ten years. This money will surely create more opportunity for vacations, or college tuition for your kids, or time with your family. All you have to do, is ask. Just simply ask. Just let the words begin with, 'please sir', like Oliver begging for more gruel. Will it really seem so demeaning? After all, this isn't an orphanage. Then why should you feel so abandoned by hope? You should go right up to your boss and say and...and..what boss?
Did you just hear your boss call for you to come into his office? Yes, that was definitely a request to come into his office to talk, but you have something more in mind. Then, you hear the words, 'decreased productivity' and your heart plummets.
Decreased productivity? Ever since the company decided on keeping tract of workers productivity, it seems a harsher world, a corporate world with little thoughts of the individual workers. But, you are determined to succeed, you will not back down, you will not be diminished by a concept. After all, concepts are ideas put out by men and can be quelled by you just as well as any other man.
You enter his office with a mental quiver of arrows, ready to shoot down any opposing forces that may hamper your attempts at achieving your goals.
"Just say it, you silently reminded yourself, knowing you'd regret it if you didn't.
Looking back on that day, you are so proud and elated that you made the request. The promotion you requested was approved and your boss even complimented you on a job well done and gave you a promotion that was well earned.
Sometimes, words are hard to find and life can be difficult. Changing things in your life can be even more difficult.
Only you can find the right words and make the changes that count, so don't be afraid to speak up for the things you want. Make your life matter and leave the silent regrets for the movies.
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1 comment
This is my first attempt at writing a short story and I found it to be challenging. I usually write haiku or rhyming short poems. So, this really brought me out of my comfort zone. Please feel free to comment and to express ways in which it could have been written better. Thank you.😊