Write about two people going sledding for the first time in many years

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Write about two people going sledding for the first time in many years.... view prompt


American Friendship Happy

The story of a guy and a girl. They met in a sporting centre,this is not there first time of meeting they have met twice before this encounter, they once met in a supermarket whereby the guy have to asked the girl for ingredients of rice cake and the girl jokingly asked him did your wife travel the guy in a serious tone replied I am just a thirty years old guy so I don't think I should have a wife now and my face look younger than my age,the girl then told her age has nothing to do with it, you need someone to take care of you and they discussed like they have been friends for years before the girl told him the ingredients and they departed.

They also met in a road where the girl was standing beside her car waiting for the mechanic to come and the guy saw her while driving and decided to talk to her so she won't feel bored before the arrival of the mechanic because he does not have any plan for the day too, immediately the guy saw the her he ran up to meet her in a skating sport and said 'We met again' the girl smiled and said it is fate but how could you recognize me from afar, what are you hear to do she asked,the guy smiled back and answered her I am just hear to look around but have been in the sledding sport for few hours, you asked how I recognized you, I am good at recognizing people once I set my eyes on you even if you are in the dark, I will bring you out, the girl smiled and asked if the guy can sled and he said he hasn't done that before and the girl said she also hasn't done it before.

They left the skating centre to the sledding sport,they decided to sled for the first time, they sat on the plastic sled,the girl was scared but the guy was enjoying it, after two minutes the girl shouted 'It is my first time sledding I am happy and I am scared at the same time, the guy smiled and shouted I am happy sledding with her even if she is too noisy they keep laughing even as they were scared not knowing people were videoing them because they were blindly happy in the plastic sledand after some minutes they stopped, they came out of the plastic sled and people went to meet them and one asked are you two in a relationship, another one replied how could you asked when it was obvious, an one said I love this couple, the girl was about to reply when the guy kissed her in the lips people watching them shouted whoa the girl couldn't talk, a girl standing watching them told her boyfriend which is standing near her how I wish you can do this for me in public but you are just a shy type that didn't care about my feelings, the girl left angrily and the boyfriend followed her whereas the guy was hearing them, the guy and girl then hold hands and a man said what a romantic moment the girl didn't utter a word while they are still holding hands, the girl then said to the boy in a soft tone that anybody didn't hear, please can you free my hand why did you have to tell people we are in a relationship the guy said I didn't tell them we are in a relationship I just did something I don't have access to and am sorry am so much sorry, the girl then said it is okay, it is my first time doing it and it is what I have been wishing to do the guy said I am the lucky one that did it and they smiled and leave for the guy house, before they knew it the video was already in the internet captioned ' romantic couple ' . When they get to the guy house she asked the girl what she would like to eat then she jokingly reply Beans, hope you don't need me to tell you the ingredients of those before you could prepare it, the guy answered that was then, I am a master at cooking now after some minutes of their discuss, someone knocked the door , who could be asked, the guy said without waiting for answer he went to the door and saw three of his friends ,David, Micheal, Simeon hope everything is okay you don't normally visit on week days then David replied we are hear to congrats you on your new girlfriend, Oh is she the one Simeon said as they saw the girl while going in, Good evening the girl said, the good evening angel,you are the one sledding with my friend right you are so beautiful Micheal said thank you she replied not feeling comfortable the guy said we are not dating yet the girl without thinking of it said we are dating, Simeon said 'with that romantic sledding posted on internet' stop joking around with a genius like me .The guy then gave him a slap at the back jokingly how could you call yourself a genius when we go to the same school and I no your performance at work they all laughed what would you like me to prepare the girl asked David replied we just need a wine the guy answered him better still because I can't allow you to stress my wife they all laughed and they heard a knock again who's here to congrats me on having a girlfriend, I am such a celebrity he was talking and going closer to the door, he opened the door and said good evening please who are you the girl at the door didn't give a reply as she walked to the sitting room the guy closed the door back and said silently maybe she is just a fan. oh Racheal, what are you here to do,how did you get this place the girl asked , Racheal replied I am here to fight how would you lied to your sister that you don't have a boyfriend, see now it is all posted in the internet but I was happy to tell people the girl there is my sister, am happy for you sister she hugged her sister as the guy brought out three wines and cups, good evening sister in-law Racheal replied him good evening my sister husband as they all burst into laughter, you are such a handsome man my sister got a good eyes the girl then sighed to her to stop talking Racheal then hiss loudly the guy poured out the wine they drank happily and after a year of them dating they married and gave birth to a boy and a girl, they became an awesome couple.

January 21, 2021 06:44

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Faleti Dare
17:45 Jul 02, 2022

such a nice writeup


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Nimra Savanghan
03:10 Jan 28, 2021

This actually sounds like a real life romance :)


Faleti Racheal
18:06 Jan 28, 2021

I am addicted to watching a romance movie


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