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The full moon peeked from behind a thick layer of cloud, sending a thin beam of silver light through the slight gap in Nicole's bedroom curtains. The shaft struck her dressing table's crystal vase, splitting into a vivid rainbow that played about on the mirror behind it. For a moment the sparkling colours reminded Nicole of the party dress her friend wore on her eleventh birthday yesterday. A twinge of envy rushed through her.

"Please tell me what happened next?" Saskia asked.

Nicole pressed a finger against her pursed lips. "Not so loud Saskia, Mum will hear you. You know she doesn't like me reading at this time of night."

"But is the Prince injured."

"Don't be so daft. No one gets hurt or anything."

"It is still important to know though. I seem to have forgotten everything about him."

Every trace of jealousy inside Nicole disappear. It was a month since she discovered the book and torch inside the town's old book store and enjoyed sharing in its adventures with Saskia. That was until the pages got damaged. 

Although it wasn't cold, Nicole pulled the woollen nightgown tighter around her body and gripped it tight. She stared straight in to her friend's eyes. "I'm sorry Saskia. I didn't mean for all this to happen."

The whole room seemed to fill with the returned genuine broad smile.

Nicole took a steadying breath and continued. "Okay, so what do you want to know?"

"Does the Shire Witch carry out what she threatened, or does the wonderful Prince stop her?"

"Who Leopold? He's such a wimp. He can't even ride a horse properly, never mind save anyone from the likes of her."

"So how does he find the Elf Medallion?" Saskia insisted.

Nicole scratched her head. Thanks to the book's damage, it was impossible to remember what happened in every chapter. Fortunately, she had a good imagination and could improvise things.

"First, he gets turned back from a green slimy toad."

Saskia's mouth dropped wide open. "Back? Did you say 'back'?"

"Sure did. He was forever getting turned into a toad. The Shire  Witch really has it in for him."

"How does he become human?" her friend continued, edging a little closer.

"You don't remember do you?"

"How can I? Everything is mixed up remember."

Nicole scratched her chin and had a think. "One day, while the kind young Princess walked alone passed the goldfish pond, she heard something croaking away.

Saskia's face beamed, then her brow furrowed. "Surely a young Princess is never allowed to walk alone, especially by a deep pond?"

"Maybe, but Princesses often do that kind of thing. Wherever 

there's a pond, you'll find a toad or frog hanging round with a Princess not too far away."

"A truly strange coincidence," Saskia murmured.

"It happens all the time," Nicole said. "Anyway, I suppose it comes  with the job of being a Princess."

Saskia stood and peeked through the curtains. "Please continue with the story."

"Well, I suppose the two of them got together because they spent a long time talking."

"A talking toad? Are you quite sure?"

"You should read some of the books I've read. Lions, rabbits, pigs - you name it, they all talked at some point."

"Why does no one query it?"

"People like to pretend. Animals don't talk in real life of course, but it's nice to imagine they do."

Saskia shrugged. "How odd. So what else happened after this unusual meeting?"

How Nicole wished she'd paid more attention to the book earlier. "There was something about a magic potion she gave the toad. Either that, or she kissed it."

Her friend backed away hard against the window. "What did you just say? Kissed a toad?" She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth. "Do you realise what you are implying?"

Nicole reached out to calm her, but dropped the silver-plated torch onto the quilt, leaving only the spooky moonlight to illuminate her room. As she lifted the torch clear again, its grey wavy light shone straight in to Saskia's eyes. 

"I'm sorry, it was an accident" Nicole said. "I didn't mean for that to happen. But at least I didn't press any of the three buttons." 

Her friend stayed at the window overlooking to front garden while rubbing at her eyes.

"Oh, come on," Nicole said. "It wasn't that bad."

"But anything may have happened."

There was no alternative other to agree, because this particular torch's beam was more powerful than anything else. "Anyway, come here and I'll continue with the story."

Still rubbing at her eyelids, Saskia straightened out the quilt and sat next to her. "Will we ever become witches or toads?"

"Definitely not a witch," Nicole confirmed with an exaggerated  shake of the head. "They're old and horrible - and we're not. Toads though are great, so I wouldn't mind that too much."

"Tell me, if a Princess talks to a toad, do people not think it strange?"

"Not really. Like I said, it always happens. Anyway, she decided to  help the toad in any way possible." Nicole stole another glance at Saskia and judging by the wrinkling of her friend's nose, she had an idea about what was coming next.

"Please tell me the toad was not kissed."

Nicole smiled and nodded.

Saskia's whole body shook. "That is so revolting. there should be a law against it happening. The creature may have been poisonous."

"Ah, but that's where it gets interesting, because it wasn't a real  toad. It happened to be that young handsome Prince you like so much."

Saskia's eyes brightened as she sighed. "Prince Leopold?"

"You're going all gooey again," Nicole warned. "What is it about this guy? He's completely useless."

"Prince Leopold is an absolute dream. He may be only a year older than us, but is the most handsome of Princes."

"Don't be daft. You'll be saying you want to marry him next."

Saskia turned her head away. 

"Honestly…?" Nicole muttered aloud. "I mean, he lives at home with his parents, doing nothing but ride around on a horse all day long."

"I am sure he has lots of adventures and is the bravest of Princes."

"How do you know? A load of pages about him are missing. Anyway, I thought you didn't remember much about him either."

"He must be wonderful." She gave a big sigh, then focused on something over Nicole's shoulder. "Prince Leopold, is far better than him."

Nicole peeked behind at the small poster over her bed. "Oh, ClemX? He's a great singer. I've got all his songs on my iPad."

"A minstrel," Saskia gave an exaggerated sniff and turned away. 

Only then did Nicole notice the time on her bedside clock. She had to finish the story fast. "Then after a quick paddle in the slimy pond, followed by a drink of lemonade, the Prince returned to normal. It's not romantic for you but…."

"And the wicked Shire Witch? What happened to her?"

Before she could reply, the sound of a nearby door's creaking hinge filled the room. 

Saskia's eyes flashed open. "What was that?"

"Mum's on the prowl. She'll go mad if she catches me reading like  this again." Her mind rushed into overdrive. "The Prince is also a wizard in secret training, who with his faithful wolf Brodin, track down the Shire Witch and banish her away to a far-off land."

Saskia leaned forward as close as possible towards Nicole. "And then...? Did they get back together again?"

A creaking floorboard outside the door confirmed Nicole's worst  fears.

"Yes. They both lived happily ever after - the end. Quick get going."

"Wonderful, thank you Nicole. I will see you in the morning." She gave a hurried wave and rushed to the passageway. 

Nicole only had enough time to wave back and press the torch's three buttons in the correct sequence. Immediately the passageway she'd created into Wonderland closed and the book plopped on to the carpet.  

Her Mum entered the bedroom and switched on the light. "You're supposed to be asleep young lady." She then pointed at the fallen book. "The doctor said you needed more rest to recover from the chicken-pox."

 "Sorry Mum. I just had to finish this story."

"Plus, it's bad for your eyes trying to read with that old torch." She made a loud tutting noise. "Come on, hand it over."

As there was no other choice, Nicole reluctantly gave her the torch. Her Mum then went to pick up the book and examined it.   

"'Adventures of a Princess in Meadowland'. Isn't this the one you bought with the torch from that old book shop?" The thing looks worn out. Still, I suppose it'll help keep your mind active."

"This book's stories are so real Mum. Honestly, every one of its characters is so lifelike I can now make up a story and give it whatever ending I want." 

A soft cool hand wiped a clump of matted hair from Nicole's damp forehead. "Well it's time to sleep. I'll put these on the chair and you can have them back tomorrow morning, otherwise you'll never get better."

After a little fuss and tucking into bed, Nicole was left alone staring at the ceiling. One by one, she allowed everything said and done that day in Saskia's Kingdom to whizz through her brain. One thing was certain, until the damaged pages were repaired, Meadowland would always have problems. She'd have to revisit the lady in the bookshop to get help, after all she suggested propping the book against her bedroom's wall and shining the torch at it. 

As her eyelids became heavier, Nicole promised herself to sort things out in Meadowland. But for the time being she needed to keep the passageway into Meadowland a secret, at least until visiting the book store again…

March 27, 2020 14:13

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Deepti Venugopal
10:04 Apr 02, 2020

The premise is intriguing!! I liked it


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