Crime Romance Happy

Annbelle had dark brown hair and green eyes. Tears were streaming down her face like a river. She was sitting down on the cold tile floor of her living room. Soon her boyfriend, Liam came in. He had an excited look on his face and roses in his hands. When he saw his girlfriend his face turned red and purple. He dropped the rose on the floor. Liam started screaming at her and cursing her. Annabelle just kept crying saying she was sorry and please forgive her. She had broken pieces around her of a very valuable and sentimental heirloom that Liam gave to her as a gift. It was the only thing Liam had left from his grandfather that died a few years ago. Liam did not give Annabelle a chance to explain what happened. He then stormed out of the house. He ran for a long time. He was so angry. He trusted his girlfriend to keep such a precious treasure safe. She is the love of his life. He was planning on the next day to propose to her. Liam was thinking how could she be so careless with this treasure knowing the importance of it. It was an obsidian clock. The next few weeks Annbelle tried to talk to Liam but he refused to talk to her. She had a worried and scared expression on her face. Annbelle understood he was upset and rightfully so but she just wished he would let her explain why it was dropped. Maybe then he would be more forgiving. She had the clock in her hands and was looking at all the beautifully carved details on the clock. Then suddenly someone came banging on the door. With the clock still in her hands she opened the door. She saw someone with a black hood on. He was tall and had on a black turtleneck with black jeans and black tennis shoes. He had a black shiny gun. Annbelle would never forget those light grey eyes glaring at her. She tried to close the door but he pushed on and got it opened. He was stronger than her. He came into her house and then demanded that she go to the living room or he would shoot. Then he told her to drop the clock out of her  hands. She gently put it down on a small table next to her. Her whole body was shaking out of fright.Then he said to give him all her money. She went to go to get what cash she had. She had about $500. Then she heard a loud crash. She ran back to the living room. It was the clock. The man was looking at while she was getting the cash. Then when he deemed it had no value to him, he dropped it on the floor and it shattered to pieces. Annbelle knew how much that meant to Liam. She was very upset. Then she handed over the cash as the man had his gun now pointed at her head. He then got in a car and drove off. Annbelle fell to the floor crying. Her life had just been threatened and Liam’s clock was now broken in pisces. She was too hysteric to get her phone that was dead on the other side of the house to call the police. Liam came 5 minutes later. Annbelle was still trying to calm down and recover from what had happened. Instead of comforting her Liam surprisingly started yelling at her and then left. All she could say was she was sorry and please forgive her. She thought maybe there was something she could have done to save the clock. After she recovered she tried to see it from Liam’s view. He did not know what happened. The only thing he saw was the broken clock. He probably thought it was her fault that the clock was broken. She then went to the police station to report what happened. They said they would be on the lookout for this man. There had been a string of robberies by someone of the same description. The next day she asked Liam if they could talk. Liam would not say anything. He was refusing to talk to her. Annbelle loved him so after a couple of weeks of trying she decided to just give him time and space. She would talk to him when he was ready. Liam was still fuming mad about the clock. He was also sad to have lost the only thing he had left from his grandfather. He was very close to his grandfather. Over the next couple of weeks he reminisced about moments that he and his grandfather had shared. His father worked a lot and he would go over to his grandfather’s house. His grandfather taught him how to play baseball and other sports. He remembered his grandfather teaching him out to cook simple dishes. One time when he was very little, Liam was playing tag with a neighbor at his grandfather’s house. The neighbor's name was Jake. They were both pretty fast and good at running. While they were playing Liam tripped on a log that was in the yard. He busted his knee and it was bleeding. He started crying because it hurt. Jake stopped running and went to tell Liam’s grandfather what had happened. His grandfather came out with some wipes, a bandaid, and some hydrogen peroxide. He asked Liam if he was ok and Liam said that it hurted. Then he cleaned the blood on the bruise. Then he told Liam “It is ok and be strong.” He warned Liam that this was going to burn a little bit and he had to put some hydrogen peroxide on it to get rid of possible infection. After he put the hydrogen peroxide on, he put the bandaid on his bruise. After he took care of Liam’s bruise, Liam stopped crying. Then he told Liam to come into the house for lunch. He also told Jake to join them for lunch. They had steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, and some rice. For desert they had hot apple pie. Liam loved his grandfather’s cooking. After they finished Liam and Jake went back to playing tag. Soon Liam came back to the present. He thought about Annbelle and decided he should probably hear what Annbelle wanted to tell him. She was still his girlfriend and had been trying to talk to him for weeks. He also could not keep avoiding her forever. So he went over to Annbelle’s house and knocked on the door. When Annbelle saw him, she got excited, Maybe he came to talk to her. Annbelle invited him to her house. Liam sat down on a red sofa. Annbelle sat across from him in a white leather rocking chair. Liam said he was ready to listen to what she had to say. Annbelle explained everything that had happened that day. Liam instantly apologized  for everything he said to her. He was mad at the robber who entered into her home, broke his clock and threatened his girlfriend’s life. He felt guilty that he did not give her a chance to explain the first time he saw her. He askd her to forgive him. She happily said yes. Over the next few weeks they rebonded with each other. Then one evening when they were walking on the beach. The sunset was a reddish orange color. The ocean waves were gently washing up against the shore. It was a warm night. Liam then pulled out a  ring and proposed to Annbelle. The ring had a bright red stone on it. It was a ruby, Annbelle’s favorite stone. Annbelle said yes and ws excited. They got married a few days later. They were soon a happily married couple.

February 17, 2021 23:22

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