Drama High School Romance

"What's going on with you and kayla?" Shawn's friend asked him as they we're walking to their next classes in the high school hallways. Shawn was looking anxiously around he didn't want to see kayla after their fight over nothing and he wasn't going to be the one to apologize first either.

"Nothing, she just being extra again like we cant overcome this, but I'm not backing down I ain't do nothing-" " What happened exactly." His friend demetrius asked.

"Well for starters, she asked me can we get matching tattoos of each other and I was thinking about it and I didn't answer right away so she felt some type of way and crossed her arms at me asking me all type of questions like do you even love me and all of this It didnt even have to go that far, I do without a doubt, but I dont know if I'm ready for commitment like that, I mean I can commit to her fine all I'm saying is it's a lot like what if we break up now I got to cover this tat up." Shawn explained while demetrius nodded." I feel you, I understand, but girls is sensitive, give it a minute or honestly just do something simple go get her name tatted anyway and show it to her, her smile will be the biggest." Demetrius said as shawn crossed his arms

"I ain't doing none of that to make her happy. I don't understand why I got to be the bigger person when she whines to get what she want, she never try to understand me." Shawn said and demetrius nodded and then sighed he understood, but it was whatever his friend chose to do it was his relationship.

" I know what I'm a do." Shawn said and that made demetrius anxious, shawn is known to be a little petty, but the petty wars won't end with him

The next day

Shawn came in school hand in hand with a random girl having the whole school talking and whispering about it. Demetrius was shocked, but not that shocked, he walked up to him immediately.

He don't know what his plan was, but kayla definitely wasn't gone like it." What are you doing? Who is this?" Demetrius asked." This is Isabel, she just a friend though."

Shawn said with a smile and that made demetrius nervous so he grabbed shawn and the Isabel girl followed him holding his arm.

"You got a girl, a jealous, crazy girl and this is what you do?" Demetrius asked thinking shawn lost his mind." Bruh it ain't nothing this will let kayla know I ain't tripping and since she such a big baby she a come running back from what she call ignoring me."

Shawn said putting up finger quotations and then it was like slow motion kayla and her friends came walking down the hallway with mean faces seeing who shawn was with and immediately stopped." Oh really?" Kayla asked as shawn smiled rubbing his hands like this was the time for that." Really." He said nodding." So we done?" She asked." If that's what you want?" He asked knowing good and well he was gone be crying if she said yes." Who is this?" She asked." Isabel, she just a friend so chill out.

"He said as she looked him up and down with her hand on her hip." Incredible dumb to pull something like this." She said as she started to walk away but shawn didnt want her to have the last word." It's a tattoo that I wouldnt mind getting if we finished having our conversation way before you started making assumptions." He said." Whatever, when you done with her I ain't gone be back this is it." She said as she kept walking." Let's be done then." He asked as she kept walking I think everyone that they were done." You not gone get your girl back?" Demetrius asked as Shawn shook his head no

The next day they all were at lunch and Kayla kept looking over watching everything shawn did while speaking to her friends they all knew the deal they hated being away from each other.

"Bruh, just talk to her?" Demetrius said as he sat down peeping everything that was going on." No, if she want me back she gone have to tell me, I admit gone be the one to say nothing to her first I'm tired of doing that." Shawn said and demetrius understood once again he probably felt like he had to apologize for everything in their relationship.

"Aye, kayla." Demetrius yelled over."

"What?" Kayla said snapping immediately." Shawn want to say something to you." He said as kayla looked towards him with a mean face. "I ain't got nothing to say to her, why would you call her?" Shawn asked as kayla turned back to talking to her friends." You probably hurt her feelings." Demetrius said as shawn shrugged his shoulders." She should Express that then." He said as demetrius laughed." Y'all are so stubborn." Demetrius said shaking his head chuckling

"You not gone say anything to him, you know you miss him?" Kayla friends asked her but she was too hurt because usually shawn would have already said something and they would be back together instantly.

"Nah, he acting like I'm the one that was walking around with a random person making it seem like I was cheating." She said with her head down she tried not to look over, but she did and she always caught Shawn's gaze on her." See y'all still love each other go talk to him." Her friend Cassie said." No." Kayla said with no explanation after it she felt no need to apologize first

They both go to the same school together she figured and it was no way that they wouldn't speak to each other or find a way to be back together. He just wasn't gonna be the one to apologize or admit anything and that made her sad they were so identical but usually something would have transpired." Man, I hate being a taurus." She said as he dragged her hand down her face.

May 14, 2021 18:06

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