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Romance Science Fiction Funny

YEAH! Oh wait… Oh! Hi! Welcome back! Or should I have just said— never mind, it matters not! As you can see, we seem to be back in the sixties… or seventies I haven’t seen what everyone’s wearing yet but I appear to look, or be dressed as…

What am I wearing?

“You look like a hippie.” Marina tells me. She’s right, I forgot she’s telepathic... 

It’s too bad it’s not the seventies, coulda seen Fleetwood Mac live…  “I agree…” she answers me. “Hey kid, where’d you bring us now?” I turn to Benson just to see him in some ridiculous sixties clothing. I hold in my laughter. The clothing isn’t ridiculous it just looks ridiculous on him! Benji starts snickering. I notice Benson looks like he’s fuming, so let’s try going somewhere else? “Okay well, if it’s that bad… let’s try this place.” I use the funky gadget to transport us to…

An 8-bit video game…

It’s cool to hear an 8-bit version of ‘Everywhere’, Fleetwood Mac, though! “Well, we’re… where are we?! You keep transporting us to all these random places!” Benson shouts at me. Well it sounds more like beeping deeply but I mean. I guess that’s how we talk now. You know because everything’s 8-bit now? “Marina, do you happen to know where exactly we are? You were always in to this… eight bit, video game… stuff.” Benson asks her. She smiles, “I’m surprised you remember!” He sighs. “Now’s not the time to— Never mind just, uh! Do you know where we are?!”

So sensitive. What’s wrong with looking back for a little bit?

“I don’t think we’re in a random arcade game, this seems to be some imaginary version of one. Like someone made one up and it’s just been an idea floating in their head or something, and somehow we’ve been transported into it.” Everyone looks confused. “Hey, you’re not the ones who were somehow transported to some other universe stuck in time.” She’s got a point. But that was just because I didn’t have any other good ideas for the zine, comic book thingy. Also a zine is a mini version of magazine. Kind of. “Okay… Well, now we have to find a way out of here.” I perk up. “Oh, I know this place! I know exactly where to go! Follow me!” An 8-bit Gypsy, a song also by Fleetwood Mac, plays after I say this. I laugh a little, this only means one thing:

‘Gypsy’ is my theme song in this game.

“The music changed so quickly after you said that. Does that mean we each have a theme song?!” Benji would ask. “Yep!”. He hops up and down in excitement. “Calm down..” Benson ruins the moment. “So, you and Benson were like a thing at one point right? Like together?” I ask Marina, she just nods. “Why do you ask?” She asks me. I smirk. “Because you two still seem to care for each other… In that way…” She laughs. “God knows we don’t. Not anymore…”


“Why so blue all of a sudden?” I ask her teasingly. “I guess I’m a little bit homesick.” She replies. Okay, she got me this time…, but next time there’ll be no good excuse! We arrive at the place, yes I’m going to tell you what song plays every time one of them speaks, Benson starts talking…

Oh wait you can’t hear him sorry. ‘Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now’ by The Smiths plays as Benson says, “Did you bring us to some dance club or party? What the heck is this? Also, haha, very funny song choice…” He says sarcastically. I laugh “I know! It’s genius, because you always seem to be miserable! Plus, it’s one of my favorite songs.” I start humming along to it. Ah, but alas, that feeling came back and hit me right in the heart. A part of me didn’t want to leave and just stay and put my other life behind and have a new one here. But the other part knew that wasn’t the right thing to do… “You okay, kid?” Benson asks me, I guess I was staring blankly at the ground. “Oh, yeah I’m fine!”

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…

“Well, ladies first…” He says gesturing towards the building. I shrug and walk, immediately hearing an 8-bit ‘Stayin’ Alive’, Bee Gees. “Oh gosh, what did you just drag us into?” Benson asks worriedly. “I don’t know.” I shrug. “Yay! A party!” Benji exclaims running right into the crowd. “Benny!” I forgot to mention that… “Aw, cool! An eight bit ‘Just The Two of Us’! Another one of my favorite songs!” I quickly change the subject.

“Hey! You two should got dance together!”



I chuckle awkwardly and begin writing something down.

“DO IT.”

Marina would turn to Benson a tad flustered. “I guess one small dance couldn’t hurt? Plus I really like this song too.” She holds out her hand. He sighs and takes her hand, not like rips it off but like holds it, “I… guess…” He looks up at her and smiles. “It’s our song.” She smiles back.

It’s such a beautiful moment!

Even though they started mid song!

Wait, never mind, the song got replayed somehow heh.

Someone next to me gasps in a high pitch robotic way, I turn to see Benny. “It’s really happening! They’re falling in love again!”

“Womp, womp.”

“Why’d you say that?”

“Because she ends up marrying someone else.”

I laugh maniacally. Benny proceeds to scream ‘No’ at the top of his lungs like Anakin Skywalker. Also, ‘Womp, Womp’ is slang for ‘too bad, so sad’. “Oh well, at least they get one last romantic dance together before they go their separate ways.” Benny shouts at me while sobbing “Stop making song references!” He continues sobbing. I smile. As the song ends they stay on the dance floor, because The Bee Gees even sound good 8-bit. I attempt to comfort ol’ Benny, actually he’s not old but whatever. “Hey, maybe I’ll change my mind and have her marry Benson!” He perks up “Really?!”


He continues sobbing again.

Oh well.

For now this continues as one of Marina and Benson’s most romantic times together so far because the last I wrote about their romance they ended up arguing and like separating for some time, but I mean… right now is their moment and I’ll let them have it. Dancing to The Bee Gees in an 8-bit video game at some disco party place or whatever. Oh look they might kiss….

“Esti, please don’t…”

“Benny the middle name is Esther, not ‘Esti’…”

“It’s a nickname!”

“Oh well..”


I blast us into 1982.

July 19, 2024 01:22

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1 comment

Arianna Casillas
01:23 Jul 19, 2024

Okay, look, I’m sorry I interrupted the kiss… but here are two of the songs: Gypsy: https://youtu.be/jFYiZFV1W-Y Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: https://youtu.be/W_VU5hLcCm0?si=XGrVR1kxQii15DzJ


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