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My name is Peter Frazier. I have been trapped inside my apartment for the past three weeks. I am in the epicenter of the most deadly disease known to mankind. 

“There is a virus spreading throughout all of Western Europe. Symptoms of this virus are severe coughing and nausea. This virus is very deadly. As a precaution, the CDC has locked and sealed everyone inside the epicenter's homes with a strong sealing mixture that cannot be removed without the correct chemical. The symptoms are extreme headaches, coughing and, for some unknown reason, the smelling of sulfur” The newscaster rambles on about the new virus, called“Pesimissosis”, as I start my new plan to escape. This Is my 12th time trying to escape. 

I decide to go and see what is in the attic I discovered a few days ago hoping the objects could further my plan. I start to pull down the dust-covered hatch to see what mysteries are in store. As I climb the ladder the rungs start creaking as though an old man's bones after long hours of rest. I make my way up the ladder hastily, fearing that the old rungs would decide to take their last breath and give out from under me. As I reach the top I see darkness surrounding me. I turned on my phone's flashlight to see where I am. I pass by boxes and antiques that could make me rich. I accidentally kicked a small ball across the room. It passes out of view and then there is the sound of something tumbling down. I follow the noise.

I believe I am standing at the top of the staircase that leads to hell. With much hesitation, I decided to start walking down the twisting staircase, mentally preparing to meet the devil. The staircase has spiderwebs covering its intricate designs along the wall. The curved, oaken stairs kept winding around bends and jerking suddenly as if touching a hot stove. As it curves I start smelling rotten eggs. I smell my armpits in curiosity. As soon as I do my head starts pounding. I choose to keep walking. A few minutes later I fold over and start coughing as though my throat was going to come out of my mouth. As soon as the coughing fit ends I start running down the stairs. Suddenly I feel weak and like I’m just a corpse. I hurl.  

It feels like years before I reach the bottom where there is a heavy and impassable door standing tall like a soldier ready for battle. As I open it sunlight pours through. Have I found my escape? Fearing I would get caught I run despite the pain in my stomach, the pound in my head, and the dryness of my throat. Gut-wrenching, heart-pumping— after several thrusts forward my legs became tired. My side began to ache like something was biting me. I start to slow before something catches my eye. 

A yellow hazmat suit speeding towards me.

Not just one but at least 12. I start running faster. Trying to get away from the place once called home to a place now called freedom. Something grabs my legs and I fall face-first into the dirt. I feel the cold soil on my skin as I try to jerk myself free from their grasp, unsuccessfully. 

“How did you get out of the quarantine?” an angry voice asks with pure disgust. 

“The stairs!” I scream scared that they would kill me for escaping. Continuing, I start yelling the tangent I have been repeating In my head “ Keeping us locked up in our own apartments is a violation of the law and human rights. We deserve to be able to leave our apartments! It is our human right to go as we please. Keeping us locked in without our permission is illegal!” 

“Oh really?” He says sarcastically. “Even though without it the carriers could threaten thousands of lives?” His voice was becoming angry “Even though this disease has already killed 50 Million people and has a death rate of 2.5%? So you want to be at risk too? Or do you want to put others at risk?” 

“Test me” I scream “ I am NOT infected!”

“Ok” He nods to the three holding me down. They grab my limbs and start dragging me across the dirt.

“ Where are you taking me?” I scream, my voice becoming hoarse. 

“ To test you.” he states matter of factly. 

A large white tent starts coming into view. I recognize it as the one outside my window. The one on TV that they said they take the infected to test them. I start panicking. This is not where I belong. I should be tested in a sanitary lab with real scientists to prove to these moronic paranoid people that I AM NOT INFECTED! 

As I am dragged inside I see beds full of sick people, tubes, and hazmat people everywhere. I don't belong here. 

They strap me to a table and start probing me. “ I don't belong here.” I start muttering. “I DON'T BELONG HERE!” I start screaming and writhing. They start strapping me down. I punch, kick, flail, bite, anything to getaway. Something is stuck in my neck and everything goes dark. 

I hear voices. 

“He is definitely infected but worse. It's affecting his brain.”

A hoarse laugh. It starts getting louder. Then it starts sobbing. The tears start running down my face. “I don't belong here. I shouldn’t be here. I don't belong here. I'm not crazy. I'm not infected.” My body starts shaking. I feel like I'm having a seizure or something. Blood starts oozing from my mouth. The doctors start panicking.

“He's in critical condition!”

“I've never seen it affect this fast.”

“ I need oxygen over here!”

“They ramble on. I keep laughing and crying. I sound like the Joker from Batman. Am I going crazy? It feels like it. Am I dying? Probably. And I'm ok with that. I don't need to live. I’m just a Computer Network Support Specialist. I’m not important. Again something is in my neck and slowly it all fades into darkness. 

My name is Peter Frazier. I have been trapped in this room for seven years. I am mentally insane. They were able to cure me of Pesimissosis. The damage to my brain is permanent. 

March 22, 2020 21:09

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1 comment

Roshna Rusiniya
04:41 Mar 30, 2020

Beautiful writing!


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