
Chapter one

The Creator lost the beauty of the surroundings, the lush foliage with the bonus of every flower imaginable, in his/her mood. Rarely seen in this bad mood, the arch angels stood helpless as the Creator walked in circles, waving His hands, and talking loud and profusely.

“How did they end up there? That dimension has the worst monsters and a clue, but not the first one.”

“We haven't arranged the clues in any order. The one there is just one clue. They cannot decipher them unless one has all four together. Someone stole the book, which spelled out all the processes, songs, words, and actions used during creation.”

“If someone finds the book, they can reset creation by using the contents of the book. Adele may be the fulfillment of the prophecy to find the book.”

“Sir, she is only ten years old.”

 “Her age is irrelevant. The path for her clearly left her home and went through a safer dimension. She entered that dimension from the end instead of the beginning. Instead, she, with dwarves, elves, and people, fought their way through the entire dimension before finding the clue.”

“Sir, the witch queen, Lady Katherine, sent people to kidnap Adele, but Adele escaped with her mom and others through a dimensional portal.”

“I’m well aware of Lady Katherine and her goals. They were lucky to escape the kidnap attempt, but again, how did they end up there? We need a plan to communicate with them. There must be a device where they can talk to me. Any suggestions?”

An archangel said, “The druids tell of a thing they had called a labyrinth, where you walked a path and the entire time you were open to hear from the god the druids worshipped. There are tales spoken of people who heard guidance and help from the labyrinth. The voice sounded in their head, not spoken out loud. Maybe setting that up somewhere centrally located would work.”

“What if it was portable? That way, when they moved and needed to speak to me, they could. A better thought would be to place one in a safe and central location in each dimension. The elves occupy all the dimensions, and they can steer people to the labyrinth for guidance. That way, the labyrinth can remain in one place.”

“Sir, they could create a dimensional door inside their place where the group or person can go, walk, and listen in private. That way, the labyrinth is also away from the public, so not just anyone can access it.”

“Maybe to accomplish this sooner, I can summon the Ancient Runes to help. All of creation came into being through them. This should be easy. Let me work on this.”

Chapter two

Dark clouds rumbled with thunder and lightning. The foreboding castle, dark and threatening in appearance, warned anyone nearby to stay away. It was just the way Lady Katherine liked it. On this night, Lady Katherine paced around the courtyard, angry enough to cause anyone to move far from her. Mahalia, the favored with in the coven, knew enough to stay away. Finally, Lady Katherine stopped her pacing squarely in front of Mahalia. Hands on hips, looking Mahalia square in the eyes, she said, “Where did we go wrong?”

“Begin with the idiot who led the attack!”

“Stop right there. I know the two of you cannot stand each other, but the blame rests on us because it never occurred to us there would be an escape plan that involved a dimensional door. We envisioned a fight to capture Adele, but never an escape. We will not make that mistake again.”

“So, what do we do now?”

“We know Adele has one of the clues. We know the dimension she entered is a desert. The main monsters guarding the clue here are dragons. The problem is we don’t know where the dimensions are. Adele and her team seem to end up in places by accident, which makes finding them the more difficult.”

“Could we capture an elf and torture it until they tell? That seems easy enough.

“The problem is there are almost infinite dimensions. The chances are good that the elf won’t know, even though I’d like to get anything in my dungeon to torture for fun. Remember the last time we captured several elves, a group came and freed them?”

 “I don’t have suggestions to help Lady Katherine. We have tools at our disposal, but which ones?”

“To begin, I’ll send out all the ravens. This will take time but might work. I’d consult the crystal ball, but they aren’t totally secure. That leaves the mirror and the magic waters. One of those might give a clue. Till then, we try those, and we can just hope for them to make a mistake.”

Mahalia joined a large crowd, amazed at the size of the flock of ravens that flew away. No one imagined so many lived there at the castle. Knowing the deadly nature of the ravens, many walked away with a chill.

Chapter three

Sitting on a bench in the beauty of His private space beckoned to Him to sit to wait. The bench felt solid beneath him, even if it was a rustic gray stone. The Creator mentally sent out a call to the Eternal Runes. He knew it crossed many light years, so a wait was in store. Later that day, fire flew in His direction and when it reached Him, a circle of fire surrounded him. The circle flew quickly in a circular motion around Him fast enough that He found it difficult to stay on the bench. After a moment, the Runes became still in a line before Him.

“Why have you summoned us? You can only do so in times of great need.”

The Creator explained to them about the labyrinth and the need. The runes formed a tight circle off to one side before returning and lining up to answer. “We see the need. What you seek will be in place by noon tomorrow. The elves will receive each labyrinth with accompanying instructions. The elves will then take the labyrinth into the special dimension, set it up and wait till someone comes in need of it. It will be up to you to make known the labyrinth’s existence.”

The Creator bowed before the Eternal Runes. “I am grateful for your coming. You saved us years of work. The need for the labyrinth is immediate. We will put it to good use.”

The runes warned that evil must not be allowed into the labyrinth. They will suffer consequences in any attempt to use them.” Fire surrounded the Creator, scaring Him. He felt movement and changes within His mind and heart.

“What have you done to me?”

“We have equipped you to manage infinite requests at once, because this is now an eternal conduit to you from the dimensions. In time, you will find people who will find themselves blessed to communicate with you in such a way. Because evil will suffer if they try to use this, we believe it is incorruptible. Again, call us if there is a need.” The Runes shot into the air in a straight line, which became a circle, gaining speed as they left for space.

The Creator summoned angels to meet Him. “We need a plan. Adele must take the safest path to the next clue. To do this, she can find the route by entering the labyrinth. As she walks, pausing to listen at the curves along the path, someone will speak within her mind a path she can share with the parts of creation traveling with her. The elves will know where she is leading them.”

“What about Lady Katherine?” an angel asked.

I pledged noninterference among creation when finished. The pledge mandates that I do nothing myself to change the direction a part of creation is heading. The labyrinth is close to breaking the mandate, but since it is available to all creation, it isn’t. I cannot speak to Adele personally, but someone who knows a route can.”

“This means you will not stop Lady Katherine.” Said the angel.

“That’s correct. We hope she will make a mistake.”

Chapter four

It surprised the elves in every dimension to find labyrinths popping up in their safe houses. The elves followed directions, setting them up in secret dimensions for use. In the dimension where Adele and her group traveled, elves met them and took them to the labyrinth dimension and walk. The elves reported that the room and the labyrinth were a success.

The Creator sat back and smiled because gratification came quickly when something worked. Head falling into hands and sighing heavily, emotions stymied many things the Creator desired to do. Frustration ranked close to the top. Eyes narrowed and lips pursed with thoughts about emotions, especially frustration. Was the non-interference rule a good idea? Evil seemed relentless in growth. Brave people stepping up to stop evil lead to fights and battles. So many died on both sides. It pained Him to think about the lost potential.

A real joy came today when people began walking the labyrinths and hearing the responses to their seeking and questioning. Help can be so scarce. The Eternal Runes made him capable of working while answering seekers. Angels watched in concern as He walked around talking to no one in particular until they understood what He did.

Exasperated and running, an angel hurried to him, seeking His presence.

“What is wrong that you are hurrying like this?”

Something malfunctioned in the labyrinth where Adele found the clue. Lady Katherine found the dimensional door open and went inside where the labyrinth sits. We are afraid she will attempt to walk it. What should we do?”

The Creator smiled and said, “The Eternal Runes stipulated evil could not walk the labyrinth without consequences. They receive what they deserve.”

“So don’t stop them?”

“For once, I like the non-interference rule. It says I must let things play out to their conclusion. I leave lady Katherine to her own consequences, regardless of what happens to her. I want to watch it. This should be interesting.”

Chapter five 

Lady Katherine walked through the elf’s home. Brilliant colors popped out everywhere. Her mouth watered at the fragrance of fresh bread baking. Elves scurried around with a task for the day. The smells and sensations differed from Castle Black Night. A door shimmered before her just as it appeared from nowhere. “Mahalia, come look! Where did this door come from?

“How did you find it?”

“I walked up to the wall, and a door appeared. When I approached, the door opened. Looking inside, I noticed on the floor what appears to be a walking trail or journey. Come and let’s walk it. I bet it will be fun.”

“Lady. I’d rather find out what it is before we touch it. It may be fun, or it may be like the traps you like to set for people.”

“Let’s go in and find out. You can see how it appears to be a map of a journey. This seems to be the entry place right here. I may walk into it to see where it leads me.” Too preoccupied to notice her group stepping away from her, Lady Katherine walked onto the large matt on the floor. Reaching the first curve, she felt the desire to speak and listen. A smile crossed her mouth as the sensation became very pleasing to her. “Tell me how to find Adele and the clue she found in this dimension.

 The room became darkened as a light scanned Lady Katherine. The door entering the room closed behind them. Mahalia let out a small noise as they realized it trapped them.

“Lady Katherine, we’re trapped! Save us!” Mahalia cried. Lady Katherine sent every spell she could think of sending. Not even fire balls penetrated the door. Suddenly, silence enveloped the room. The group huddled together in fear. The room’s lights started flashing. What appeared to be a tornado flew up from the center circle of the labyrinth. As it expanded, the group realized all hope for an exit disappeared.

Lady Katherine’s scream for help echoed throughout not just the elves’ place, but all of hell. No one came. The tornado kept expanding until it swallowed the group; Bodies swirled in a fast-paced motion that only gained speed. The tornado lifted from the floor and out of the elves’ safe place. Flying at a faster speed. The tornado left the dimension and hurtled through space. Soon it crossed a dimensional border. As it stopped, the entire group flew from the spinning winds. Screaming in fear, the group flew until they landed with a thud on the cold floor.

“Lady Katherine, help us!”

“It’s hard to do anything until several of you GET OFF OF ME!” As she stood up, she looked around. “All of you can relax. We’re on the floor of my personal quarters at my castle.”

Mahalia sobbed and said, “Thank goodness we are safe.”

“Yes, we are safe, but we are now back to square one in our search for Adele and the clues.”

 A great distance away, the Creator smiled and said, “Yes, you are.”           

May 12, 2023 19:27

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