Jophiel's Tear

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



The sun was already beating fiercely upon the small town of Rohl by the time Adrian had arrived. He had had a long journey that led him to cities, towns, farms, and even caves; all based on rumors and legends of a lost treasure of immense power. It was a treasure thought to be from a tear of a goddess or an angel; the embodiment of the being changed depending who he asked, which crystallized into a stone. No matter the variation of the legend they all said the same thing, that this stone housed a powerful magic, the like that has not been seen since the collapse of the Old World. The rumors around this item had recently been circulating with a renewed sense of urgency. 

Adrian had first overheard people looking for this item in alehouses and inns during his aimless travels. Whispered words in the dark corners of these establishments, or along alleyways; all amongst the underworld society of magical item procurers, witches and warlocks. Adrian knew some of these people in this society and their ambitions and greed worried him, and what they could do if they got ahold of such a prize. His first step was to find out if this item was based in reality or in a fantastical legend. He asked the only being he felt would know the truth, Samael. Although Samael confirmed that this item was a real object, he would not give Adrian any information about its whereabouts, except for pointing him towards an elderly woman in a city who would be able to help him, and some random pointers along the way when he decided to be around Adrian. 

This was how Adrian started his journey to find this crystallized tear. Along the way he had heard many names being given to it, but he liked the name Jophiel’s Tear. All of his travels now brought him into Rohl, a small town in the Republic of the Netherlands, and to a woman called Aleida. He was told by a farmer that Aleida would know about Jophiel’s Tear and where to find it. Excitement filled him at the thought that his journey might actually be over and he urged his horse by the reigns into the small town. 

He could feel eyes on him as he walked through the streets, no doubt wondering about him. Adrian knew he stuck out in small towns, everyone seemed to know everyone, and in town’s like Rohl Adrian could imagine they hardly saw travelers. He saw a baker standing outside his shop, putting breads on racks and starring at him. Adrian figured that he might as well start with him and hopefully get some direction about Aleida’s location. 

“Good morning sir! I was hoping you could provide me with some information.” Adrian smiled as he walked over.

“About what?” the baker crossed his arms.

“I was told by a farmer named Aart that I would find a woman here called Aleida? Would you happen to know her?”

“Where are you from?” 

Adrian could feel the distrustfulness coming from this baker, not that Adrian held it against him. His long stay in another village had had him once distrusting newcomers and travelers. Still, he felt some irritation, no doubt due to his exhaustion and worry about the other seekers of this stone.

“I’m from London. I’ve had a long journey-“

The baker jumped in before Adrian could finish his sentence. “Why’re you here?” 

“As I have said, I need to find a woman called Aleida.”

“Yeah, you’ve said, but why are you here.”

Adrian felt a bit irked by this gentleman’s abruptness. “I’m looking for an object, often called Jophiel’s Tear or the Goddess’s Tear.”

“Ah,” the baker rolled his eyes, “chasing myths and fairy-tales.”

Adrian would not give into his growing impatience. He had to remember what it was like to be on the other side of this conversation. He was sure that he must have come across as rude to many travelers that had asked him questions in the past. 

“Yes…well, I was hoping you could point me in the direction where I could find her.”

“You can go to Erich, he’s one street over, he’s the apothecary. He can help you.” With that, the baker walked back into his shop and left Adrian alone.

Heaving a sigh, Adrian began to lead his horse as he walked beside her through the streets towards Erich’s shop. He had a bit of trouble with the vague directions, the one street over was actually one street over, down an alleyway between rows of houses and then another small street. He found the shop with the help of a resident. Adrian felt uneasy tying his horse to the post outside the storefront, but he did not have a choice. Giving her a rub and a whispered promise that he would be quick, Adrian entered Erich’s shop. 

Adrian’s nose was immediately flooded with a cacophony of scents. He could smell various herbs and chemicals that almost made him gag but he stopped himself from doing so as a man, he assumed to be Erich, came out from the back of the shop. 

“Are you Erich? The baker pointed me to your shop so I may ask about a person I am trying to locate.”

The shopkeeper, Erich, nodded and put down a vial of blue liquid. “I am Erich. Who are you looking for?”

“A woman named Aleida. I am searching for Jophiel’s Tear, and a farmer named Aart pointed me to your town and to her.”

“Ah, Aart. Yes, he’s a friend of mine. Why are you looking for this?”

“I heard that there has been renewed interest in this object, and there are many people searching for it, people that I do not trust to do good with it. If it is real-”

Erich sat down and tapped his fingers on the counter. “It is real. Now, who is to say that you are, in fact, the right person?”

“I’m sorry?”

“How do I know that you are not one of these people who will not do good with it?”

Adrian crinkled his brow as he studied this unassuming man behind the counter. He did not come here for a debate. “Do you know where I may find Aleida?”

Erich smiled, “yes, I do know. You want to ask her about this stone and where you can find it. But what makes you the right person to have this stone?”

Adrian sighed as he shifted his feet. “I understand how you must feel about me, I have been there myself. I realize that I am a stranger, a wanderer, and you do not know me, but I am asking you, as hard as it might be, to trust me-“

“Blind faith?” Erich interjected; Adrian could hear the amusement in the shopkeeper’s words.

“Yes. Blind faith. I am one of the best people who can keep this stone safe from those who would mean harm. I have traveled far searching for clues about this stone’s whereabouts, along the way I met many others searching for this same item. If some of them had this stone, and could command its power, then they would do evil with it and I cannot have that happen.”

Erich was silent as he studied Adrian. Adrian could feel the weight of the man’s gaze, as if Erich was staring into his soul and discerning his true motives. It made him feel uncomfortable. At last Erich gave a curt nod towards him and stood up.

“Come,” he waved his hand for Adrian to follow him, as he turned and went into the backroom. “I’ll introduce you to Aleida.”

Adrian hurriedly followed into the backroom and close the curtain behind himself that covered the entrance. The smell of rosemary and lavender was strong here. Erich went over to a young woman who was bent over the mortar and pestle, grinding the two herbs together. 

“Aleida,” she looked up at the sound of Erich’s voice. “This is Adrian,” she looked over to him as he was introduced, “he has a question about the Stone of Liere.”

Aleida put down her pestle and wiped her hands on her apron. “What of it?”

“I was told by a farmer named Aart that you might have some information about this stone?”

Aleida looked over at Erich, who gave her a slight nod, before looking back over at Adrian. “My uncle here must believe you to be trustworthy if he allowed you back here.”

“His intentions are true, Aleida.”

Adrian felt a rise of hope. “So, you will lead me to this stone?”

“Lead you? No. My uncle allowed you to speak with me about it but that does not mean I’m going to give it to you. Why should I?”

“There are many people looking for this stone, some who are powerful in their own right. For some reason there has been a renewed interest in finding this stone. There are people from every class looking for this stone and I can keep it from them.”

“So can we. How do you think that it hasn’t been found in all this time? There have been common travelers, Duke’s, even Royalty, who have searched for this stone throughout the centuries and none have found it. Why should it be any different now?”

“Because some of the people now looking for it who have no qualms with torturing and destroying homes in order to find it. If I have it with me then I can save many from this fate.”

“What if these bad people still come here? Just because you have it does not mean we are protected from them.”

Adrian sighed heavily and shook his head. “One of these men looking for the stone is a warlock who has committed many crimes. He especially is the one I want to keep this stone away from and I do not believe that it will be safe here anymore. If I have it with me then I can hide it somewhere else, I will be able to draw them away from Rohl by spreading the word that I, Adrian, have found Jophiel’s Tear and I have it on me.”

Aleida picked up her pestle and began to grind the herbs once again. Erich picked up a sachet from the table and emptied its contents into another mortar. He studied the contents in the mortar as he spoke. “This stone, we call it the Stone of Liere, was given to us for safe keeping. Our family wasn’t always from around here and when we moved, it moved with us. Perhaps we will be moving again if the rumors are pointing the seekers here to Rohl. Our family has always been blessed by the Goddess with abilities. I was able to look into your soul and see your true intentions, and I believe you to be true Adrian, but this stone was given to us for safe keeping. We will continue to keep it safe.”

“When will you move? These men are searching for it now, and they will come here. Rohl, the people, you two, are no longer safe.”

“I have three patients to tend to. We can move after.” Aleida poured the oils from the herbs into a small vial. “If, it is as you tell us, that these dangerous men are coming soon, then we should leave Rohl. Perhaps,” Aleida looked over at Adrian with a small smile, “you would join us then? You feel strongly about keeping the Stone of Liere safe.”

“You told me that you travelled far. Perhaps you would lead us somewhere we could be safe?” Erich asked.

Adrian was silent for a while as he thought about this. He knew taking the stone by himself would be faster but Aleida was not going to give it up, Erich was not going to help him either. The stone needed to leave this place, wherever it was hidden, but he felt a sense of impatience that Aleida seemed to be under no direct sense of urgency to leave today. 

“How soon will you be able to leave?”

“Four days from now. These tinctures need time to blend and the process can be lengthy. Four days is the best that I can do.” She caught Adrian’s sound of impatience and glared at him. “If you will join us then you can start helping my uncle by packing up the essentials. We will leave in four days.” 

Aleida turned her back to them as she busied herself with her work. Adrian looked over silently at Erich, who gave him a meaningful look before coming around the table and leading Adrian and himself out from the back room. 

“Aleida has always had a strong will. She is the healer behind this shop, just like her aunt, my late wife, was, and she remains devoted to her patients. Four days will give us enough time to pack up what we need before we leave…if you intend to join us, I hope?” 

“Yes, I…” Adrian trailed off for a moment before gathering his thoughts, “I will stay and help you. I will lead you to a place where this stone, and yourselves, will be safe.”

“Thank you, Adrian.” Erich’s face beamed with gratitude.

The next few days was busy with Adrian and Erich packing up possessions onto a large cart. Aleida helped where possible, mostly by packing up her tools and apothecary supplies. They left much of the furniture behind; taking only their cooking pots and pans, blankets, pillows, shop supplies, and food. They left early in the morning, Erich at the reigns of their horse who pulled the cart, Aleida sat beside her uncle, and Adrian on his horse, walked beside them. Adrian assumed that they would be stopping off at the stones location before leaving Rohl behind for good but after two hours of travelling, Adrian began to have some doubts.

“Where is the Stone of Liere hidden? I thought we would be going to its location?”

Aleida gave a small chuckle before removing a glove and showing him her hand. She wore a ring with an iridescent stone set in the center, a moonstone if Adrian thought correctly. “It was always hidden in plain sight. There are no secret caves or hidden vaults where this stone lies. It has always been passed down from woman to woman in our family.” She replaced the glove on her hand. “That way, it is always on one of us so we can keep it safe.”

“Where will we go?” Erich called over a sudden gust of wind.

“To the West, towards Malaga. A long way away but it will be easier to hide. Along the way I can also spread the rumors that I have seen this stone in other locations, hopefully that will pull attention away from Rohl.”

“I hope so,” Aleida clasped her hands together tightly. “Those are good people.”

Adrian nodded. He had lived a while and met many good people along his way, many of them who had misfortune fall on them. He could only hope that this act would spare Rohl from misfortune. Perhaps this was not quite the way he had imagined his journey to go, but he had been travelling alone long enough, with only his horse as companion. He had started to miss being around other humans, this might be a nice change of pace for the next while in any case.

September 27, 2019 16:22

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