Drama Fantasy Romance

Anna's Pov:

After an exhausting day, I culminated my work early and headed home exhilarated. Being a sales manager, my work-life balance was haywire. Except for a few days like today, I always worked late and reached home much past my bedtime. That's why I was excited about today and was hoping to have my favorite meal, catch up with some of the shows my friends have been bragging about and read a novel cozily under my blanket. The thought of which itself made me drive faster. I got home, threw my stuff on the couch and jumped into a warm bath. After a good 15 minutes, my phone rang. It was my best friend Alicia. "Wonder what she wants", I cerebrated and answered the call. "Anna!!" her squeaky voice perforated through my ears and I had to keep the phone away for a while to eschew my ears from getting hurt. "What is it?" I said in a monotonous tone. "Get ready, I am coming over in 10", she said and hung up on me."There goes the fancy plan to spend my time alone", I sighed and went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee before she arrives.

Jack Domanco, number 1 billionaire in America, was an epitome of perfection. Great body, intelligent, and not to forget he's damn rich. Famous women and opulent girls always endeavored to make him fall in love. But for him, love is a cockamamy term. In his life, romance does not exist. He was an arrogant businessman, who never thought about anyone's feeling. His cold eyes can send chills down anyone's spine. 

Jack's POV:

"I Hate my new assistant " I sat there for a moment, unable to comprehend what happened. "Because of her, we lost the biggest contract". I needed to pull it together, so I took the rest of the day off and told my assistant to rescind all my meetings. I drove back home, sat on my couch with a glass of wine cogitating how horrible day it was so far. Just then, received a text from my business associate and best mate," Be there in 10, get ready we have an urgent meeting". I was confused, what meeting is he talking about? I postponed all the conferences for the day. I was about to call my assistant and blast her again but thought of waiting for Mike instead. 

Anna's POV

"What?" I jumped on my seat to what Alicia told me. "Yes! now get ready and let's go". "No, I am not going to any blind date. Are you kidding me? I haven't been to a proper date for like years and you are putting me on the spot with the blind date? what if he is some old pervert, or a serial killer, or a rapist?". So basically, my so-called best friend registered me on one of the dating sites and right-swiped a guy on my behalf. Can you believe it? And now she is literally forcing me to go. After lots of discussions and arguments, I had to give up and get ready. "I wasn't doing anything else with my time anyways, why not give it a shot?"

Jack's POV

"What? why did you sign me in on a stupid dating site? I don't have time for this rubbish. You expect me to go for a blind date? I am sorry Mike! I ain't going anywhere." I shouted at my friend and was about to leave when he showed me the pic of the girl I was about to meet. Let me be honest, she was like an angel, innocent, beautiful and there was something about those eyes, which convinced me to go meet her. I finally agreed but not without warning Mike of the repercussions, if anything goes bad.

At the Cafe: 

I reached the cafe early. After waiting for 10 minutes, I saw a girl wearing a beautiful pink sundress, her natural glow and aura, brought a smile on my face. But I instantly brushed it off with my usual expression. As she was nearing, my heart was racing. I calmed myself down with a glass of water. She came and smiled at me, "Jack?". I stood up, shook hands, pulled a chair and asked her to sit. Well! Chivalry should be alive.

Anna's Pov

All through the drive, I asked Alicia to at least show me how this person looks like. But she gave a stupid logic of "there won't be any thrill of a blind date". I rolled my eyes and sighed. Finally, we reached our destination. So basically, Alicia had a date with her boyfriend and she hooked me with some random guy. she went her way and I with my sweaty hands and shaking legs entered the cafe. After scanning through the cafe, I saw a guy wearing a business suit and waiting for someone. Oh man! he was hot. I went straight up to him and asked, "Jack?". He saw me and my legs started shaking looking at his deep blue eyes. He shook hands and pulled a chair for me. "Chivalry isn't dead after all", I thought to myself. There was an awkward silence for a while, which was killing me. Unlike his looks, he was a cold and arrogant guy, who apparently didn't want to date at all. I asked him, "Why did you agree to this date then". He replied with a cold voice, "I was tricked by my friend. He said this would be a business meeting." I couldn't believe this guy. I felt like running away from this horrible date.

Jack's Pov

She was making me nervous. he eyes, her smile everything was so charming and I was afraid that I will mess up. So I decided to act cool. I am a billionaire, how can I be so nervous around a girl? So I told her, I don't like to date and this date was also a trick by my friend. Her expression changed all of sudden. Did she look hurt? shocked? couldn't make out but her usual charming smile faded away. Now I felt bad for being such a jerk. Nevertheless, to divert the topic, I asked her about her profession and tried to show interest in her likes and dislikes. But looks like my behaviour ticked her and she said she wanted to leave. I was shocked. but to show that I am not some desperate guy, I said, "Ok fine, suit yourself", as soon as this came into my mouth I realized what a big mistake I am doing. 

Anna's Pov

"Really? Is this guy for real? Suit yourself? This guy is full of himself. I'd rather die alone than go on a date with this handsome arrogant man. I stood up and was about to leave when he grabbed my hands. His touch sent tingles all over my body. But this time, I was hard to get. He said, "I am really sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I know I sound jerk right now, but believe me, when I saw you at first, I became so nervous and messed up everything. Please give me another chance". Now, who can say no to that handsome face? I smiled and sat down. The rest of the date went fine and I actually started liking this guy.

Jack's Pov

I was so relieved that she agreed to forgive me. Without any further blunders, the rest of the date went quite well.

2 years later:

I was so nervous. My palms sweaty, legs shaking, this felt like our first date all over again. The music started playing and there she was, my bride Anna, in a beautiful gown, walking towards me, with the same smile and charm like our first blind date, the day I met my wife. 

August 27, 2020 11:35

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Brittany Gillen
15:14 Aug 31, 2020

Swarna - Thank you for sharing your story. I liked the idea of a “tricked” blind date on both sides. It was a fun way to introduce both characters. Plus, I always love a happy ending!!! My feedback would be to watch your use of large vocabulary words. Sometimes the simpler words covey meaning even better than the complex. You don’t want people to feel like you used a thesauraus too much. 😉 Keep writing!


Swarna Rao
15:19 Aug 31, 2020

Thanks. Appreciate the feedback. :)


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