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Adventure Fiction

Note 1 —

Into The Unknown

Hello, my name is Eddie Erubon. Today will mark the day I embark on a new, untold journey through a mysterious cave that no one else has seemed to come across. I asked the locals about this particular cave, but they were all nonplussed at its existence, even with the pictures I showed them.

I’m not exactly sure what to make of this just yet, but it will be interesting.

I’ll be the first to ever explore this cave. Maybe I could even get it named after myself. Erubon Cave, that sounds pretty cool. But first, I have to find something worthwhile.

I’ve explored many different caves and forests in the past, so I should know what I’m doing. I’ll be sure to document everything I find.

Hopefully, this goes well.

- Eddie Erubon

Note 2 —

Within The Cave

Hello, I’ve been walking around in this cave for at least a few hours now. I’ve lost track of time since my watch broke. Let me tell you about it.

When I first entered, nothing much happened. Nothing that would turn me around, at least. There were a few bats squeaking from the ceiling, shallow puddles of water scattered about, a few frogs, a few snakes, and a few spiders, whose web I had carelessly planted my face into. That’s how I broke my watch. I can handle most animals, but spiders- are not one of them.

Other than that, I haven’t seen anything unique yet. But I’ll continue on. Erubon Cave will be a national landmark, just wait!

- Eddie Erubon

Note 3 —


Hello, I just discovered the most mindboggling mystery of Erubon Cave! I don’t even know how or where to begin.

I kept going deeper into the cave for what felt like centuries, yet still couldn’t find anything. I took a short break to rest my legs. If I’m being honest, I was contemplating whether or not this journey was even worth more of my time. After a while, I got up and carried on. There was nothing but more cave walls and rocks in front of me. No more bats, no more insects, no more water. There was nothing at all. Absolutely zero presence of life.

I came across a dead end with a fissure in the wall. It was pretty narrow, but I could fit if I took off my bag. I was hesitant, but it was either squeeze through for the sake of exploration, or turn back. And I wouldn’t dare choose the latter. So I went on through.

The further I went, the tighter it got. I was even having trouble breathing. I think I passed out for a split second. I kept going, but it only got worse. I started hyperventilating due to shortness of breath, my eyes and nose were leaking uncontrollably, and my body was trembling. It felt like something was urging me not to go any further. But I kept going. I had to know what was on the other side. I even grazed my side on some kind of plant or vine along the way. My vision began to blacken, and I grew weaker by the second. But I kept going. I just had to.

Eventually, I saw the end of the fissure. I was almost there. It was extremely painful, but I pushed myself. “I have to make it!” “I have to make it!” I said that over and over again. And then, I did it, I made it through. I was on the other side.

I was panting like a man who had just overcome a heart attack. My vision was still blurry and dark, but I swear I saw a light, with someone walking towards me. I was going to say something, but I blacked out before I could utter a single word.

When I came to, I saw that bright light again, but not the person. My body wasn’t hurting anymore, for some reason, and the cut on my side was gone. I walked towards that light to see what it was. I expected it to be an exit, but it was so much more.

On the other side of that light was something marvelous.

It was a world. I mean, it looked like the normal world, but it wasn’t. It was a whole new world. A world I would only see in my dreams.

The sky is three different shades of blue with clouds that look like cotton or pillows. There’s a forest with the biggest and greenest trees I’ve ever seen. The vegetation is so colorful, and so distinctive. There are plants that I’ve never seen before, exotic fruits, animals of all kind walking side by side. There are mountains with various appearances beyond the horizon. Pointed, rounded, tall, short, snow filled, grassy, rocky, bendy, rigid. Rivers flow throughout the land. Waterfalls scattered in several places. There’s a rainbow in every direction. And the temperature is simply perfect.

I can’t look away from the sight. It’s breathtaking. None of it seems real, like it came straight out of a fairytale. There’s no way it’s real. But I’m looking directly at it. So it has to be.

It’s remarkable. I’ve never felt so at peace. My body feels so light. Like I could take flight and soar with the birds.

I don’t understand anything anymore. What is this place? How has it been kept a secret for so long? How does nobody know about it? Where even is this? How does it exist? I’ve never been here before, so why do I feel so at home?

I can’t believe what I’ve just discovered. A hidden world within our own. This is groundbreaking. And I’m the one who found it. The contents of Erubon Cave are amazing. It’s fascinating. It’s exquisite. It’s wondrous. It’s perplexing. It’s inconceivable. It’s peaceful. It’s heaven. It’s heaven!


It’s heaven.

I can’t wait to tell everybody back home. They all have to know about this place. They have to see it with their own eyes.

I don’t ever want to leave. I want to stay here in heaven.

I want to stay.

I want to stay.

I want t-

April 25, 2024 05:08

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1 comment

E.L. Lallak
05:19 May 01, 2024

Hey Zoarch! I enjoyed reading your first submission:) Definitely hit the mark on the prompt of an uncharted location! I liked your description of heaven. At the beginning, I was confused about how there were pictures if no one had ever seen this place. Now it makes sense;) This story makes me wonder what he was feeling or going through to give him the urge to explore this unknown cave. And the ending made me curious to what happened to him while he was in heaven, which made his voice slide off into nothing. I look forward to reading more of ...


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