Submitted into Contest #72 in response to: Write about someone getting a job offer they never would have thought to apply for.... view prompt



My name is Miss. Kemigisha. J. Mariah, From Uganda(East Africa).

I am a University graduate who majored in Journalism and Mass communication but currently flourishing in Agriculture(Crop and Animal farming) to earn a living. I don't regret investing my savings in this venture because Life taught me a tough lesson at an early age when I lost my parents and through the process, I learnt that every job matters whether with or without Academic qualifications so long as It satisfies your heart and you are comfortable doing it. Had I turned down all the Job opportunities that didn't rhyme with my field of expertise, I wouldn't have been in this position today and this is the reason why I am reaching out to somebody who might be going through the same course of life and feels marooned on an island, Financially, mentally and professionally whenever they apply for their dream jobs and are never employed in those companies or firms. I am here to encourage you to not give up on yourself because No situation is permanent!.

(Please Grab your popcorn and favourite drink, sit back and relax.......)

🎥FLASH 🔙......... ACTION!🎬.......

In 2012, I walked several miles from one media house to another dropping my CV hoping to get a job in one of the best media houses in the city(Kampala) but I was Wrong!.

Oh yeah! The last media house I dropped my CV at dried the last drops of hope and passion I had for Journalism because I sadly watched their Human Resource Manager throw All application letters from different applicants in the trash can!. Daaamn! Who in their rightful mind would do such a thing in the presence of applicants?!. She didn't care about our emotions. We were so hurt by her evil act that some of us silently cried in agony.

My friends and I checked the trash can and picked up our application envelopes, dusted them off and left the "Devil's" room in pain.

We wished that Tall,chubby and stammering woman knew how much time and energy we had invested in those application letters right from buying blue Bic pens, Envelopes, Local Council letters, photo copies of our IDs and School Transcripts etc,

She wouldn't have done what she did to us!.

We regretted having walked in to that office that day but had nothing to do about it... Anyway! Uhm... The Law doesn't work on the rich in most countries worldwide so in my layman's language we say... "The poor have no right to sneeze in public lest they infect the rich with their bacterial diseases!".

Having had a bad experience at that media house ,I changed my game plan. I would now focus on hunting for another job regardless of how it looked like so long as it paid me well and kept my dignity, Godliness and personality in shape!.

My first job was a cashier/Attendant at a one University student's food kiosk ("Restaurant") within the University premises.

I was connected by my neighbour who was also studying at that same university and knew how much I needed a job because I had told him about it and requested him to look out for me if he found any job opportunity.

So the following day, I Anxiously set out by 6am to start working and my

boss(University student) guided me on how to run his "restaurant" before he left for School. I was do excited and thankful to God for this opportunity.

At least "better half a loaf than none"

I worked at the kiosk for three(3) months as I sought for a better paying job that would help me save enough money to start up my own dream business. I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket, After all this was just the beginning of my journey after university and had to lay a concrete foundation.

See, All dreams are valid provided you Walk the talk. I did walk the talk by dropping a coin of 500 Uganda shillings(less than $10) in my DIY metallic box(piggy bank) on a daily basis because I was per day and it was very hard for me to save. I sometimes found myself "eating" all the "salary " in away I didn't even understand.

That's why I pinched myself to a rule of dropping a Ugx500 coin in my bank eveeerrrry day without excuses!.

The saving trick worked out for me and the day I broke the bank(Read "Piggy bank") I had saved some good cash which I spread out on my mattress with a big smile of satisfaction. Ha ha ha ha...Wait! Let me use the universal language.... See, That feeling can be compared to a first time Ejaculation after a long time of not making love to your partner and you finally get laid...Boy! Oh boy!, Yeaaah! You feel me now?!, Good! That's how I also felt when I saw the huge amount of cash I had saved with three months! Pure satisfaction!.

(You need Clorox to soak your Dirty mind... Ha ha ha ha).

Nevertheless, One of my best memories on this particular night of July, 2012 is when an opportunity struck through my window with great news through a phone call at 8:30pm that I would go for an interview the next day at the hotel I had applied as a receptionist. Uh la la! I excitedly danced around our single room and even broke Bae's cup which I accidentally kicked as I danced backwards to a lingala song by Koffi Olomide.

It didn't matter anymore because I would buy another cup according to how I strongly felt inside me that I would be employed in that hotel "kama mbaya, mbaya" (Come what may)!.

You could see all the confidence in my eyes that sparkled with tears of joy and enthusiasm in my next journey of life.

My boyfriend worked at a certain gas station and earned cartoon salary.

In fact the difference between his financial status and mine was as thick and straight as an intergluteal cleft(butt crack)!. I mean, We both worked but earned to settle our bills (house rent, food, Electricity, clothes etcetera). There was nothing like a "BETTER FUTURE" written on our mind if we continued to work in such places and earning peanut salaries per month. We had to pull up our socks and thank God, I was set to upgrade from a Food kiosk to a hotel! Yay!.

You see this Life? It is a journey which people have to walk, crawl, run, fly and swim in order to reach their final destinations at different paces.

So always appreciate your speed and wish other Athletes/Contestants Goodluck as they run past you to the end point because they have trained(Worked) alot to be where they are today unlike those who cheat the whole game under the category of "Who knows who", "Son/daughter of so and so", "Give me, I give you employers/harassment" etc.

These kind of workers don't deserve the Champion's Trophy, medals not even certificates of merit.

Wait!, Don't tell me you still want to know more about my man, right?

He he he... See your life! When will you learn to mind your own business? LOL.

Anyways, My Bae was a private guy so I can’t tell you much but the little I can share is... He had that dark skin adonis look going on, dark sparkling eyes that weakened my knees, the heart of a lion and an angelic soul that made him look fairly few inches taller than me which I liked.He was muscular with an almost perfectly symmetrical face and of Itesot heritage(Eastern Uganda region) that showed in his features and body type. Everyone at work or in the neighbourhood loved and easily got drawn to him.

 I could see it in the way they hang on his words and reciprocated his smile so quickly. They wanted to be close to him just like I did.

 If he wanted to, he could have had more friends than hours in a day but for the most part, he just wanted me and for that I felt truly honored. I think He could have had almost anyone, say..... A girl with a bigger bust, smaller waist, Afro or tinted hair and more self-confidence but he still chose me over them slay Queens of our regime.

Men don’t age as fast as women.

Do they?.

 He he he unlike the Eve culture that held a special dialogue with the snake!. We’re over the hill at twenty six and the Adams are still good till sixty, more if they stay trim. Apparently, my love was enough for him in all aspects of life.

(Dear Reader, You gerrit? Irriz what Irriz!My man wanted me,PeriodT!. 🙈).

My African Ancestors were pleased with me so I finally got a high end job which I told my boyfriend about. He was so happy for me but had no idea where that hotel was located even after putting all my high school Geography course on paper?!.

Mehn! Could he have deliberately refused to know the location or it was a new unidentified syndrome case scientists should have tackled earlier to save the future?!.

Nevertheless, I was so excited to work at the front desk and With all my fake or Genuine smiles I could wear while attending to our guests were all meant to keep me at that job whether by hook or crook!. Ha ha ha...

That job on itself was a life changing trip itinerary I don't regret to have embarked on. I interacted with all sorts of personalities from allover the world so long as they chose to stay at our Luxury hotel. I once encountered an angry South Sudanese guest whose water heater and Air conditioner(AC) had failed to function.

The tall, rich melanated skinny man with tribal marks/Scars carefully drawn allover his forehead and cheeks almost slapped my teeth out without remorse!.

"You! This hotel is puckin pake!.

My wora is cold and my A-chee (pronounce that word as a 1 year old child) is not working! What the puck!

Did I fay my money to be treat like tis?. I am Shecking out now! Give me beck my puckin money and call your manager! I can't C-leaf in tis puckin hotel!". 

(Translation:You! This hotel is f**king fake!. My water is cold and my Air Conditioner(AC) is not working!. Whst the f**k!. Did i pay my F**king money to be treated like this?. I am checking out now!. Give me back my F**king money and call your manager!. I can't sleep in this F**King Hotel!")

Mr. Deng Madeng (not real name) complained as he reached out to me in my cubicle. His intention was to slap me but I was very quick to notice that and bent down for my safety.

I called one of the house keepers to go with him back to his room and check why his heater and AC weren't working. The house keeper switched them on and came back laughing and told me that the guest hadn't switched them on because he hadn't seen the switch nor the A-Chee, oops! I mean AC remote!.

Later that night, Mr. Madeng called me on the room intercom in a low voice to apologise for his previous bad attitude.

"Hello Mariah, Flease(please) I am cho chorry (so sorry) por (for) my bad temfer (Temper). I just had a bad night because my Cars got stick(Stuck) in Dubai so I need to fay(pay) more money to clear tem(them). Tey(they) are now Farked(packed) at Dubai Cuchtom(Custom) oppice(Office).

But Flease Porgive(forgive)me".

I told him all was fine but inside me was wondering if that slap would be reversed had he slapped me!.

He In fact tipped me a $50 note and

 I almost asked him to have a bad "temfer" on me every day so that I get paid in dollars...mehn!😜. Oh yeah! It was my first time to own a Dollar bill in my wallet!. 🙈

(Hmmm.... Sips ☕😋).

Thank you for reading! Can't wait to read your story too!. 😍

December 12, 2020 23:50

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