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Contemporary Fiction High School

When Angela Martin got to work Tuesday morning there was a card on her desk. She put her briefcase and purse into her chair and picked up the card. Written on the outside of the envelope was invited in all capital letters. When she opened up the inside of the envelope, it was a birthday invitation from her co-worker Donna Franklin. Angela had only known Donna for three months. The most they have ever said to one another was a good morning. Angela hated going to parties. She always bought gifts before party time and gave them to family members or friends. She was thinking of excuses all that day to tell Donna that she wouldn't be able to attend her birthday party. When it was time to take her lunch break, Angela was approached by Donna at the cafeteria table. Angela couldn't think of a single excuse to give Donna about not going to her party.

"Are you coming to my party?" asked Donna.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," said Angela.

"Great see you there," said Donna.

Angela's heart began to race as she thought about going to the party on Saturday. She hadn't been to a party since the night of her senior prom over twenty years ago. She could remember that day vividly like it was yesterday. That morning she went to the hairdresser and set in that chair for three hours getting her hair permed and curled. She worked and saved for a dress she had seen at Marley's Style Shop. The dress was a pretty pearl white chiffon ruffled gown with pearls along the neckline. Her date Robert Payne had pearl white in his tuxedo to match her dress. Robert rented a limousine that night and picked her up at her house. Her mom took pictures of them both and they left for the prom. The whole evening was perfect. They took prom pictures together and danced all night. Angela got thirsty and asked Robert to get her some sherbet punch. She drank the punch and started to feel a little light-headed after she drank it. When she got up to dance to a fast song that was playing, she threw up all over Robert and her beautiful chiffon dress. Her classmates began to laugh and Angela got embarrassed and ran out of the prom. She later found out that Robert had put some alcohol into her punch that night. Angela broke up with Robert and never spoke to him again. After the experience she had at her prom, Angela has been reluctant about going to any kind of party. Although she was dreading going to the party, she gave Donna her word that she would be there. After work on Friday afternoon, Angela went shopping for a gift for Donna. She stopped by Macy's and picked up a few new things to wear to the party.

It's Saturday morning the day of Donna's birthday party. Angela had bought Donna a vase because she was hinting around a month ago that she needed one for her living room table. The party starts at 7:30 p.m. at The Blues River Inn located in Glenn Springs, Alabama. Governor Stonewood and his wife Olivia celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary there two years ago. Angela lived hours away from Glenn Springs. She wanted to get there on time so she left at 4:00. Terry another co-worker called Angela to give her a ride to the party because she had car trouble. It's a good thing Terry's house wasn't too far from where Angela lived. When she got to Terry's house she was standing in the driveway holding Donna's present in her arms. 

"Thanks, girl," said Terry. "I couldn't get my car to start."

"No Problem," said Angela. "I know how these cars can be."

On their way to the Inn, traffic was stalled because of a wreck on the highway. It took hours before they got everything cleared away and traffic got back to rolling again. When the ladies pulled up at the Inn, they could barely find a parking space. The Blues River Inn was a glass building filled with chandeliers and gold trimmings. There were gold, red, yellow decorations and paper lanterns all around. The food was catered and the bar was filled with champagnes and mixed beverages. Angela and Terry put their gifts for Donna in the designated gift room. There was a jazz band playing music in the background making the evening even more splendid. Angela's apprehension about being at the party gradually faded away as the evening progressed. Donna introduces Angela to her brother Rickey and his friend Jerome. The two men were lawyers for the Watson & Jefferson law firm in Glenn Springs. Rickey and Angela were inseparable that evening. They enjoyed each other's company and found out they had a lot in common. After the dance, everyone sat down in the dining room area. There were place settings with people's names on them. Angela surprisingly was seated at the same table with Donna's brother Rickey. Donna's birthday cake was in the shape of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. She took a long knife from the table and began to cut pieces of her birthday cake giving it to the guest. She explained to them that the reason she had wanted her cake in the shape of the Eiffel Tower because it was where she and her husband Jim went when they first got married. There was more dancing after the eating and everyone began to get their things to go home. 

"Thank you so much for coming Angela," said Donna.

"Your welcome," said Angela. "It was a great party."

Rickey walked Angela to her car and they both agreed to stay in touch. Terry caught a ride with Rickey's friend Jerome. Terry mentioned something about Jerome looking at her car but Angela knew the real reason and smiled.

"Goodnight everyone," said Donna.

"Goodnight," said Angela.

Donna and her husband left their truck open to gather all the gifts from the party and take them home. On her way home, Angela listens to her favorite jazz musician Tom Braxton's song Reminiscing. That song is soothing to her making her think of the days of nostalgia of her childhood. Angela wasn't so apprehensive about going to party's so much after that night. She was glad she did go because she had a wonderful time and met a nice man named Rickey.

May 12, 2021 18:46

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Iris Orona
13:28 May 18, 2021



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