Desi High School Sad

It is said that true love always finds you’re way. But we as human being sometimes have to sacrifice our love for the sake of parents, society, caste, religion etc. In my life love happened in a very strange way. I was a healthy youngster who used to have long hairs during my college days. My love started during my college days. Guess what? I haven’t loved any of my classmates, juniors or seniors of my college, but it was with a teacher with whom I started to love and I wanted to marry her. Yes, she was my teacher whom I deeply fell in love with her. It was the start of rainy day, the climate was awesome & romantic. My earlier teacher had left the job due to her some personal reasons, so the college authority has introduced a new faculty named as Jennifer. As soon as she entered in the classroom I was over whelmed with joy I don’t know why, but my heart started to beat loudly, my inner mind was saying me ‘Is she that girl whether you dreamed of? I was constantly looking at her. She was delicate, beautiful, & having charming personality. But she was too slim and I was like a giant fellow. She started to introduce herself & told everyone in the classroom to introduce. I myself also told my name. I was hypnotized by her charming personality. I know she was scared of me because I had a giant personality with long hairs and had a good command not only in classroom but also in overall college also. Everyone in the college knew me well. I was the most undisciplined, naughty fellow in the whole college but yet everybody used to like me. Days started to pass I was felling deeply in love with her. She was getting closer to me. I think whenever she used to come closer to me she would remind herself in her mind that ‘This fellow is your student Jennifer and you are her teacher so maintain proper distance from him’. But someone in the universe has told the ultimate truth you cannot hide the sun, you cannot hide the moon, in the same way you cannot hide your true love. I can see in her eyes, I can feel that she also loved me. Her eyes used to tell me everything. It was my graduation days that too last year in the college hardly few months were remaining in my hands.  

                              Every time I used to think of her. Sometimes I used to cry alone. I used to think after college she would never meet me again. After college she will leave me & forget me like her every other student. But one fine day I dared & admitted, I told her, Jennifer teacher, the age difference between you and me is hardly 3 to 4 years right? She told yes So? I told her further will you forget me after college because I have some special attachment & bounding with you. I can’t forget you till I live in this world. And I wish you to stay happy forever, you are the first teacher in my life, I started liking you. You are not only my teacher my also a piece of my heart nowadays. She heard all my words carefully, three seconds there was complete silent after that her eyes were filled with tears, she somehow hided her tears & ran away from situation as if she loved me too but her hands were being tied by someone. That night I haven’t slept. I was constantly thinking of her every second, every minute, every hours of my life. Finally the day came it was my final exam, I somehow given the exams, after that she not attended the college farewell also. The whole vacation I was thinking of her. After that she never met me again, she blocked me from her contact list also, I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Further I enrolled in other college for my master degree. Till the beginning to till the end of the completion of the master degree I was thinking of her. I used to ask other teachers and my classmates any contact with Jennifer teacher, many of them said NO, but one who said YES I used to ask rapid fire questions on them, like how is Jennifer teacher? Is she asks about me and they used to say one answer, she is fine but she never asked about you. I used to feel so bad, I used to started smoking & drinking in her memory. It is famous quote that “if you love someone truly the whole universe will try to unite you”. It actually turns to be true proverb for me. After successful completion of master degree I was eligible to give NET (NATIONAL ELIGIBILTY TEST) exam for joining teacher position. I visited the exam hall to give the exam, I sat for 15 minutes over there. Then the gods’ sorcery happened I saw a beautiful, charming, slim lady coming towards the exam hall. I stood up and saw she is my Jennifer teacher, I thanked god, within next second I ran towards her, I said hello Jennifer teacher, how are you? She was shocked and excited to see me over there, her joys were also no boundary, her smile was real one, she abused me firstly by expressing her love, I always use to tell her the more you abuse the more you love someone, she was proving it right, I was continuously laughing with joy, then further she asked me how are you? I told her I am fine. I told her look when you truly love someone the whole universe will try to unite you. Somehow I have given my exam, my whole concentration was with her only, I was not able to concentrate properly on the exam.  I was laughing alone like idiot remembering my college days with her. I knew she was also a deeply in love with me but she used to hide it. She was happy that day, the next day she unblocked me, after her unblocking, my feeling has no boundaries till the sky, I used to message her every now and then, but sometimes continuously messaging someone can also degrade your value. So I started messaging her rarely. We both failed in that competitive exam, but we damned cared about it, we are thinking of each other I know. We both started to prepare for the next attempt of the exam, I waited six months to meet her again. Like true lover, I was also praying for her that even though if she not comes in my life, she should stay happily forever. In between these six months, I was constantly used to message her, I used to admit the truth or love about her which I have by giving her a hint. But she was purposely ignoring it. But every time I used to remind her about my love. Finally the second attempt came, we met again. She was looking beautiful as usual, this time I accompanied by my friend also. We both given the exam, after the exam got finished I was waiting for her. I used to tell god in my inner mind while waiting, dear god I can wait for her till my last breath. I waited for 20 minutes every candidates has gone up till now, I called her on her cell phone and I asked her where are you? She said outside the premises, I am hiring a cab, I told her wait I will also join you, she said No, you go I will manage, in mean time my friend was listening my conversations, he felt little bit bad because he wanted to come with me and I was interested to go with my Jennifer teacher. Finally my friend knew she is not ready to come with me, he said to me come with me, now you don’t have any option left with you. Jennifer left me, I was accompanied by my friend now, within next moment there was a call on my cell phone, this call made me upside down saying that my close friend is no more in this world, he died due to some tragedy, I was completely in shock. I somehow reached my home the whole night I was thinking of two things only, one the death of my friend, second about my Jennifer teacher. That day also I haven’t slept the whole night.

                              Finally one day, I texted her, I admitted her directly saying, ‘Hey look I love you that’s it. She replied me don’t talk to me like this. She further told me I will marry the one whom my father will say. She told me my mother left me alone when I was small from that day my father had nourished me so well that he never made me to realize that our mother is no more. This time my eyes were filled with tears, I told her you are going to sacrifice your love for your father. I told her further you don’t love me right? She said don’t know, I further told her this is not the answer for my question. Finally she started telling lie, she don’t love me either she is going to marry me, just because of her father love made her to lie. I kept quiet, I told her I will achieve something in life and will ask your hand in front of your father. Till then you can wait for me you or do whatever you want. I don’t force anyone, I told her like this.

So friends I started admitting the truth but her love for his father made her to end with lie, her father love putted shackles on her love. I am doing my hard work to achieve something, as soon as I achieve something I will approach her father, till then I pray she should wait for me. And she should stay happy forever in her life.

November 13, 2020 22:31

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