Fiction Romance

I sat on the damp rock, staring at the sun as it prepared for its nightly slumber. The air had a slight chill to it, but I didn't mind. I always watched the sunset on the beach, no matter the weather. Nothing was more beautiful, in my opinion. It was quiet, except for the occasional seagull and the roar of the waves.

My mother had always watched the sunset with me when I was little, and I was determined to continue the tradition. I fiddled with the seashell necklace gifted to me by my mother before she disappeared. It was my most prized possession, and no one could take it from me. They had already taken everything else away from me... but this, this I refuse to lose.

A salty tear streamed down my cheek as the horrid memories threatened to resurface. The abuse of my father, the disappearance of my mother... no, I must push these away, else I should spend the rest of the night drowning in my own tears almost as salty as the ocean.

I took one last glance as the last sliver of the shining sun disappeared into the horizon, leaving me alone with the moon. I slid off the rock and thrust my feet into the sand. I turned to leave when I heard a whispering voice.


I turned towards the ocean where the sound seemed to be coming from. A small shadowy figure was in the ocean, making its way towards me. I froze, not knowing whether to run or hide. I could feel its pull on me, trying to lure me into the ocean.


How does it know my name? It was getting closer to shore, and I could make out the black hair floating on the surface, covering the upper half of its face. I suddenly had the urge to go towards it, towards the somehow familiar creature. I stepped forward.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Come to me...

It reached a scaly hand out, its blue-green tinted skin glimmering in the moonlight. I stepped into the ocean, feeling the waves slowly rock me. I was up to my waist with salt water when it reached out its hand again.

Come with me...

I reached out my hand and it grasped my wrist. It swam farther out to sea with me following behind. I could no longer feel the sand on my feet. I was swimming farther and farther away from shore, but I barely noticed. It clutched my wrist tighter, its nail piercing my skin, when it stopped and looked up at me. I gasped as I recognized the emerald green eyes and the familiar scar on its cheek that I used to mess with when I was little. I remember always looking into the eyes of my mother wondering how they

were just so green.

The recognition thrust me back into reality. I tried to jerk my hand away from the creature. It tightened its grip on me and sneered, revealing its sharp, bloody teeth.

Come, Lucy...

It dragged me underneath the surface of the water, pulling me to the murky depths. It's dark blue tail almost seemed black, swishing up and down as it pulled me farther and farther from the surface. I struggled against it, my lungs burning, my heart racing. I reached out and pulled its hair, surprising it enough to lessen its grip on me. I pushed myself away from it and began my ascent to the surface, unsure if I will make it. I could see the moonlight shimmering on the surface, lighting the way for survival. I opened my mouth and breathed sweet, sweet air... except it wasn't air. My lungs filled with water as I reached for the surface, oh so close... I can make it... I can make it...

My body relaxed and my eyes shut close as I thought...

I c a n ' t m a k e i t .


My eyes fluttered open as I felt something rise to my throat. I bent over and vomited, expelling the water from my lungs to make way for air. I gasped for breath, my vision blurred, salty tears streaming down my cheek.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up to see a blonde-haired man staring down at me, concern and worry in his eyes. His blue eyes reminded me of the ocean, the very one I almost drowned in...

"Yes," I gasped in between coughs. "I think I'm okay."

"We need to get you help," the man said. He lifted me up and cradled me in his arms.

"Who..." I whispered, shivering. "Who are you?"

"The name's Daniel."


We stared at the sunset, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I leaned against his shoulder, inhaling the fresh scent of salt water. We sat on the rock, the same rock I sat on when...

I took a deep breath, and David rubbed his hand on my arm.


I jumped, once again feeling the pull of the creature. David looked at me, concern etched on his face.


"I hear it again," I whisper, looking at the still waters of the ocean.

"Do you want to go back?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, I can do this. I want to finish seeing the sunset."

He kissed my forehead, filling me with warmth and safety. I leaned against his shoulder once more, and I could still hear the creature calling my name, but I blocked it out, refusing to let it lure me back into the cold depths of the sea. As the sun disappeared, the moon rose into the sky. The starts twinkled, teasing us with their light, happily shining from thousand of light years away, making their way through space and time to show us their twinkling light. I smiled, happy, and looked once again towards the sea. The moonlight shone on the still surface, and I could barely make out the shadowy figure facing the sky and admiring the stars.

February 26, 2021 19:10

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TJ Squared
03:25 Apr 15, 2021

wow, nice story! (I kinda like this Daniel character...) *would say something else but stops myself XD* the descriptions were noice and I love the sea and stars and all of nature in general :) L.W.


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Valerie June
02:31 Mar 05, 2021

I really liked this Abbie! I could vividly picture your story, but your descriptions werenโ€™t over done. I did feel as if the relationship between Lucy and Daniel happened a bit too quickly and left a lot of room for readers to interpret it, but I understand your decision. Fantasy vibes were everywhere, and I could definitely see why you recommended this one, itโ€™s amazing!


Thank you so much! Yea I kinda shoved David in there because I needed more characters and words, and who doesn't love a little romance ;) I might go more into their relationship if the right contest pops up tysm for the feedback!


Valerie June
15:25 Mar 05, 2021

Anytime! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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- -
12:46 Feb 28, 2021

Great story, Abigail! I love how descriptive this story was, it wasn't too much description- which was great...sometimes i tend to get carried away with them and they turn redundant and ew :b......but yours, it's just right and it's bootiful! I am confused, though, there was a sudden page break after Daniel introducing himself and skips to a moment between her and David.. it would be nice if there was a little more depth behind their relationship, maybe? I don't think David was mentioned anywhere in the story before that scene, soo maybe a ...


Thank you so much for the feedback! I mainly just squeezed David in there because 1: who doesn't like a bit of romance ;), 2: I needed more words, and 3: I wanted to add more characters. Didn't really know what to do with him really, so thank you for letting me know about your confusion! I love criticism it helps me improve my story :) Glad I left you squealing lol, mission accomplished XD


- -
23:19 Mar 01, 2021

Of course, no problem :)) Lol actually, that sounds pretty reasonable.. Everybody likes romance, and lol more words, that's so cool... Lol that really makes so much sense XD YASSSSSSS XD


- -
13:24 Mar 02, 2021

Yassss, of course :) hehehe lol, noiceee...your bio looks so pretty, lol idk mine was pretty random... Kinda need good bio ideas lol XD YASSSSSSSSS, *SQUEALING NOISES* :D


Lol I had no idea what to put in my bio XD gotta keep my identity secret for now shhhhhhhh *MORE SQUEALING NOISES* Also I was wondering if maybe we could collab together sometimes, like you did with Maya ๐Ÿฅบ it's ok if you dont want to, ik yall have been friends for a lot longer


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