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Year 3531

I'm alone. The last of my families bloodline. My parents passed away many years ago in the war. I lived in a monastery, then after that came back home.

It felt so much more empty than I thought it would be. My memories are nothing more than echoed voices from a distant past. I unpacked crates and bags for weeks. It was a small castle but a castle nonetheless.

Once I settled in, I noticed scratching noises. At first I thought it was rats. That would've made since seeing how my home was abandoned for nearly a decade. I set up traps but they all came up empty.

The noises got worse. On a pitch black night the scratches were too unbearable to sleep through. Grabbing a lantern I followed the sound to a medium sized book shelf in library. Looking around it I found a trap door beneath the shelf. I moved the book shelf out of the way.

Just how long had that door been there? While I inspected the door it thumped and began to rattle. It is come sense that you don't open a door that you don't know what's on the other side. It is common sense that you don't let your curiosity get the better of you. I was in the right frame of mind I unlocked the door. The rattling stopped. For a moment the house was do silent it felt still. Then suddenly strong gust of wind spring the door open. I dropped my lantern and fell to the floor. The wind stopped.

It was silent again but this time it was dark. I scrambled across the room to find a tinder box and candle. On the desk I found what I was looking for. In lighting the candle a wave of ease rushed over me. Walking over to the door I could hear a soft whisper of a woman for a distance. I heard something behind me. “Don’t be afraid.”

I turned around to see no one their. I looked back at the open hole in the floor. There was a faint blue light coming from the same place the voice was. With hesitation, I climbed down the ladder of the trapdoor. A chill went up my spine but I pressed forward and began walking down the passageway. The passage was narrow and split off into different halls. I continued following the light.

The further I went the more the voice began to multiply. A couple bends and turns then I reached an archway opening up to a large round stone room. The voices stopped, in the center of the room was a single spinning blue light levitating off the ground. A unusual noise emanated from it. The sound itself vibrated every part of my being. It was worse with every step I took. Something in me told my to touch it, almost primal. I was within arms reach now upon further inspection the light was actually an crystal orb carved with peculiar designs. I reluctantly extended my hand toward the object. The vibrations began to hurt so I quickly grasped it.

In less than a second, images flooded my mind with vivid details. Images of the past before me, my present, the future after I’m gone. The orb was showing me what I must do to change future. I didn’t like what it told me to do but it needed to be done. Then everything faded to white.

The ringing in my head woke me up. It was morning and I was in my bed. I shuffled quickly down the stairs, through the hall to the library. In entering the room I noticed the bookshelf was moved but there was no door. I touched the ground then swept the dirt away with me hands, there was only stone. Maybe I was remembering it differently, so I moved every book shelf. Still there was nothing. There was nothing left to do but let it go. It was just a dream after all.

A months and a few weeks passed, things were exceedingly normal. It was so normal I had forgotten about the dream. I went vocal coaching on weekends, attended band practice on the everyday and went to the monastery to visit sporadically. One day I was walking from the bathhouse when I saw a puppeteer putting on a show in the park. I tuned in with the other passersby. When the story ended and then I new one started.

“For our last story of today, I shall tell you of the Silent Little Hero!" they exclaimed. The show began with a bright blue glass marble in the center of puppet stage. “In the beginning of our world, in a time before the cities and wars, a time when all Nost shared dreams. The orb of Celeste appeared the light the way,” the storyteller paused, “Through the orb, a warning premonition is sent. If the orb reveals itself, listen closely. For in these peaceful days, it is rare to see the orb.” The show continued with a tale of that happened nearly two thousand years ago involving the orb. The puppeteer ended the show and bowed with his assistant. I dispersed with the crowd after paying.

On the way home, I tried to recollect my visions. It was getting dark and the road to the castle isn't lit. There was a foreigner standing on the side of alleyway. I paid him no mind but I should have. After that day I’ve been seeing him more and more often. Sometimes I saw him talking to someone, other times he was standing from a distance.

I don’t feel safe and I don’t know if any of this is all in my head or at all significant but all I know is there is something I have to do. I’m writing all of this to warn whomever reads this. Everyone is in danger and peace won’t last for long.

Year 3648, Edit note:

This was the last entry of my mother. She was kidnapped by a cult that called themselves to Shadow Walkers. She was freed but died at their hands many years ago.

Our ancestral home is enchanted, the doorway was always there. My grandmother had a secret gift that I inherited. It’s an odd feeling coming “home", especially since everything feels so peaceful here.

I have taken up her mantle to save everyone. Things have got far worse in the 113 years I’ve been alive. Kingdoms have crumbled, a lot of good people have died, and it seems to be the end of the world. I will make her proud and I will fix what has been done. Somehow knowing that she had the same dream I don’t feel so alone.

March 25, 2020 06:05

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1 comment

Christopher Todd
03:10 Apr 02, 2020

I liked the premise although it felt somewhat disjointed and there were quite a few grammatical errors throughout. I feel it needed a more thorough editing job, but the story itself was intriguing.


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