
Today was another beautiful day, the sun seemed to shine as it did just like any other day, but today seemed different! But I woke with a smile on my face as I would just like I did yesterday. My wife looked at me with a question that failed to take me away from all the happiness I achieved over the years, "why are you smiling, did you not hear what I told you last night, I want a divorce?" " Yes dear." I responded peacefully. I looked and thanked her for all that she has given me and reassured her that I will sign all paperwork and hoped that her life remains peaceful even after are separation. I continued to get suited for the day, knowing it will be a great one, promotion in hand despite a divorce, life is unexpected, but it has been very kind to me. Good morning dad, my children yelled as they raced down the stairs to eat breakfast and catch the bus. “There is my peace, my heart and reason for life.”

 I remember the days I had to prep myself for my studies and pray that each day was better than the last, I know that I’m forever a student of my craft and learning each day is my way of not only becoming better at what I do, it gives me the knowledge I need to educate those around me. I took a sip of the hot coffee that waited it the coffee pot, so warm and pleasant, seemed like a nice dream suddenly rushed away by the strong aroma and caffeine I so desperately needed. As I moved forward to get my jacket, coffee in hand and suitcase ready, I received a phone call. “Hello sir, how are you doing?” The voice on the other end said franticly. “Look, I know you are set for a promotion, but we have to let you go, we just feel as if there are other, more promising prospects that can help build this company!” “Very good sir, thank you all for giving me the opportunity and 25 years of excellent service as my employer.” Yet, as bad as the news was, I figured I could use a little vacation, I haven’t had a day off in 25 plus years. Not disturbing my wife who was already busy packing upstairs, I headed out the door as I did so many times as if I was on a mission to complete another great day in the office.

Maybe I’ll go see a movie, matinees are cheap in the mornings, and I haven’t seen that new action movie yet. I have plenty of time, why not I told myself? The neighborhood is so peace this early in the morning, I love seeing neighbors out walking their dogs and standing by as their children got on the bus, I love living in this community. As I entered my car and made a desperate attempt to start it, I realized that there was no power going to the engine. Oh, that’s right, I recalled reminding myself that I needed a new starter a month ago but failed to put one in knowing that I have been super busy with family and work, there was no time to complete this task. “Hey, it’s such a wonderful day, why not take a bike, the weather accounts for it, so why not?” I opened my garage door to get my bike that had plenty of dust on it, from me not using it in quite some time, yet, I had a mission, to go see that movie. I jumped a board and set off. “POP” half way there, my tire exploded, and sent me flying in the air as if I just plummeted out of an airplane, the flight felt nice, but the fall did not. Yet I swept myself off regretting all medical attention with a smile, I stated that I was than ok. I have a date with a action movie and plenty of hot buttery popcorn.

As I arrived at the theater, excited like a kid in a candy store I was informed that the movie had sold out. As anyone would be disappointed, I wasn’t I felt that it must be a very good movie for it to sell out at 9am. So, on I went, I was running on an empty stomach, only thing holding me over was a single cup of coffee of which I left in my car at home. So, to the diner I went, oh my, there are a lot of people here. I hope there is still one seat available for me I thought to myself. One seat was open, “yippie”! What to have for breakfast? Maybe pancakes with sausage, and eggs. It was a simple breakfast; how can I not want it? Excuse me all, a strong voice shouted, “we are all out of pancakes.” Hey at least I can have eggs and sausage. We are all out of everything the voice assured me, and this was fine, I can still make it to the park and hopefully grab a hotdog one of the street vendors who gracefully walked up and down the park putting a smile on everyone’s face.

After a long walk through the city, I stopped to take a seat on the bench. After a short while, I collected myself and took my first steps towards a vendor yearning a juicy beef hotdog which I know would make up for such a hectic day. Yes, one hot dog left I was happy about this, but then I noticed someone sitting on the ground, he looked deprived and seemed to be having an extremely bad day, one even more than myself, but yet, I was happy, I had no grief in my heart and I still had plenty of peace in my soul. “Hello sir”, I called out.  I handed over the last meal that I was able to find as if it mattered less to me. They say food is the key to a happy spirit and to a full stomach! The man looked at me as if he recognized me and this was a bit strange as I recognized him. He was me, I did not understand what was going on until he smile and said, “despite all bad things you are faced with, you found a way to make it through while smiling and giving up your last to make someone else happy in light of all your troubling times truly depicts who you are as a person!”

 Suddenly I fell as if I was floating and everything went dark. Next thing I know I open my eyes, I see the sunshine bright from my window while I awake in my bed. “Good morning sweetie” a soft and familiar voice said. As I looked to my left, I seen my wife who smiled at me as if she hadn’t seen me in ages, I hope you slept well. She gave me the biggest kiss I have had in all my years. It was perfect! I have coffee and breakfast waiting for you on the table, hurry up, today’s your big day! Could it all have been a dream? I had one missed call followed by a voicemail, congrats buddy today we will move you to District Vice President with a hefty pay increase, congrats and we’ll see you soon. I was still a bit taken back of all that had just happened, a horrible morning or a horrible dream? Either way, I’m happy with what is now, and I don’t want to take that journey again. As I left to start car, I seen my bike sitting outside, clean as if it was the first day, I purchased it. On it was a note that read, “Always smile because tomorrow is a new day!” I smiled not know what had happened, but I surely knew what it meant. I entered my vehicle surely expecting it not to start, but I was sure wrong, it powered up, there’s no way it should have but it did.  And so, the moral of the story is this. No matter what you face in life, make every moment a good one, no matter how bad it is. Being angry causes distraction and that leads to mistakes and even more. And one more thing, don’t every forget to smile, it’s fuel for the soul!  

October 10, 2019 18:33

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