American Drama Romance

Friday, January 1, 2010

I’m officially married to my Love and we are traveling on an airplane to Boston for an overnight stay before we catch a second flight to Maine! I’m not feeling too nervous though I managed to take a few deep breaths as we took off. I’ve not been on an airplane since I was 2 years old and now being 25 years old…well, it is a bit of an adjustment. Our luggage got through just fine, but when I walked through the metal detectors all the bells and whistles went off and I just got terrorist scanned. Yeah, I thought it would be nice to leave my wedding updo just as it was earlier today because it was so beautiful. Apparently, I had way too many bobby pins in my head to get through security. I had 58 to be exact. James tried to help me take the pins out and then we realized I just had too many so with some curls half down, I walked through and the agents scanned me to make sure I wasn’t carrying a bomb. No bomb. Just a crap ton of bobby pins! Once we were in the waiting area, James helped me take all the bobby pins out and it look about ten minutes. Now, my hair is one big poufy mess, but we are happy to be married and on our way to our honeymoon. I’ve never been on an actual trip before and I’m so looking forward to it! Well, I take that back, I went with my siblings and then fiancé (now husband!) to North Carolina but it wasn’t exactly the same as going in an airplane to a brand-new destination. This time, I will be completely alone and spending an entire week with the Love of my life. We decided on Maine because with our winter wedding we thought it would be great to see real snow. He’s seen real snow since he lived in Michigan before, but this Texas gal’s never seen anything besides Texas snow. Cheers to married life, a new adventure, and the start of a New Year!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

We made it to Rockport, Maine. It is simply beautiful. I feel this place is truly magical. Maybe it’s because of our honeymoon and maybe because it is the first time being in a new place that has knee-deep snow. I don’t know why, but it feels enchanted and I love it! I’m glad we are here and feel at ease now because our trip here was rather strange. Not bad, but just well, different and a little scary. We flew into Boston and then caught a flight this morning to Maine. When we got to the airplane check point in Boston, they had us weigh ourselves. I looked confused and James said, “It must be a small plane.” It was a small plane. I think there was room for 11 people. If the first flight hadn’t scared me, this second one certainly did. It obviously felt a bit rickety compared to the first flight. There was quite a bit of turbulence. I held James’s hand the entire time. Our pilot rolled down his window once and wiped the fog off because he couldn’t see. I could only see clouds and fog. I really wanted to live past one day of our honeymoon. We had an incredibly smooth landing and thanked the pilot. I can’t believe he knew where he was going because it was a complete foggy mess, but thank God we made it!

We arrived in the Knox County Regional airport and the station was essentially operated by a handful of a crew. For some odd reason, they went through our luggage by hand. It was rather embarrassing because I’d packed quite a bit of lingerie because it is our HONEYMOON! They had gloves on, but it was still weird. It was snowing a lot when we arrived. James had to clean off the rental car window a few times before we got moving. He called the resort and we couldn’t check in until 3 PM so we went to the grocery store and picked up a few things for the week. He got a couple of bottles of rum and I think vodka. We walked around a Hallmark store and this older couple asked where we were from. I guess my Texas accent gave us away – or at least alerted the couple that we likely weren’t residents. Anyway, they asked what brought us to Maine and invited us to their home. We smiled politely and told them we appreciated it, but we needed to keep walking around to stretch our legs. It was weird. I’m not sure if they were just super friendly, really lonely or trying to sell us something. We drove around for a bit and when 3 PM finally got close we drove to the Samoset Resort. James went inside to check in and get the keys while I stayed in the car and kept it warm. We actually are staying in the timeshare condominiums at the back of the property. It is still snowing a lot so we are going to unpack, get cozy and rest.

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

It was cloudy and snowing when we first arrived, so I didn’t get to see much, but this morning I pulled back the curtains and gazed into the vast ocean. I haven’t even seen the Gulf of Mexico so seeing this is spectacular. I feel like I’m in a real movie. The waves are a deep blue and as far as I can see everything is covered with a giant blanket of snow! James and I walked out this morning and I made sure I was bundled in two pairs of everything because again, my Texas body isn’t used to cold like this! Honestly, the wind wasn’t crazy so it didn’t feel bad. I had two pairs of woolen socks on and leggings underneath my jeans. I had on a tank, shirt, sweater and my oversized coat. I love faux fur. I’d hate to wear real fur because of those poor animals, but I love how pretty and fluffy faux fur looks. I felt like a kid bounding in the snow! We had such fun this morning. I made a snow angel for the first time! We came back and he made me some hot tea with a bit of rum. I’ve never had rum and tea before since my Texas parents are ultra conservative. They think Jesus drank real wine, but we shouldn’t drink because people get drunk and that is evil. Well, here’s to my first rum and tea! It warmed me up quickly. We made lunch at the resort. You know what’s great about being married? Not having to say goodbye to your fiancé. Oh right and in the midst of all this excitement, today is my birthday so James is taking me to a fancy restaurant tonight. I am going to wear my white dress with flecks of gold glitter. He told me that I’m his winter princess. I’m so happy and relaxed. I’ve never had a week with zero responsibilities, and I’m truly enjoying it!

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Last night was magical. I know I used that word before to describe this place, but it really was incredible. James found this place called Natalie’s. They are a four diamond French restaurant located inside the Camden Harbour Inn. The inn has a wide-open porch and you can see the glow of the lights from the streets. We walked up the porch and felt the warmth of the fireplace inside the lobby. We were greeted and seated at a table by the window. The chairs were red velvet and the lights were covered in transparent red fabric. The tables were set with pristine white tablecloths and there were candles with real flames. We told the server we were on our honeymoon and it was my birthday and they brought us an amuse bouche of a warm chestnut soup. I have never had something so warm and delicious.  James got the lamb chops for his meal and I had the halibut. Both dishes were incredible. I can’t even remember the name of the drink that I got, but it got to me fast! I went to the restroom and though, “What happens if I can’t find my way back to the table? I might get arrested for being drunk! I only had one!” James laughed and asked if I was alright. I said yes, but that I wasn’t used to that strong of a cocktail. I’ve only had plum wine with sushi before this and my tea the other day. The dinner took a couple of hours and we had the best time talking with each other. To end our wonderful meal, the server brought a complimentary dessert – a plate of delicate chocolates with a touch of gold leaf. James also ordered the molten lava cake and I got a crème brûlée. We talk about everything and I think that is going to help us in this new adventure of marriage. James wore a cobalt blue, long sleeve shirt and I wore my white tea length dress. I was a teeny bit frozen, but thankfully it was comfortable inside the restaurant. Everything was so beautiful, and the service was incredible. Again, it felt like an ethereal experience.

Today, we walked out and explored the breakwater and the lighthouse at the back of the Samoset property. I have never been on a breakwater before and honestly wasn’t even aware that we had to get back up to the shore before the tide came in. I’m sure I read about it at some point in school, but I didn’t remember. James and I walked out to the lighthouse and enjoyed another moment marveling how picturesque this place looks, feels and smells. The view was simply breathtaking. The slats in between the rocks were a lot bigger than I expected so I was very careful to watch my footing. When we got to the Lighthouse we read the plaque and gazed into the rolls waves. On the way back, there was another couple offered to take our photo with the lighthouse in the background. I’m glad they offered because we’ve only taken one other picture together at the restaurant last night. He’s taken pics of me and I’ve taken some of him even though he doesn’t like his picture taken. For lunch, we enjoyed essentially a bento box at a Thai place. It was very good and the seafood here is very fresh. It doesn’t taste fishy and briny like the Gulf seafood. It is sweeter and just tastes fresh. I’m going to have some hot tea now and we’re going to decide what to do for dinner this evening.

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Last night we found the loveliest little sushi place. I just can’t get over how this area feels like you are walking through a storybook. The sushi restaurant is called Suzuki’s Sushi Bar. It’s a tiny little spot, but quaint and vibrant. The restaurant had a good energy and we sat at the bar close to another couple and tried all the things the chef gave us. I used to be terrified of sushi because my mom convinced me that if I ever ate it, I would get sick and end up in the hospital and possibly die from food poisoning. When James and I started dating he said he ate it all the time and we tried it together. I loved it. So we had a grand time and I got some plum wine. I feel so nice and relaxed here! It’s just wonderful. I don’t want to leave!!! We are having so much fun with no work, no responsibility! Just wonderful food and time with each other.  Earlier this afternoon, we ventured off to find the castle in Maine. I love castles and all things fairytale. I’d seen there was a castle called Norumbega. It was built in 1886 and stayed a private residence for quite some time until it became an inn. It was a beautiful structure – entirely made from stone. We were just married in Castle Douglas and I think it would be super fun to see all the “castles” in America. The hostess was kind and gave us a mini tour and history lesson. After the castle tour, we went to Cappy’s Chowder House and I had clam chowder and a lobster roll. Oh my gosh I could eat that EVERY DAY! It was so heavenly! Afterwards, we walked around the Owl and Turtle Bookstore. Bookstores are close to my heart since I worked for an independent one for almost a decade. It was well stocked and had an inviting and cozy atmosphere. We ventured to another place with books – we visited Camden’s Public Library. They have a place in the outside in grounds that is covered in glass that looks into the library. Everything has a fisherman’s wharf/nautical theme. Their vases are filled with sea glass. I stopped into a store and got some sea glass earrings as a memento. To end the day, we walked through the old cemetery here. We both love reading inscriptions of what people are remembered for. It got dark fast so we came back to the resort and James is making some dinner and cocktails.

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

We spent the day driving around and exploring for a bit. It is so beautiful. The snow has covered the area. We thought a out skiing, but didn’t want to get hurt while we are on our honeymoon. Instead, we had a lot of fun exploring and just being with each other. Everything here is charming. People have been very friendly, and it has been an extraordinary wintery trip. I don’t want to go home tomorrow. We talked and said this could be our home! I love the sound of the ocean. I love eating lobster. I love having clam chowder. I love the picturesque buildings, the brightness of the white snow, and the small-town feel. We had an amazing time with each other. We’re in the phase of just being present and loving the simple things of holding each others hands, snuggling under a warm blanket, gazing into each other’s eyes over cocktails, etc…Ahhh…we’re going to have to come back in summer and compare it with our wintry adventure. It was truly a magical trip.

April 08, 2020 20:44

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Chris Kovaliv
03:50 Apr 16, 2020

So one thing that jumps out immediately, is that some parts of this story read as you the author talking to us the audience, rather than a person who is recording their own thoughts. For example: " since my Texas parents are ultra conservative" this sounds a little too on the noise. If you write in your own diary, you don't need to confirm that your parents are from Texas. You could just say that your folks don't like you drinking. If you've mentioned that the parents are very Conservative elsewhere, the reader has the opportunity to put ...


Noel Thomas
11:59 Apr 16, 2020

Hi! Thanks for reading and thank you the feedback! Those are both good points! I actually thought of adding conflict since I know that makes a story better, but honestly I rushed through this one and one other because I was trying to write for all 5 prompts! I believe my other two submissions “Embers of a Semicolon” and “The Secret Journal” had a lot more depth. Maybe I can rework some things in this one. Thank you again for reading!


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