The Magic of the Harmonica

Submitted into Contest #26 in response to: Write about a character who was raised in a musical family.... view prompt



"Vikkie! Come on! You have to try out for the band! Your parents are musical prodigies! Plus I am going to be there!" My best friend Tara pleads,"just because you try out doesn't mean you'll make it! We just have to hurry to find the instrument for you!" Tara is always peppy and enthusiastic. She speaks loudly and boldly through her actions. One time, when our other friend Penny had cancer, Tara shaved her head with Penny. All I did was send her a gift basket. Another thing, Tara once started a protest against plastic bottles. She had this school-wide campaign! Not only was she popular for her brains, but also her looks. Her beautiful blonde hair frames her face perfectly! The closest thing we have in common is we are both girls. J come back from daydreaming and focus back into what Tara was saying. "Vikkie, you know you have to live up to your parent's legacy! Don't ruin their chances just because you don't enjoy playing music. This all lays on you," she stops blabbering and waits for my response. "Fine! You win again. I will try out for band." She does a happy dance before speed walking to her class. The bell rings, I am late. 

After school I stagger through the hallways, not wanting to try out for band. Tara sits there eagerly, waiting for her turn. When she sees me she jumps up to talk to me. "Hey V! Are-" Before she finishes I push her away. I slump into a chair and plug my Air pods into my phone. Quietly, I pray for as much luck as I can get. "Vikkie? V?" Mrs. Norgjug calls out. "Here!" I mutter and stumble into the bright room. She lays five instruments beside me. One a tuba, another a trombone, still another a trumpet, plus a French horn. Then I noticed the last one was a harmonica. The harmonica is one of the least important instruments and the least chosen. "Do I just choose one and play?" I ask her. "No. The instrument will choose you!" With that quirky sentence, I sit down in the middle. "V, I want you to lay your hand gently and softly on each instrument. I know they will choose wisely, for you are the daughter of two musicians!" She chuckles at my hesitation. I follow her instructions and lay my hand over each one slowly. Tuba rejected me. Trombone tormented me. Same with trumpet and French horn. That meant one thing. I didn't have a spirit instrument. Then it dawned on me, one was left, the harmonica. When my hand brushed over it, I felt some sort of connection to it. I took my chances and played a sweet simple melody. It was the first time I had felt alive! My breathing was calm as the music took me into a different world. Even though it was just a harmonica, I was excited! I had finally discovered my musical talent! When I stopped playing, I was jerked from music world back into Earth. “Vikkie, congratulations! You’re in the band!” Mrs. Norgjug breaks the silence. At first I feel awe and wonder. Then, I remember the band practices together, I would be made fun of forever! “Before you leave V, I want to talk. I know you’re having doubts about playing the harmonica, but with your skill it will sound brilliant. You are a rare personality to find. About 26 years ago, I had two unique students just like you. They turned out brilliantly all because of this harmonica. Be wise with it, it holds the truth.” She explains, then she whisks out the door to get Tara. What did she mean by the harmonica holds the truth? I ponder this for a while when suddenly my parents arrive and I am in the mini-van driving home. 

During supper, I silently chew my food, still thinking about the strange words. “Hey, Vikkie how were band try-outs?” My mother asks hopefully. Not wanting to disappoint her with the harmonica, I stall for time by chewing slower. “It was-chew-pretty-chew-good!” I state. Of course, that wasn’t enough for them. “What instrument chose you? Was it the tuba? Ooh, or the trombone? Well don’t leave us hanging!” My father encourages. “Okay fine, I got into the band. My instrument was the harmonica! Are you happy? I got the most meaningless instrument in history!” A hush falls over the dinner table. My father angrily shoves his dishes forward and excuses himself. My mother looks disappointed. She sadly glances at me. “Honey, how dare you! How could you say that about an instrument? While it’s right next to you too!” My mother pulled out the disappointment card. “Wait a sec, you’re not upset that I got the harmonica?” I whisper. “No, of course not! That’s the instrument that set both your father and I up for success.” Then it all clicks. The harmonica was magic. It created jobs for both my parents, got my parents married, it started my life and now it’s back. 

I spent all my spring break practicing with that harmonica. I played lullabies, folk songs, canons, anthems, and more. I rehearsed my opening song, Stand By Me. The day of the performance changed everything. When it was time to play, I was ready. I played the song well, no mistakes. In fact, I continued to play harmonica all through my life. When I was ready, I gave up the special harmonica to my little grandkid. I became another secret musician that nobody knows about. Well, I guess you know about. I had a trouble in my past to become someone I didn’t want to be, but when I chose what I wanted, I lived a happy life. Every morning I wake up, I feel like shouting it out to the world. Every time I go to bed I want to play some lullabies. Now that I gave the harmonica away, I have other things to focus on but, music lives on in my heart. My name is Vikkie Thorn and this is my story.

January 28, 2020 01:53

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