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Christmas Fiction Romance

I sigh as I lean my head against the frozen glass. The snow falls down in clumps covering the ground. My mom comes over and gives me a cup of steaming coco. I am home for Christmas break from my University. I smile as I clutch the cup, hoping it will warm up my hands. My mom bustles around the kitchen trying to make sure everyone is fed. It is the first time in 4 years all my siblings and I are all home for Christmas. My youngest sister, Juliet, bursts in the house covered in snow, she was outside playing with the kids in the neighborhood.

"Hadz come play with me." She wines and pulls on my hand.

"What happened to the other kids?" I say trying to get out of this. I was just fine being alone.

"Hadley, go play with your sister." My mom says sternly.

I groan as I get up from the chair.

"Let me go get my winter clothes on." I run up the stairs to my room. It hasn't changed since freshman year, it still has the boy band posters and everything. I sort threw my suitcase finding all my gear. Juliet opens my door and flings herself on my bed.

"Can we go sledding?"

I haven't been sledding in ages.

"Sure why not. You might have to teach me again."

She grabs my hand and we rush down the stairs. My mom was right, I needed to hangout with my siblings.

"We have to go to George's pond ! That's the biggest hill!" Juliet tells me.

We take off running to the pond.

When we reach the pound, there are tons of other kids sledding down the hill. Juliet smiles as she runs and sets her sled up. Next to her a boy and his older brother about to have a race. The older brother turns around and my checks redden. Harry Ledgerton. He was my best friend and first big crush when I was younger. I turn my face hoping he didn't see me. But, as he gets up and walks toward me there is no denying he saw me.


I take a deep breath.

"Hey, Harry! Long time no see!" He laughs and wraps me in a tight hug. He has changed, no longer the scraggly young boy I knew. He has muscles now, and longer hair, but he still has the boyish twinkle in his eyes.

"How have you been" he asks releasing me from my hug.

"Good, you?"

God I hate small talk. I couldn't focus on what he was saying anyway. He was so distracting.

He smiled, "Good catching up with you."

I snapped out of it, "You too!"

We turned away from each other and to our siblings. Juliet came up to me complaining that she was cold. Thanks god, I could go home.

As I sat on my bed that night I kept thinking about Harry .I was never going to finish this essay if he was on my mind. It was like I was a little girl again, He was always on my mind when I was younger. I thought back to that night in ninth grade when we watched the stars. I was awoken from my memory with a crack on my window. I crossed my room and looked out my room. My heart pounded as I saw him standing there.

"What are you doing?" I called down as I opened my window.

"Come with me?"

I put one finger up and closed the window. Why was I nervous? It wasn't like my parents told me not to go out at night. I run my finger threw my hair making sure there weren't any tangles. I pulled on my warm layers again and slipped out the front door. He was waiting for me with one hand out. I took it and we ran off. He took me back to the pond. He handed me a sled.

"Sledding at midnight?"

His eyes sparkled with mischief, "Where is the girl I used to know? You know, the one that had fun."

I set the sled down on the top of the hill, "Race you."

He smiled and set his next to mine.

"Three, two, one!"

We took off, laughing as if we were kids again. I stopped my sled at the bottom making it first. I looked up to see Harry's sled crash right into mine. He landed right on top of me. He seemed concerned, but all I could do was laugh. He looked down at me his eyes gleaming. Those eyes, I could look into them all day. I stopped laughing and just looked into his eyes. He leaned down and brushed a kiss against my lips. He pulled away, looking at me to make sure I was okay with it. This time I pulled him down and kissed him with more force. I could feel his smile as we kissed. He rolled off from on top of me and laid next to me.

"I wondered if I would ever kiss you again."

My cheeks flushed with heat, I thought back to the night when I snuck out a kissed him behind his house.

"I guess you did."

He smiled and grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb across the inside of it. We laid there just breathing and looking at the stars. He sat up and pulled on my hand asking me to follow him. We walked to his childhood home. He opened the door and we walked into the dark kitchen. He flicked on a light and grabbed two mugs. I leaned against the counter as he made us drinks. When he was finished he handed me the cup. I took a sip, hot chocolate. My younger self would really be jealous. He glanced at me and smiled.

"What?" I whispered

He came over and brushed his thumb on my lip, "You have chocolate here ." he laughed and wiped it off. He kissed me again. This wasn't like the other kisses, it wasn't soft or hard, it just was. A kiss that told me we had all the time in the world.

January 17, 2021 21:44

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1 comment

Cari Rodriguez
21:44 Jan 24, 2021

Even though there are some typos, this was really well written and definitely deserves more likes! Sadly, I think people never scroll down and only read the stories that already have a bunch of likes, so they end up being the only ones that people read and in turn get more likes. Please, keep writing! I'd love to see more. If you want to, read my snow story "Opaque"!


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