Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy

This is a prequel to my submission here: https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/fk2533/

It just so happened that I mentioned a drought in that submission, so I thought I would continue building on that universe. Enjoy!


Drayven stood at his post on one side of the large polished archway, the peak barely made it halfway up the painted vaulted ceilings of the Watersleeper Royal Quarters, located deep within the ocean sized lake of Rivilius. As Watersleeper culture had evolved over the millennia, they had begun to build coastal beach cities. As they developed technology, culture and language, they began to spend more time out of water, even when deep below the lakes surface. Being able to adapt to their environment allowed the Watersleepers to travel between solar systems and partake in global trade, travel, and even politics. Nearly all (99%) of the galactic races could not breath, speak or live in water, which was instrumental in their success.

He glanced up and took in the beauty of the artwork of the ceiling, swirling vibrant aquas and blues, with depictions of great historical events that had taken place throughout his people's history. One segment showed The Great Peace. Where thousands of years ago when the Watersleepers and Landwalkers had lived in harmony – a portrayal of an aquatic Watersleeper emerging from the depths of the lake and a scaly Landwalker coming down from the jagged peaks of The Worlds Mouth, where the two embraced fin and claw met in a peaceful grasp. In-between the handshaking beings the artist had opted to set a real Rivilius crystal, which let off a dark green glow against the reptilian smile of the Landwalker and black sparkling eyes of the Watersleeper, still humming after hundreds of years. Although, there was not always peace.

Parallel to the vibrant and calming blues of The Great Peace depiction, there was a painting of The First Great Rivilius Conflict – the first major war between the Watersleepers and Landwalkers. The artist, which judging by the swirling patterned flames and smoke, was the same one commissioned for The Great Peace section. Burning cities and the electric green of Rivilius weaponry filled the chaotic painting, with a picture of the planet Rivilius itself in the center, cracked and crumbling from the conflict.

Unfortunately, Drayven believed he was currently living in a time that would soon be painted on these high ceilings, one that would almost certainly be portrayed with more swirling red flames.

“Stop acting as if you understand the art Drayven, we both know you couldn’t paint a fish, even if whoever painted that ceiling was holding your clumsy webbed hands to guide you.”

Drayven turned his head towards his post mate, Vibbron and blinked.

“At least I was paying attention in Rivilius history class enough to know what the art is actually depicting, Vibbron. You were too busy chasing fin and almost drying out above water.” Drayven replied with a stare.

The two Royal Guards burst into a gurgling laughter causing the huge vaulted corridor to turn into an echo chamber.

“Eyes up, here comes the assistant Chancellor.” Drayven remarked as he peered down the massive hallway.

As Chancellor Kildis approached she glanced back and forth at her entourage of robed Watersleepers. She seemed to effortlessly glide through the halls, defending herself from their vigorous questions, deflecting each one perfectly, Drayven was sure. A career politician, but one who cared. And by the Lake God, she was beautiful.

As the young Watersleeper approached, her long hair-like tentacles swayed slightly as she turned her gaze to Drayven, her big dark purple eyes locking with him. She gave a subtle smirk, one that you wouldn’t notice unless you were looking for it. Drayven did not return the smile and turned his gaze past the Chancellor, standing at military attention as the group passed by. Nobody must know about their relationship, not even Vibbron. It would not only jeopardize his post as a Royal Guard, but ruin Kildis’ political career and smear her reputation. There was to be no relationship between Royal Guards and Royal Politicians, as emotion always disrupted sound decision making in these positions of power.

As the group passed between the two guards and through the archway into the Dome of Deliberation, Drayven made sure to listen in on their conversations, which were heated.

“We have never been the aggressors, Kildis, never. Rivilius and its peace is our responsibility. I cannot give the Landwalkers what they want. And what they want is war!” one older Watersleeper exclaimed.

Drayven tightened the grip on his pearl-hilted polearm and continued to stare onward. The Watersleepers becoming the aggressors?

Through Rivilius’ checkered past, there had always been conflict and scattered peace, but mostly conflict. Although the painting on the ceiling depicted a great peace, whose epicenter was Rivilus crystals, that peace was always fleeting. There would never be peace on Rivilius while the crystals still bloomed, or there were two races. The Watersleeper people were split on their view of their relationship with the Landwalkers. Some, more liberal, believed the two races could coexist and both prosper from the fruit the planet bore. But there were some who wanted total annihilation of the Landwalkers. From what Drayven had heard, the Landwalker people had the same split.

Another large seismic event had caused more Rivilius crystals to bloom in the lands between the watery highlands of the Watersleepers and The World's Mouth of the Landwalkers, and there was a fortune to be made. The bright green crystals contained near endless energies, powering far off civilizations for thousands of years. It also produced some of the most destructive weaponry in the galaxy. Drayven had seen the destruction these weapons could cause first hand.

Beautiful destruction, Drayven thought as he let a webbed hand lower to his holstered Rivilius blaster pistol on his waist, feeling the hum of the energy flow into body, even through the leather holster.

More groups began entering the hallway, making their way towards the Dome of Deliberation. Drayven could hear the bustle of hundreds of politicians taking their seats in the circular coliseum behind him murmuring amongst themselves. There was a very important vote to take place. As Drayven continued to scan the groups making their way towards the archway, one caught his eye.

Dressed in dark red colors not traditionally worn by his people, Chancellor Rissor and his followers seemed to dissipate the masses like a superheated flame turning water to steam as they made their way down the hall. The Watersleepers all seemed to stop and stare in awe as Rissor strode pridefully onward, ignoring everyone around him, a look of determination filling his blackened eyes. He was one who wished total annihilation.

Drayven risked a look towards Chancellor Rissor as he entered the dome room and shifted uneasily, the look on the Chancellor’s face made him uneasy. He shifted nervously in his plate and chitinmail armor. A tribute to their culture long before the invention of Rivilius blasters or planetary warships, the armor was made of ancient, polished pearls but had been equipped with a Rivilius powered blast shield that could absorb multiple blaster shots but was useless against a melee weapon.

Drayven was taken aback by the roar of applause as Rissor entered the Dome of Deliberation, his support was at an all time high. Chants began to break out, calling Rissor’s name and calling for action against the Landwalkers who were currently blockading some of the more major Rivilius crystal blooms. As the last of the politicians trickled into the dome room, Drayven relaxed his stance and listened in to the deliberations that could change the history of his people for forever. A familiar voice rang through the archway.

“We, as a people, have always been a nomadic and peaceful people. Living both on the surface and in the lake. We have always been the race that looked for the good in conflict, a race of resolution. We are as calming as the waves along the coastal beaches. We, as cool as the darkest trench of our great lake. We will not be goaded into action against the Landwalkers by a simple blockade.”, Chancellor Kildis’ voice said.

But such a speech was not meant for these times.

The Deliberation Dome seemed to erupt into chaos. Calls for war, death and destruction rumbled through the chambers. A “Drown the Landwalkers!” chant began to build and grow into a volcanic chorus until the unmistakable voice of Chancellor Rissor cut through the heat.

“Thank you for your kind words, Kildis, but let me correct you. We, as a people, have always been nomadic because we are forced from our highlands. We as a people, have adapted to live on the land, but have constantly been pushed into the blackness of the lake”, he paused to let the applause and cheers of agreement die down. “We as a people are as powerful as a world-crushing wave! And we WILL take action against the Landwalker blockade! Drown the Landwalkers!”. The dome exploded into cheers once more.

Kildis rebuked, “Then let us put this to a vote”.

“There will be no vote!” Rissor boomed cutting off Kildis. “This my friends, is a coup!”.

Drayven felt a shiver down his spine, his hearts dropping to his stomach and his jaw clenched. Kildis.

He turned as quickly as he could toward the inner dome chamber, one plated foot already propelling him towards the turmoil that was unfolding in the Dome of Deliberation but he was met with a blaster pistol barrel between the eyes.

“It was always us or them, Drayven,” Vibbron, his friend, said coldly, “it always has been.”

The Drought has begun.

January 20, 2024 03:13

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