
I tucked my gun back into my pocket. Making sure I left no evidence behind, I grabbed my duffel bag and hid the body inside. I swung the bag over my shoulders, breaking a sweat as the body sat there heavily. My gloves were stained with blood. Picking up the duffel bag, I got inside my car and hit the gas pedal. My heart raced as I made my way down the street where I lived. This was a risky job. You never knew what would happen but one thing was for sure, you had to get the job done. Before I could get out of my car, I took off my gloves and pushed the duffel bag to the back of the seat, so it was hidden. Later I would sell the organs online. Waste not, want not. I picked up my phone to make a call. 

“The job is done,” I told the voice on the other side of the phone.

“Good. I have already left the money inside your mailbox,” the man told me as I hung up the phone. 

I checked my mailbox and saw five thousand dollars sitting there. I picked up the money, stuffed it in my bag, and opened my front door, clicking the lock shut behind me. I decided to lay on my couch, watching the news. I would usually be asleep already, but this time, I wanted to watch the news to see what other crimes had happened today.  After a while, I got sleepy and decided to take a nap after a long day of work. Tomorrow I had another person to deal with, so I should rest while I could. I woke up to a loud noise outside my house. The loud banging would not stop as I rushed to the front room. I threw my door open to find myself face to face with a man. I could swear I had seen him before, I recognized his face and his black shirt and jeans, with worn out sneakers. It took a moment for me to recognize that this was the man I had just killed. I noticed the hole in his shirt in the center of his chest- just where I had shot him. There were no blood stains around the shirt and he did not seem to be in pain. An eerie smile fell across his face.

“Who are y-” 

Before I could finish my sentence, the man grabbed my gun, pulled it out, and let it fall to the floor without a word. He still had a smile on his face, making me nervous. He tried to grab my arms and pin them behind my back, but I pushed his hands away and quickly turned around and slammed the door on the strange man. Beginning to panic, I went all around my house locking all my doors and closing all the windows. Loud banging noises were coming from the front of my house. My mind was racing. This man was the man I was just sent to kill. The body was in my car, though, how could he be alive and on my doorstep? My heart pounded before I came to my senses. I should be locked in my room, prepared for what was about to happen, whatever that would be. Before I could do that, I would need a few extra weapons to help me protect myself. I ran to my vault, to grab a few other guns, just to be safe. I could hear tapping on my windows as I bolted upstairs to lock myself inside my bedroom. He could try to make it inside my house, but I doubted he would succeed. I had the highest level of security. My palms were beginning to sweat as I loosened my grip on my gun. The knocking became louder, but in my head I prayed that he wouldn’t be able to get in. I could hear the lock on my door loosening.

How was he here in flesh, after I had just killed him?  I did not have time to wonder. I needed to make a quick decision- I could not call the police because then I would have to explain to them why I had killed the man. On the other hand, I did not know if I should stay inside my house, or fight the man and get it over with. The fact that bothered me the most was that this man could have supernatural powers if he was able to rise from the dead. How was a person with a gun supposed to defeat a man with powers? I decided I would stay inside my house. I needed to trust that my locks would be enough to keep him out. I turned on my TV, switching to my camera channel. The man was nowhere to be seen. Just as I thought I was safe, one of the cameras went black. Then another and another till all of them were out of service. I felt shivers down my spine. I started to doubt the security of my house as each bang began to grow louder and louder. I closed the blinds of the window blocking the sun from coming in, making my room pitch black. I sat there with my back against the wall, waiting for something to happen. All of a sudden, I heard a crash coming from downstairs. He had broken the window. I held my breath as he stomped up the stairs, hoping he wouldn't hear me. My door flew open. I pointed my gun at the man, but it was too late already. He had already pulled the trigger, and I could see the bullet flying right towards my face. 

My eyes fluttered open. I was laying in my bed, covered in sweat. The clock on my bedside table read 1:20 AM. I caught my breath before resting my head back on my pillow. What a dream. But little did I know, there were still a pair of eyes staring at me through my window, eyes that belonged to a man who was smiling eerily and wearing a black shirt with a hole in the chest.

July 30, 2020 20:01

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