Adventure Teens & Young Adult Fiction

The Sun reflected from the waterlogged sandy coast of a deserted island embedded in a faraway broad ocean and shined the edges of burbling waves splashing against the flat ground and driving off sea creatures back underneath the subterranean where they hide from the sharp light of the Star’s glare.

Surrounding the mysterious space of the island called by navy and fishermen – The Death’s Spirit – for its deadly shores inset with enormous cliffs that smashed every ship’s or boat’s fore when purposeful sailors sailing to its nearness and trying to get the coast were devoured by Poseidon’s Kingdom and lost in the depths of the sea, was inhabited with miscellaneous animals surviving the conditions of the hard atmosphere seizing the isle each day and the darkness of midnight.

The island’s nocturnal standstill covering every plane and peak of grand mountains rising above the ocean level and overgrown with green vegetation of various kinds broke only the inner purplish lights streaming through the tiny grains of sand and letting through the slight magical illusion appearing like it would be the heart of that little piece of world.

Every single night the shore lighted up with this enchanting illuminous veins reaching the deep ends of the underground.

Yet not a soul knew how far the glimmers extend. No human foot entered the land or found what was hidden inside the core of the island so far. That pure secret was unseen by a living being for loads of ages and centuries.

Once a day when the Sun, submerged in the infinite Galaxy, hovered high above the ground of The Death’s Spirit and made it impossible to see the offing of the distant ocean horizon.

The diurnal time occupied common peace and quiet when a flock of birds flew off the crowns of the trees of the afforestation somewhere in the mountains and among the rocks reverberated a strident crack.

However, for the rest of the day, it was all that made a difference in the harmony of the place’s stillness.

With the dusk falling crabs and other water mammals dug themselves with their little pincers and small limbs inside the soggy sand near the shore and bugs hid underneath the leaves of plants arising from the spongy soil.

The serene silence felt again, and the deafening quiet embraced the surroundings. Only soft crickets chirpings in the remote place were interrupting the tranquil night ambiance while the Moon glowed in the starry sky.

Contrary to this part of the landmass, the other side of the isle looked a bit rough as the rest of the dinghy crushing in the riffs was splashing about the rocks seeable in the Moon’s rays.

The crew was gone.

Crags surrounded the close edge of the dry land and raised from the scary waters when a slight movement flashed between the rocks and footsteps floundering in the wet ground of the approaching waves sprawling the shore were heard.

It seemed there was an invader. A human figure.

A man.

He was a young vagabond boy petrified to death after suffering shipwrecking on the island. He was scared, trying to find a shelter or a hideout from the scary sounds resounding in his head as he was hit when the dinghy crashed into a cliff face.

Was it a fear?

Or a simple sudden shock?

There was nothing else for him to do than run!

Escape off that!

The endless bushes, leading him deeper into the eerie jungle lianas and in fatigue forcing him to think they were snakes trying to seize him with their elongated bodies, exhausted his mind so much that he fell unconscious, heavily dropping his body on the ground to the foliage.

That night stars lighted with a new beginning of a resurrection.

A resurrection of the island’s spirit that formerly inhabited the heart of the land and changed the current life of many visitors.

The presence of a thing which sank into oblivion.

“Ohh…” a new day of the youngster shined with bright Sun rays shining through the leaves of the trees.

He woke up and stroked his hit head on the ground, and then he carefully and very slowly got on his feet with astonishment in his face like where he had ended up.

The scared lad confusedly looked around himself and once again touched the back of his head pounding with sharp pain as he fell onto a log hidden under the high swards.

He was a boy about twenty years old who lost his parents in a tempest on their merchant ship seven years ago. That time he was entrusted to his grandparents who hated him for his willful mind.

From the moment the son of the wealthy pair was banished from his land by the only people who had cared for him, he decided to prove to them he was something more than a traitor.

The boy’s name was Trevor.

The name he got was after his great grandfather who laid his life in the Napoleon’s War. But as an unfavorite part of the family, this was not mean to him to be an exceptional person from the others.

His deeds and revolts against his family line just forced him to live in banishment and like a pariah of the dynasty. So, even though he was courageous and chivalrous, he felt lonesome all the time.

Since he lost his parents, he grew up a guy who never trusted anybody and later it made him very suspicious and treacherous of his surroundings.

The only love that never betrayed him was the affection for the sea.

Wide water plains of the ocean he always loved to rove.

But he was about to learn a lot yet.

His guardians were not just like he thought, and a dirty trick was played on him.

The night, when he was dishonestly dazed and tied up to be sent in a dinghy on the waves of the raging ocean to die there and relieve his grandparents' worries, a comet fell into the dark sky. And the boy, vile deceived, in tears, and full of fright wished to become one of them.

To be a small flame of one of the stars sparkling in the nightly dark and shining in the path of other beings closed in the same fate as he was his whole life.

To become something more.

The shipwrecking changed everything that day.

Later, when he pulled together and made a small look around the place, his mind realized that he was a poor castaway.

Trevor spent the whole day on the beach then, watching the sunset deluging the horizon, and pondering how could have happened to him. How could they?

Though he was not able to come up with anything.

Maybe it was a destiny not to know.

While the dust was falling, Trevor’s eyes glittered with teardrops full of hopelessness and powerless at his goddamn life whereas he was sitting on the moist surface of the sandy shore.

After many days of sorrow, fury, and disappointment, he was dejected and depressed remaining in the one place on the island where he was trying to find some pieces of ships and wood to build a raft to get back or make a signal for anyone to find him.

A few days later, in one slight second, he was at the deepest bottom of collapse, and for the second one, he made up his conscience and opted to do something fruitful to stay on that island when becoming aware that anyone would search him anymore.

The first thing he found was a place where stay overnight. He was looking for something underneath a bush to cover himself in case he was cold.

However, he found nothing even close to it.

In the morning, he woke up covered with dirt and mud from the nearby pool where he fell asleep since he gave up searching a bush.

It made him mad but for the other day, he knew he needed to search harder.

In the meantime, when Trevor wandered about the shores and valleys to find some small animal or a little bit of not poisoned berries to eat, a memory was recoiled in his mind.

With amazement he remembered the moment when he sat on the beach one of the days ago, watching the sunset. There was something he could see with his peripheral view.

Feeble lights.

It was like a little sparkle of hope for salvation.

The dark brown-haired boy reached the same beach when was getting dark already. Tired, exhausted, and disillusioned he desperately looked for the lights he saw but stopped walking somewhere in the middle of the sandy plain and looked to the horizon again when nothing was in the empty shore.

He dropped his body on the ground whilst his eyes were fixed on the ocean and lowered his head afterward, closing his eyes with sadness.

Then all of a sudden, a strident flash of glow made him look under his feet. The soil literally shined with a magical violet color and blinded Trevor’s irises. Charmed, he got up promptly, staring at the light in front of his face.

He could not believe it, but it was real.

The ground softly flashed with the gleam and made it look like the earth breathing.

It was an unforgettable sensation.

The guy kneeled above it and carefully touched the surface with his fingers.

He felt nothing, but right after he started digging deeper inside the land. Though, overwhelmed by curiosity he struck a sharp thing and cut himself in the palm. It ached so much he pulled back from the digging and seized the hand hard to stop the bleeding somehow.

He dropped his arms in his lap when concluding that he was never going to make it like that.

It was worthless.

Therefore, he lay down then, putting the hurt palm on his belly, and looked at the sky that came on with glimmering jewels. With closing his eyes, he fell in dreams.

Boundless space for imagination.

And at the dawn of the Sun, he was woken up by a strange feeling all over his body. It was like he was tied up with ropes. His heart started to pound with dread at that time. He jerked and ripped from the embrace of the slim roots of a plant, standing up and backing off the place.

Trevor usually did some work in the woods and did not even remember he cut himself the previous night. However, he felt differently than at some other time.

The entire day it was strange to him what he felt in his body. It was neither a bad thing nor a good thing.

When a vision of a room flashed through his mind.

It took him aback, and he hardly closed his eyes, trying to shake that from himself.

Although the better was getting dark, he felt an urgent duty to go where he supposed he had to go. Nevertheless, it was unclear where it was.

He set off his way even then.

His inner self led him to a peculiar part of the island where an oppressive atmosphere fell on his chest, yet he continued on, dying of curiosity about what was there.

A narrow crack was leading into a cave where the light was glowing from the back of the blind alleyway. The boy came closer to it and looked at the object radiating light lavender warmth.

Gazing at the jewel fascinated the man, even more, when he kept his eyesight on that thing at a closer distance which then forced him to finger it.

The touch was like entering the other Galaxy that showed him the past and the future of his. The vision was so swift he threw himself off the gem and in terror sneaked out of the cave and went so far as his legs managed to walk.

Then he took a seat somewhere and frightened thought about everything he saw and pondered about if going inside the grotto was a mistake or not.

It took him many hours to soothe himself.

And then…

He made a way back.

Trevor was seated aside from the jewel that was lying in a heap of ground and stones in one of the corners of the buried cave and stared at it for a very long time, not sure doing what he wanted.

After several minutes he stood up from his knee band with folded arms and presentiment of a future regret. He approached the gem as near as he could, still solemnly fixing his face on it, and then took out of his pocket a scrap of fabric and prepared to take hold of the shining crystal in his hands with it.

He deeply hesitated because of awareness of what would happen if he would fail somehow.

The loyalty needed to guide him for the rest of his life and the straight journey home awaited him. The only thing he knew was that when he got the land of his, it would in a long time, on the other hand, a great adventure was waiting in the outer world away from the isle yet, and he as a lover of seas wondered what it would be.

The purplish crystal remained on his neck in a necklace he created himself.

It refilled his determination and braveness and gave rise to a new man full of hope.

September 27, 2024 21:01

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