Adventure Mystery

(Right after the events of the ending of, "Repeat.")

Brandon wakes up in his messy room. He groans and gets on his clothes. He finds a word sentence scratched into his dresser with a knife. Messy, but still readable.

"It always repeats..."

He looks over at his shoe rack and sees his shoes and empty backpack.

Footsteps up the stairs. Ma yells, "Ey! Wake up! Full and busy week. Moody Monday gets out! Vamos! Get out of bed!"

He shrugs it off, but as he goes through his day, he keeps finding himself wondering what that means.

Did the world repeat?

Did the day repeat? No, it couldn't be or else he would've known...

In his classes, he would zone out in this uncomfortable feeling.

Have I done this before? No. It must be Deja Vu type magic.

Brandon soon gets home and throws his stuff everywhere. His shoes are under his bed, his homework and books are on his desk, and the backpack is on the post of his bed.

He falls asleep.

Brandon wakes up. He looks over where he had put his books and homework.


It was gone.

He checks where he had put his shoes and backpack. Gone.

Brandon looks at his shoe rack.

His shoes and empty backpack are there like he never touched them. 

That wasn't like that before...

Something hit him like a wrecking ball.

Footsteps up the stairs. Ma yells, "Ey! Wake up! Full and busy week. Moody Monday gets out! Vamos! Get out of bed!"

"I'm awake Ma. I-" Brandon stops. He just confirmed his suspicions.

"Tania?" He yells. "What?" Tania replies.

"You good?"

"Yeah? Why? It's just another Monday morning. Start to a new week." She replies.

He falls silent. Did she not remember?

Do I have to explain the situation to her like she did with me?


Brandon tries to time open his door right when she does. He successfully does it.

"If you go for the Fr-"

Tania rushes down the stairs.

"-ench Toast..." He slaps his forehead.

Brandon walks down the stairs and sees his sister eating the French toast. So He eats the butter-bread.

What am I going to do?

"Honey?" Ma says.

"Yeah?" He turns to face her. "You going to get ready for school?"

"Oh, right yeah..." Brandon says.

He walks upstairs to grab his stuff.

Brandon finds a recorder in his backpack.

A piece of paper lies on it.

"Recordings. day 156"

Hasn't Tania been in the cycle for that long? Three weeks she said?

But when she got killed, I remembered everything, but she didn't...

Could you’ve been in here longer and just forgot every time...?

"Ugg" He groans, "I have to find the other ones..."

"Which other ones?" Ma says right in the middle of his doorway. So silent coming up the stairs...

She scares him, which has him drop the recorder in his backpack.

"Umm... My coach told us that we must get our special pair of shoes out, and I only have one in my backpack" Brandon says frantically.

"Mhm..." She says suspiciously, "Well, you better find them." Ma walks out and down the stairs.

He sighs in relief.

"All right. if I were one of you, where would I hide...?"

Probably in Ma’s room... But where? She never goes to work, shopping, date, anything...

How can convince her to leave the house...?

He gets an idea.

"Tania!" Brandon yells from his room.


"Come here."

He hears her walk up the stairs, look at him and say, "What do you want Brandy?"

Brandon walks up to her, pulls her into his room, and closes the door.

"Why did you have to do that?"

"It’s a secret..." Brandon says, closing all the window blinds and putting his full backpack with the recorder outside of his room.


"If you would explain something to yourself, how would you explain it..." He says to her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Like, if you explained to me something, you would say it flat out. How would I explain something bizarre to you."

"Oh... Bring me through the steps if its instructions-"

"But like it’s like if I know if cats could fly, and you didn't know that, and I want to tell you that, how would I?" Brandon gives up.

"Say it flat out. Just give me everything." Tania says.

"Okay... this is really bizarre, so hang in here with me. And you also might want to sit down for this one." He says.

Tania braces for the information.

"We have been stuck in a loop for 156 days. You told me, you have been stuck in here for 21 days or 3 weeks. But in reality, no. Yesterday, we found a plan, but it backfired. Literally, we got shot and died. You got hit in a fatal place, but I didn't. You lost all of your memories from the repeated days, but I didn't. So that is why I remember all of it." Brandon says in one breath.

Tania looks at him perplexed, "I've been here for more than twenty-two weeks and two days?"

"Yes. And just two days ago, I learned it too." He says.

She starts hyperventilating.

"Who-who shot us..."


Tania starts laughing hysterically and sarcastically.

Brandon doesn't laugh.

"You-you're serious...? Tell me you're not serious, Brandon." Tania stutters.

"I am serious." He says.

"All right... What do we have to do..." Tania says.

"Well, I fou-" He pauses, "You believe me?"

"Yeah. You are never serious about silly and ridiculous stuff. So, I guessed it must be true."

"All right. good." Brandon says, "Well, I found a recorder in my backpack, and it said, "Recorder. Day 156." It was Ma who planted it. And somehow, she can access the sound, and she heard me when I said, "I just have to find the other ones." and I lied to get away with saying that."

Tania nods, "Have you tried building something?"

"I said that yesterday and you said, "Rome wasn't built in a day,” so that obviously doesn’t work…” He sighs.

"That sounds like a depressed me." She admits.

“Well, we need you, because you have found a way to almost get there, and you never told me,” Brandon admits.

"What if, we call your friends over, and we try to formulate a plan then! More brains the more ideas i guess! And we can find the recordings easier too." Tania suggested.


“And I think I have a plan to get mom out of the house,” Brandon says, “But you’re not really going to like it…”

Tania looks at him with wide eyes.

After a while, Brandon pushes Tania downstairs.

“Hey, ma?” Tania nervously asks her. “What honey?”

“Do you want to go on a Mother-Daughter Date around the neighborhood? Just you and me. We could go bowling, get a treat, or something else?”

Silence. Brandon sits upstairs, patiently waiting for an answer from Ma.

“I’ve been busy with work, honey…”

“You never go with us anywhere! Just this time? You could take a break from work. Just for a few hours.”

Another excruciatingly long silence.

“Just this once,” Ma says.

Brandon sighs the breath that he didn’t know that he was holding.

“When should we go?”

“Give me five minutes,” Ma replies.

Tania walks back upstairs and into Brandon’s room.

“Yes!” they high-fived each other.

“You should probably get ready in your room than mine,” Brandon says.

“Oh, right! Ha.” Tania says, awkwardly walking out the door and into her room.

Brandon texts his friends. Jack and James, the twins, and their older brother Pat can make it, including Frank, Larry, and Ronny.

He said to come to his house as soon as possible.

After the two leave, Brandon starts looking.

He checks in his sister's room, trying to keep it where she left it.

After failing to find it, Jack, James, and Pat are at the door. He goes and lets them inside.

"We are trying to find little grey boxes, with little slips of paper on them that say, Day 2 or Day 3 all the way up to day 156." Brandon explains. The four start looking again.

The rest arrive, and they look all over the house. All except Ma's room.

Brandon checks the un-checked room.

He opens the door. Her bed sits right next to the door, and the nightstand is on the other side.

A closet sits ajar, and he takes a peek inside. Clothes, illuminated at the back. He looks around for a light switch, and he finds one, and he turns it off.

He checks in his mother's many shirts, dresses, shoes, pants, and even coats and skirts.

"Rats," he says.

Giving up, Brandon walks out the door, but he glances at the closet.

suspiciously, he walks over to it. The clothes were still illuminated at the back.

He pulls away the clothes and finds a dimly lit door.

Intrigued at what it could be, he opens it.

Recordings fill the shelves. It was a small lazy suzan inside of the wall filled with recordings each with their own label, "Day 149," "Day 148," etc., all the way down to "Day 1."

He grabs "Day 1." turns on the light, sets the door ajar, and walks out of his mother's room.

"I got it!"


"Why are we here finding these little grey boxes?" Jack and James ask.

"Sit down." Brandon said, "This one is going to be a doozy."

they all sit down, bracing for the information.

"You know that I have a sister," they all nod, "And I consider you all as brothers, and I wouldn't lie to you unless I had to." they nods again, "Well, Me and my sister have been stuck in a loop for at least 156 days. The same day, no matter what we do one day, it will always be the same as the original day." Brandon says.

"What do you mean?" Pat asked.

"So, in the morning my Ma says, "Get up, get going! Moody Monday gets out of the house and working!" And we go about our usual day." Brandon says, "Then the next morning, my Ma says "Get up, get going. Moody Monday gets out of the house and working!" and the day is exactly the same. No matter what you do on the days after, it will be the same thing. Over and over. 'till the end of time."

They sit, dumbfounded.

"Okay class. Pop quiz." Brandon said, "Any questions, comments, or concerns? No? Well, the test is on mathematical equations, and you have to finish it in one hour or less."

They all laugh at Brandon's impression of one of their teachers.

"Ya'll need to go to the bathroom?" Brandon asks.

They all shake their heads.

brandon stands, and walks up the stairs, and does his busness.

When walking out, he hears shuffling behind him. he just thinks its one of his buddies.

Then Brandon hears the floorboards creek.

"You all down there?" He asks. Everyone said, "Yeah"

Brandon twists his face into suspicon.

He swiftly turns around and sees nothing.

Then feels cold metal on his head, near the bottom of his skull.

"Hello." a voice said behind him.

May 16, 2023 17:27

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