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Drama Romance Suspense


"This is it.. I promise."

She laughs at me, "You've been promising for the last three years!"

I look at the floor as I say, "I am so close....I will be done soon."

She bits her bottom lip and moves her wedding ring back and forth. She nods as she walks out of the room. My eyes never leave that wedding ring, I remember how hard I saved up to buy it. She had been so happy then, I don't understand why she isn't anymore. We have the life we always wanted. Big house, multiple cars, everything she could ever need I could give her. Sure I work a lot, but it is to keep this lifestyle. She would just have to deal with it for now I told myself as I straightened myself up in the mirror. My looked back at my luggage waiting for me by my closet door. I went over and looked in her closet. It was a whole room itself filled with every type of clothing and every brand you could think of. I went over and looked at all her jewels. She looked so beautiful when wearing jewelry I couldn't help myself from spoiling her with them. I wondered over to a picture frame and picked it up. It was a picture from our wedding day. So much has changed since then. I saw her ring again how it shined on that day. I remember when I gave it to her how she gasped, "Adrian! We can't afford this..."

I promised her that once my business was off the ground I would be able to buy her four of those. Now I can. I placed the picture down and grabbed my baggage. I handed it off to a butler and started to descend the stairs, one of the best features of the house. The double stair case cost around one million dollars by itself because of all the marble that was imported, but it was well worth it. Standing at the top or walking down them made me feel well... as if I were a king. And how lucky I was to have a wonderful queen. I saw her waiting at the bottom of the stairs so I quickened my pace. When I reached her I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her. Her dark eyes met mine and I smiled at her.

"Only a few days... You will have the housekeeping to keep you company."

She said nothing, but nodded. The butler came to escort me to garage.

"Which car will it be today?"

"The McLaren I suppose." He grabbed the keys to the car and handed them to me. He placed my bags in the passenger seat and wished my safe travels. I smiled before racing out onto the driveway and down the road. I looked back at the house and watched the waves below crash on the rocks. Some part of me felt bad she had no family or friends in Italy, she preferred the smaller houses we owned. She did love Italian food, maybe the chief would cook her something good tonight.

It was a week later when I returned, I raced home in the night. I was so happy that I finally closed that deal. What a relief... Now home to my beautiful wife. I pulled the car into the drive way and got out. The fountain was on and so where the lights. What a lovely way to come home, I thought. I opened the door and unbuttoned the buttons from my suit jacket.

"Love?" I called out. No response. I called again, "Love?" This time I heard faint laughter coming from the kitchen. I walked in and there she was, but who was that man. His eyes rested a little to long on hers, his hands a little to tight on her waisted when he tried to slide behind her. "Love?" I asked in a faint whisper. It seemed to surprise her.

"Your home!" She said and walked towards me.

I embraced her, but not before looking at that man one more time. His eyes rested on where my hands touched her. She pulled away.

"Cassian and I were just making dinner. You should go take a shower and change."

I nodded and slowly walked out of the door. As I walked up the steps I wondered who this man was again. Why was in my house with my wife?


My heart was beating so loud. I knew Adrian was coming home today, why did it scare me so? I took one look at the dark curly hair beside me and knew why. Cassian...We had only started as friends, I had met him on the beach and we just connected. He was a wonderful cook and friend and it could be so lonely here. Adrian had no idea why I could be sad. Adrian cared more for objects than anything else. I guess he loved me at some point, but now I was just a pretty wife he liked to dress up. I wanted children so bad, I asked for years and years and all I got was a latter. Where did the Adrian I loved go? Looking at Cassian my heart yearned for him. He was warm, gentle and sweet. I slide my arm closer to his while we finished up the dinner. His soft gray eyes found mine and my heart stopped for a minute. I looked away again, I couldn't' do this...Could I? I grabbed a piece of paper that is used for grocery lists.


We had a nice dinner, but all I could focus on was him. Cassian was his name? I would have to learn more about this man. I wouldn't question him in front of her. She would hate it. "Celest dear, this dinner is lovely." I told her.

She smiled, "Would you like more?"

"No." I patted my belly. She smile again and picked up my plate. "I'll just clean up." Cassian got up, "I'll help." They both carried the dishes to the kitchen and disappeared out of my sight. I slumped into my chair and kicked my feet up on the table. I am sure you will help.


Who was this man, no respect for Celest at all. He looked at me as a threat, which in a way I was. Celest dropped the dishes in the sink and turned around right into me. I put the dishes in the sink, not moving to make sure I was even closer to her. I could feel her breath on my neck. I pulled her close and looked into her dark green eyes. She looked down, "We can't not now." I let go of her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable in any way. She smiled and slipped me a letter . "Goodbye." She said in a louder voice than needed. I smiled and walked out the kitchen door. The wind bit my cheeks as I walked down the driveway to my car. My car was nice, an convertible, but nothing like Adrian's. I drove away in the night, the wind tousling my hair as I went. I remembered the letter and pulled it out of my pocket were I stuffed it.


I can no longer ignore my feelings for you. Meet me on the beach at 11 O'clock sharp. If not I know how you feel.


I smiled to myself and took a quick u turn. I was going straight to the beach.


I tried to act as normal as possible. Maybe this was a bad idea. I went up to Adrian trying to rekindle any type of feelings that I had for him. He was slouched in his chair staring into the large fire in our fire place. "Dear..." I began, but was cut off by his hard glare.

"Are you being unfaithful to me?" My heart dropped, is this what he thought of me. I pulled a chair up to him. "Of course not.."

"Then who is this Cassian?"

"A friend, just a frie-"

"A friend?" He yelled. "Why would you ever need anyone other than me?'

I looked away, but he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "What can't I give you?" Tears ran down my face.

"I am so lonely when you leave, which is more and more now! And I want a child! I have wanted a child for so long!"

He was speechless, I never complained ever. I was on a roll now and there was no stopping it. "I am so alone!" He placed an hand on my leg kneeling before me. He kissed my hand.

"I am so sorry." he whispered. I tried to smile, but the damage was done. I knew there was no part of me that loved him anymore. I stood up, "I am tired, I think I will get some rest." He nodded. I walked up to our bedroom. I didn't here footsteps so I assumed he had resumed working. Instead of laying down I went into my closet. Inside was everything clothing item and brand. I walked over to my jewelry, I never loved heavy necklaces, but he always brought them home for me. I saw the picture of us on our wedding day, we looked so happy. That was before I fell out of love, we were both young and happy to start our business. It was ours before he decided he would run it better. I took a bag from the closet and places all my everyday clothes in there, taking nothing of value. I grabbed my toiletries and shoved them in the cramped bag. The only thing I would take would be my wedding ring. I slipped it off my finger and placed in on a sliver chain around my neck. I made sure to dress in a summer dress so I could blend in more. I just needed to write one more note. This is it.


I was working in my study when I heard the door close, just a quite click. I stopped my work and listened more. I heard the quite purr of an engine starting. Who could that be? My thoughts went back to Celest, I had mistreated her, I wouldn't do it again. Maybe a romantic trip to France would solve all of this? I got up and walk up to our bedroom. The lights were off so I assumed she was asleep, but when I walked up to the bed nobody was there. "Celest?" I walked over to her closet, maybe she was changing. I went to open the door, but there was a note on it.


I am so sorry to leave you like this. What we had was love, but now I don't know what we have. I have fallen for another, my heart can not take being alone anymore. Please forgive me.



I crumpled the paper in my hands. I leaned my head against the her door.


There was a chill in the air. The wind blew my hair around, I looked at my watch it was close to 11...Had she forgotten? Suddenly I saw a figure in the darkness. As the person got closer I saw it was her. Her hair and dress blew in the wind, making her all the more beautiful. When she reached me she smiled, "Hello Cassian."

My name on her lips sounded so sweet. I pulled her close to me and this time she didn't pull away. "You are brighter than the midnight stars." She giggled. I lean in and our lips meet, tender at first then harder. This is the moment I have been dreaming of. We break away and she leans her head on my shoulder.


That first night with Cassian was everything I could've dreamed of. He was so romantic and though he wasn't the richest man and was far from the poorest. I remember leaving the beach that night flying down the roads my hair blowing in the wind. We were married shortly after and had three kids. We moved out of Italy and to Paris. Our kids were grown up and out of the house now. Cassian and I moved back to Italy were we met after the kids left. Sometimes, I still go by the house I used to live in to see what happened to it. I looks the same on the outside. I loved going to the markets on the weekends. I was living the life I always wished I had with Adrian.


I never contacted Celest after that night. I moved out of Italy, but kept all my things in the house. All of our things. I had workers to keep it up, just in case she would ever come back to me. Now I myself am lonely. I went back to Italy for some unknown reason. My brain told me to go back, but my heart told me that I should stay. I walked around the market for sometime, but got bored and decided to leave. As I was walking out I bumped into a woman.

"Perdonatemi signora" I said.

Sometime caught my eye, The woman wore a simple chain with a ring on it. I couldn't be...could it. "Celest?" The woman turned around and looked at me. Her mouth turned into a round O shaped and her hands floated to her heart. She still looked as beautiful as ever, Full lips, Dark eyes with a twinkle. Even though her hair was gray now and her skin sagged a bit she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever saw.

"Celest, my love how have you been?"


December 01, 2020 00:51

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1 comment

Beth Connor
23:35 Dec 09, 2020

Such a bittersweet story! I felt for Adrian and Celest.


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