Kids Funny Drama

May I....I coome in sir. 

No, first learn how to take permission?

Ssssir I alredy know this.

Then why is your tongue staggering? Don't waste my time...go from here, duffer.

What happened if he is an officer, Scoundrel won't listen to me!

After reaching office...

Boss: what happened...did you meet that officer?

Duffer: No...because officer didn't gave me a single chance.

Boss: what do you mean by 'a single chance?'

Duffer: means, one time too.

Boss: means you didn't gave him official letter. I know how big duffer you are. Listen, if this problem remain same with you. I'll sure kick you out one day.

One Scoundrel didn't let me in and another talk to kick me out. Look, one day I'll play in & out game with you both Scoundrel.

Mr. Duffer...... What would say about him! His calculation was too weak to clutch it. There is an Indian proverb, "have been you eaten last roti (bread, chappati)? So many times his friend, family, teacher, colligue and boss told this proverb to him but he could not understand the meaning of this proverb till his half life. Hence his name was Duffer.

He was weak in speaking because his processor was too slow. He got the answer but after 2 & 4 hours, that too after try hard. Mr. Duffer do not reply on face ever, he always used to reply off face. He fear from his own insult but to be insulted was included in his habit. When he was studying in class 4th......(1994).

Teacher: Tell me why Bombay is famous?

Duffer: Raise hand first and replied quickly, "for film suiting".

Teacher: Gave one tight slap down to his ear and told, "Bombay is famous for petroleum".

Next time in math class......

Teacher: if 2+2=4, then 2×2=?

All students replied,"4".

Teacher: if 10+10=20, then 10×10=? This time teacher pointing to duffer and asked to answer.

Duffer replied very confidently...'20'.

Then what...! Again a stamp of insulting inserted down to his ear.

He would feel very insulted after receiving such an honor till 3 to 4 days. Slowly he slipped to the last bench to hide himself from the eye of teacher. But he forgets that teacher is real Guru. He wanted to be hide himself from the eye of teacher but teacher didn't let happen this! Every day 8 questions and double the punishment.

Talented classmates doesn't understand his mind and Duffer don't wanted to keep himself with last one. Average was good choice for him and he was made to fit for this category. Some of his classmates was good choice for him because one duffer understand others duffer emotion very easily and both made friends to share the problem of each other. But here, they were always ready to spread problem of each other.

One day one of his friend played a big game with him. His one friend told him to pointing a girl classmate, "look at her and tell me how is your bhabhi (sister-in-law)?"

Duffer: what! Don't talk like this for her.

His friend called Juliya (imaginary name) and told her that he is calling you my bhabhi but I am telling him no, she is your sister!

Such dice thrown over him that he fell into the trap of girls. And he was to be stretched all day by all girl and latter warped by the teachers for the next few days.

One more nation's proverb, get ready to keep improvement at first misstep or else forget everything. Duffer forgot everything. He maintained the same friends till last because his reputation had almost gone. Duffer always punished for his stupidity mistake and the mistakes was not his own rather created by his duffer's group specially for him. With gone time few duffers from the group understand the value of lost time and get back on track but this one Duffer didn't understand anything including time & track.

He reached to the class 10th by promoting one by one class by the grace of the teacher. His real enemy was math and it was the compulsion of compulsory subject for him. One day math teacher asked him to tell the formula of (a+b)²? He couldn't and got award at the same part. Such stupidity was not limited only in school rather it was unlimited at home. One time his father told him to polish his shoe, when he was polishing his own shoe. He was getting late for the school, he was in hurry but didn't disobey his father task and polished both shoes after that he mismatched the pair and in his left shoe was his father & right was his own. In school his friends & teachers made fun of him and at home father made him cock. After that day neither his friends nor family support him and ignored completely.

Helpless Duffer got insult first and think to revenge later! That time (1991-2000) there was no CHILDLINE 1098 service in existence who help helpless, alone and abused child nor movie 'Tare Jamin par' released to inspired him that what actual problem with him? He could not decide what he has to read and what is his aim? He inspired from his one talented friends a lot with his ambition and decided to be a pilot of fighter plane!!!! But he could not understand that to be a pilot of fighter plane command over physics and math must be excellent and took admission in Science in secondary higher education. He failed two times and later switch his subject to Arts with Hindi, English, History and Sociology. His dreams were always high with doubtful ambition and that time movie 'Three Idiots' was also not in existence to get back him on the right track. The wheel of his life used to fall in the same direction along with the slope.

Duffer always tried to be popular without any specialty and he wanted to raise up his respect with dull quality. His dreams was really high but base was too weak. With flowing time a day finally comes in every one's life to prove own existence and have to left father's hotel. His teacher always used to say that as long as your father's hotel running till then eat, enjoy & sleep as much as long as you can.

Brilliants grab the meaning quickly and Duffer was Duffer. Brilliants proved their existence smoothly but the mind of Duffer was as smooth as algae. He was running very late and left many things such as career, job and his dreams. Some of his classmates got job in government sector and some in private sector at good position and he just kept thinking of good position & popularity because the duffer's act was not leaving him and time to time his brother, sister, friends and family used to made him fool and he keeps getting fool. His thinking was always up but level of work down as he loves a beautiful girl very much in his college time and always think and think to propose her and in the process of thinking, that girl became someone else!

One day his father's hotel finally closed and with this such a storm came in his life which didn't leave him for anywhere. Now he got ready to wander here and there to set up his own hotel. This was not quite easy for him because Duffer was carrying a lot of negative & harmful burden with him like lazy body, low confident will power & slow processor mind which made him looser and big obstacle to set up his own hotel. Yet he had a dream to set up something big whereas little thing he doesn't understand. He set up his hotel but to keep survive himself only, no other can fit and sit in his hotel because it was too small and shrink. What about his dream for a female cook!

Overall Duffer's life was totally ignorance & hateful. He never cheated in exam, hurts anyone, tried shortcut, disobeyed anyone and speak false except such places where false is greater than truth like God. Slowly - slowly duffer begin to understand this world. Until the chick came out of the egg.

What happened to his dream of female cook and what is the connection with an egg!!!! & chick ?                 

Will be written.......to be continued.

September 29, 2020 04:47

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Patricia Green
00:46 Oct 08, 2020

Sorry, don't understand. Need someone to edit, your English.


Rajesh Sharma
06:31 Oct 09, 2020

I know Patricia that my English is not up to the mark. Can you please help me to short out this error?


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