In the Woods

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt

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He was already running at full speed, seeing the blur of the houses go by the sides of his eyes. She had to have 60 pounds on him so he was pretty sure he would be able to outrun her either way, but her legs were longer and stronger than his so he didn’t want to take any chances. If he could just do an all-out sprint and lose her immediately that would be ideal. Of course, if he ran this hard and wasn’t able to lose her, he’d have a big problem.

Thinking he was far ahead enough in front of her to do so, he turned his head to see where she was. He hoped that he wouldn’t see her at all or even better that he’d see she’d given up and had turned around. That, of course, was very wishful thinking and when he saw that she was a good distance behind him but still coming, he was angry with himself for even getting his hopes up about that. He looked at the nerdy looking smile on her face with those thick glasses, her overweight 210 pound body, and her thick legs that had muscles like he would never be able to build even if he devoted his life to working out his legs, and he turned around to continue to run.

He still had some adrenaline going but he could feel a couple of cramps starting to develop and he was losing his breath just a little bit. There was an entrance to the woods coming up if he cut through the Schroeders’ lawn. Maybe he could lose her if he went back there but there would also be some risks if he did it.

Ultimately he went for it. He had been through these woods many times but had never used this entry before so he wasn’t sure what was going to be ahead of him. Sure enough, he wasn’t running on the trail long before he saw a steep hill ahead of him. It would have been no problem for him to walk up the hill normally but having to sprint up it was going to be a challenge, especially as he now really starting to feel himself losing his adrenaline.

He looked back and didn’t see her. Maybe when she saw him go into the woods she figured it wasn’t worth it anymore and she gave up. Maybe she didn’t see him go into the woods and she was still out running on the street looking like a big, dorky fool chasing nothing. He had to give up on those hopes when he heard her big feet crunching on some sticks and he knew she was getting close.

He turned around and started running up the hill. The steepness of it was tough on his wimpy legs and the terrain didn’t make it any easier. He was now at a disadvantage as her legs were much stronger than his and she was going to be able to handle this hill a lot easier than he was. He turned around to see that she had gained some ground on him.

The thought of her catching him gave him a second wind of adrenaline and made him forget a bit about the cramps and the shortness of breath that had been coming on strong. His skinny legs ran as hard as they could up that hill. Instead of feeling like every breath he took was tiring him out, now it felt like every one was a much needed hit of oxygen that gave him more power. When they had been out on the road, nothing had seemed worse to him than the thought of her catching him out in the open so she could humiliate him out there where people could see. But now that they were back in the woods, the thought of her catching him when they were all alone, with no one else to help him seemed much worse, and he thought he was stupid for running back here to begin with. It was that male ego of his, always getting him in trouble.

His fear kept him going and he managed to get to the top of the hill. There was no way that he’d be able to just go back into a sprint after that so he took a moment to catch his breath and look behind him down the hill. She hadn’t been handling the hill nearly as well as he thought she was going to and she had actually lost some ground. He watched her hips waddle up and down and could tell her big body was having a hard time.

That was all of the time he was going to waste thinking about it. He turned around and got back to running. He saw ahead that the trail was not going to split two ways, but three ways. What a break. Once he picked a path he’d have a 66.67 percent chance of losing her altogether, as long as he got up the trail fast enough, so he just picked the one on the far right without putting any thought into it.

He got a fairly good distance down the trail and when he thought about how smart he was, the fatigue really kicked in. With every breath he took he felt cramps throughout his stomach and he was only able to get a full breath in about one in every five that he took. He looked back and when he didn’t see her, he figured he was in good shape. 

He went off of the trail and sat behind a tree to hide, taking big breaths and feeling like he was in a safe spot. Within a few minutes, that cramps weren’t bothering him and he was taking regular breaths. He hadn’t heard her at all and he hadn’t seen her run by so she must have gone down a different trail. He was proud of his good work picking the third trail. She probably thought he just hastily picked one of the first two without putting any thought into it and it felt good that, if nothing else, he could outsmart her.

He came out from his hiding spot to look around and see if it might be safe to go back the way he came, possibly get back to the road, and leave her in the woods. He didn’t even see her coming and he only felt her presence when she snuck up on him from the side and shoved him on the ground so he landed on his back. 

He was shaken up from getting shoved and he watched her get on her knees above him. She lifted her hands and startled wiggling her fingers around with a big smile on her face like this was the most exciting thing of her month. She brought her fingers closer to him and started tickling his ribs.

He was a skinny guy with absolutely no protection around his ribs so he didn’t stand a chance against her chubby fingers. He started cackling loudly as he felt her fingers tickling him, stimulating him beyond his control. She tickled him in the same spot some more before moving her fingers along and down to his ribs to tickle him.

He was completely helpless. Not only was he laughing at the top of his lungs but he sounded like a banshee his voice was so high-pitched from the laughing. Anyone that could hear his laugh from a distance would have thought it was a woman laughing as opposed to a 23-year-old man. His stomach was starting to hurt he was laughing so much.

He felt her moving her fingers up his sides and then she started tickling his armpits which was making his whole body wiggle in addition to his feminine-sounding, loud laughing. He looked up at the 27-year-old woman just going about her business like it was fun, while he was having a hard time breathing due to laughing so hard and he also felt the pain in his stomach from laughing so hard. Tears were now coming down his face. It seemed like she shouldn’t be allowed to just stimulate him like this and get away with it. But life wasn’t fair and she was going to. And next time she spotted him just walking around the neighborhood, this would happen again.  

July 14, 2020 01:01

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1 comment

Scott Smock
00:06 Jul 24, 2020

Strange story. Seems to be some nerd like mating ritual.


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