Fantasy Fiction Mystery

"Man, what a dream that was!" I dream I was sitting on the bench eating my favorite hotdogs. I love fried hotdogs with chili, mustard and ketchup. I usually buy a large lemonade with my lunch. I got up after eating my dogs and looked towards the pond. There was a blurred image of a hologram that showed a huge building. The building had the words "ARY," on the front door.

I got up from the bench, at the same time waking up from day dreaming. I would daydream after eating a huge lunch. I reach for my backpack and begin to head back to the bookstore. I think the hotdogs were beginning to bother my digestive system. I figured it had to be two things, either I ate heavy, or I fell asleep on my last book. I thought maybe that I had develop acid reflux.

"ARY," what was the meaning of "ARY?" It didn't ring a bell....... just yet. I thought maybe it was another name for a book. My mind started wandering outside the box. How was I able to see that image? What was significance about those three words? I tried to see the letters backwards. It was "RAY," ok"! I never met a Ray or knew one, so that was excluded. I realized that I was just tripping and needed to read.

I had to get to the bookstore. I was working the front desk and waiting on the new shipment of books. The new novel of the "Side Door" was out and I wanted first grabs. I enjoyed working and reading at the bookstore. I was always surrounded with new material. Every day I would stroll downtown past a little hotdog shop. The image of the huge hotdog on top of the shop looked very funny.

It was tilted towards the front door of the entrance. It also looked like it weighed more than the shack. Overall, the image of the hotdog was tempting. At noon time you would always get the smell to walk over to the shop. A good book needed a great snack behind it. What more could you have asked for other than a hotdog combo. I felt like Shaggy and Scooby Doo, everything they ate was a light snack.

This was also a great book and cartoon. I grew up on watching them eat and run. For me, it was to eat and read. I love learning new words. This was one of the reasons why I read books every day. It helped you comprehend things that wasn't understood...... accordingly. I felt like an Einstein from the future. I was my own book worm.

The hotdog shop was very small but in the back of the shop there was an empty space. The space seemed liked there use to be something tall there. I wore glasses so my eyesight was horrible without them. I took my glasses off for a minute and saw a huge building. I put my glasses back on and saw nothing but the hotdog shop. The bookstore was across the street so, I always had an appetite view. It was going on noon time, and everyone was headed to hotdog shop.

I got up from the chair and decided to go ahead to lunch. I walked over to the shop and stood in line. The place was getting crowded, and it was getting very hot. I had five people ahead of me and their orders seemed to be unsure. I looked all around the shop and notice all the famous authors on the wall. I was in a hotdog joint surrounded by book fans. I finally got the chance to order, and I was up next. I ordered the usual and begin to walk to my seat. As I walked away the cashier handed me a card.

The card was the size of a credit card. It looked like an access key card to something or somewhere. I sat down and took my glasses off. I needed to wipe my face; it was very hot in there. I took my glasses off and saw a wall full of books. I dropped my hotdog and reach for my glasses. I put my glasses back on my face and realized that I was still in the hotdog shop. I pushed my tray aside and I looked at the key card.

I got up and stared at the bathroom entrance. I headed in that direction with my key card. The further I walked the fainter the voices in the shop got. I got to a door that looked like a storge closet. I enter the access key and the door open. The room seemed normal but as the door closed behind me, the wall opens up. As I entered, I looked up towards the front and saw the word "LIBRARY".

I was surrounded by millions of books in a hotdog shop. I couldn't explain it. At the checkout desk there was a hotdog stand. The sign said, "EAT ONE". What a secret place to enjoy eating and reading at the same time. Not only that, but it was also for free. I got a hotdog along with my book and sat down to read. I begin to open the book and realize that the words had a glare. I remove my glasses and saw that I no longer needed my glasses to read. 'Wow!" I wasn't sure about the adventure of it all, but I was sure that my eyes and stomach was safe!

I looked at my watch and saw that it was getting late. I put the book down and grab my backpack. I had to get back to the bookstore and finish my shift. I started to the door and used the access key to get out. I came out the closet and turn around as the wall closed back up. As I was walking out, an employee came in. He looked at me and said, "Hey, employees only"!

I hurried out and saw that everyone had left. I had lost track of time in a secret room full of books. I looked crossed the street and saw that the bookstore was closing up. My supervisor asked me where I had been. I told him I was at lunch and that I was only gone for an hour. He said, "I think you must have been dreaming". The time was six pm and everyone had pack up and went home.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back and pointed at the hotdog shop. Nothing was visible not even the employees. My supervisor told me to put my glasses back on. That was the reason couldn't see. He told me to throw my glasses away because they were no good. A bat could see that it was getting dark, and it was time to go home!

May 19, 2024 02:21

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Kritika -
07:00 May 26, 2024

Hi, I really liked your concept of a secret library that shows up when the glasses are off. I found that to be very cool and unique. The only critique I would offer is that extend your story. The material was so great, but felt rushed. Otherwise, great story. Well done.


Domika Stewart
17:38 Sep 16, 2024

Omg! I do see that after I have read what I wrote. It does seem rushed. I am working on slowing down so that my plots make sense. Thanks on the critique! I'm working on it!


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