American Drama Fiction

Mark, was a young man at his mid twenty's, he is from Atlanta and he was working in a very high and reputable company in New York City, he was very intelligent and smart and he was one among the staffs of the company, among the team of workers that are working in the marketing and advertising department, most times when they are having any challenge he is usually the one solving them, his ideas most times are the solutions the company falls back on to help them navigate through difficult situations and he appeared to be the best and untouchable.

Sometimes in January twenty sixteen,

Mark was in his office working till late at night, meanwhile snow had started falling from the previous days unknowingly to him, the snow fall became a storm, and the storm persisted for over twenty four hours, to the level that there was major traffic in virtually the entire state it got to the level that some among the people who were not fortunate to find where to hide themselves died because of the cold, flights were cancelled, people spent the night in their cars on the road, the snow fell to a record of twenty seven point five, which has never happened in New York in centuries.

While Mark was alone in the office building as the cold was getting too much and he was getting bored, he decided to engage himself in some kind of excercise and he began to act like each and every one of his colleagues that are working in the building,

First he began by acting like Jessica one of his closest colleague.

Mark speaking like Jessica, hey Mark are you through with the documentation?

Mark back to his seat, Nope,

Mark stood up again acting Jessica, why? But I have to submit it to the MD today,

Mark back to his seat, Okay don't worry, I'll be through with it before the close of today,

mark up as Jessica again, it better be ready in 2 hours,

Mark turned and began to walk like a lady towards Jessica's office, opened the door and entered, and sat on her chair.

While he was still there he pulled out her drawer and he saw some chewing gums, and he said "ladies and chewing gum" he began to chew on one of the gums, he decided to check forther and he found a list were Jessica had written


he began to read out the list and to his surprise he didn't see his name and he sank himself into Jessica's chair that he was seating in disappointment and pain,

He could remember her telling him that she loved him, as he was thinking about it he remembered what his mum had told him long time ago, "everyone have a secret"

He stood up and said everyone have a secret, he decided to take advantage of the moment to find out as many secret of the people he is working with as he could.

He began to check from office to office till he gets to the MD's office, but on reaching the door it was locked, he tried and tried it refused to open but he was adamant, and he went to his office and get some things and used it to open the door, and he entered.

He walked straight to where his MD kept his files and he began to check and he saw divorce letter that the MD's wife had given to him some days back, he said in a low tone; MD is having a divorce, mum is wright, "everybody have a secret"

He left that part of the document which was personal and went to official,

After a little search he saw a file

Staffs evaluation file, and he took it and went to a chair and sat, and began to read as he was reading about other staff he was smiling, but when he got to his page, and he saw;

Mark Roland

Time management excellent

Job delivery excellent

Dressing and neatness good

Attitude towards clients average

Attitude towards colleague bad

Immediately he saw this he was shocked and the file fell from his hands and he surmorned courage and picked up the file and check forther on the pages of other workers but non had as excellent record as him and yet non had as bad record as his and he shouted "I am finished, I thought I was the Exonerate"

Meanwhile the company was about to let go of some workers at that time, because of the economy situation as at that time, all the while Mark was hearing that the company will let go some workers, he never believed he will be among until this night,

He sluggishly put back the files and locked the door and went to his own office and sat down and began to recall how he had been rud and arrogant to both clients and colleagues and he began to cry, and he said to himself I was looking for their secrets not knowing that I was the secret, and he cried the more.

Mark eventually lost his job at the resumption of work some days after, he was blinded by what he knows about himself and he forgot about what others thinks about him.

I will conclud by saying, everyone have the right to choose how they relate with others, and if you choose to be nice or not it's your choice mind you what ever action you exibit will be seen better by another person because you that did it only know that you did it, you can not see your self like others will see you and in the case of Mark he was like a lantern that is lit in a room, it has the ability to shine and lit everywhere in the room except underneath it, bad attitude is always seen by all except one person, the one exibiting it, my senior brother once said to me, "A man can decide he actions, but can not decide the consequences of the same action, because the consequences of his actions will come from a greater power".

January 18, 2021 18:45

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Omoru Ablous
05:36 Feb 23, 2021

Keep the good work


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Godwin Akor
21:41 Jan 22, 2021

Awesome storyline with good moral lesson


Henry Obewhu
21:29 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you sir


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23:43 Jan 20, 2021

Woow..lot of wisdom here... nice story bro.


Henry Obewhu
06:21 Jan 21, 2021

Thanks brother,


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Henry Obewhu
06:21 Jan 21, 2021

Thanks brother,


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Michael Harry
20:28 Jan 20, 2021

Very interesting and touching story u got there bro,nice one keep it up.


Henry Obewhu
20:34 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you very much sir,


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Rossy Okorieh
17:32 Jan 20, 2021

An awesome story. Thumbs up


Henry Obewhu
18:21 Jan 20, 2021

Thanks sist


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Okorieh Hannah
17:09 Jan 20, 2021



Henry Obewhu
18:19 Jan 20, 2021



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Olabisi Surakat
12:38 Jan 20, 2021

A word for the wise


Henry Obewhu
18:20 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you ma


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Unuigboje Friday
09:56 Jan 20, 2021

Nice one, if everyone will be like him this country will be a better place for all. I appreciate u more.


Henry Obewhu
18:19 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you bro


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Ibrahim Taofeek
08:25 Jan 20, 2021

This life is like a lantern, in which you can't see your underneath ! Nice1 bro It will goes a long way .


Henry Obewhu
18:21 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you sir


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Praise Jonah
21:26 Jan 19, 2021

Great piece! - A man can decide his actions but cannot decide the consequences of his actions....Beware of your actions!


Henry Obewhu
18:20 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you very much sist


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Iniobong David
21:03 Jan 19, 2021

👏👏👌 wonderful, lessons learnt,kudos sir weldone


Henry Obewhu
18:20 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you


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Royce Samuel
14:17 Jan 19, 2021

Amazing story 🙏🙏🙏


Henry Obewhu
15:47 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you very much,


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Scottish Samuel
09:43 Jan 19, 2021

Wow nice story sir


Henry Obewhu
15:48 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you,


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09:14 Jan 19, 2021

Don't be too satisfy of self ,mark was satisfy of himself ,good write up more of it


Henry Obewhu
15:49 Jan 19, 2021

Thanks for your time and encouragement sir.


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Erukunuakpo Jw
09:04 Jan 19, 2021



Henry Obewhu
15:49 Jan 19, 2021



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Ojo Gbenga
08:44 Jan 19, 2021

The story is very interesting and eye opener to everyone in relationship either at workplace or family. The bad attitude is seen by all except one person, the doer.


Henry Obewhu
15:50 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you for your comment sir


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Oteni Jessica
08:44 Jan 19, 2021

Nice one sir


Henry Obewhu
15:50 Jan 19, 2021

I am grateful,


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John Ebi
08:38 Jan 19, 2021

Good work!


Henry Obewhu
15:51 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you brother and God bless


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Adebayo Champion
08:36 Jan 19, 2021

Wow. Nice story


Henry Obewhu
15:59 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you sir, the joy of a writer is when people read what he wrote and appreciates it, I am truly grateful.


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Stephen Amula
08:33 Jan 19, 2021

Sweet word's, keep it up brother


Henry Obewhu
15:51 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you sir,


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