Friendship High School

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali

The word “ Friends” reminds us there are relations who care for us other than our family. Friends are like our siblings who are not born with us. We spend maximum of our lifetime with them than our family. They are the one who empathize our feelings and problems than our family. Friendship is something essential for life. Ya ! According to me like water , food , land , air , and etc. Friendship is also essential for survival .Truly friendship cannot be learned in any places. “Strangers “ what do you think they are ? By my heart they are persons whom we have never met or whom we have never spoke to . But at times they close to us and become close friends … This actually happens to most of us . This is something which is unbelievable . This is a story inspired from true events .

“Wake up Diya “ said her mom reminding her of her physics exam that day . Diya gave a sly reaction and woke up from her bed to study that boring subject. Diya was in grade 8 and was taking up her half yearly exam . She started to study and thought something difference is needed in her surrounding. What Diya thought was going to happen . She became ready for school and was studying on her way. She reached the school. “ Wait !! move towards exam hall " shouted a voice which made her different. It was her class teacher’s voice. She went to exam hall as instructed . She saw that the both the sections of grade -8 are sitting by. All over there puzzled on the reason they were made to sit over there. They were thinking of many reasons and finally their coordinator read some names and this made them scare. They told those to move to 1st section and rest to 2nd section. We thought its just for exam. But later we came to know that they have shuffled the sections for misbehavior. Diya was placed in 2nd grade with her only friend , Thara. After exam whole class was totally silent and the news spread over school. Our class teacher made us play for sometime. The most played game by us was Trade Seat. That was the first time she spoke to Rahul . They both were in the same school for a period 6 years but had acted like strangers up to that. They spoke for the first time . Diya or Rahul didn’t know they will be best friends next year. The next three months past by. And after the summers , they all were promoted to grade 9 . Rahul and Diya smiled to each other. Then they were placed in nearby groups by destiny. On one fine day , due to the sound made by Rahul it was thought that Diya farted. Her team mates misunderstood her. She got anger on Rahul and thought never speak with him. And the days past by. By July due to a problem in class the tables were made straight. Diya was placed in 7th row 4th seat. Back of her was Yara . These places were decided by principal. But since Yara is weak listener she was placed in 3rd row 1st seat which is Rahul’s place. He was changed to Yara’s placed. Diya became tensed and didn’t speak for 2 days. He started speaking with her . She could understand him and started helping him in many ways. They both became close friends and helped each other , shared each other. But it didn’t go a long way since Rahul’s place again was shifted to 6th row 1st seat. But Diya didn’t give up. On Maths period with mam’s permission she went to Lara’s place, 7th row 1st seat. She helped him with Maths and language subjects. By his birthday she wished him. And at last she was placed in 5th row 1st seat and their friendship became a long lasting. Diya thought for a second . Rahul who was a stranger for her but now he had became her close friend. But due to lockdown they were unable to speak and meet. The only source they had was online platform. They both supported each other and clarified each other . He encouraged Diya and vice versa. They chatted quiet often. But she felt some difference from the normal behaviour of him. He asked lot of homework , projects and practice sheet to her . She trusted him and sent him all the works. He started to stop chatting with her. He didn’t reply for a long time. She was depressed due to his action. She thought that he was using her for his works . She then fought with him and blocked him. After lockdown the classes were separated and they both were placed in two different classes. He never looked at her and spoke at her. She started acting as if she didn’t take care of him . She helped others and showed as if she was busy with her friends. This made him look at her and he thought she should see him always. But it became vice versa. Then they both were made pairs for a project . While on discussion , He asked her , “ why are you not speaking with and you are not old Diya”. Diya replied with a smile and replied , “ It’s not me who avoided , its you and I just tested your friendship”. He became shocked on her reply and realized how he have hurted her. They became friends again . They both gave away a best output in the given project and was given the 1st place. They both were examples of good friendship’s output.

According to me , “ Friendship is a kind of radiation which can unite two people whosoever with a bond of kindness , happiness and love." This bond is a kind of everlasting and sometimes stays as old memories in our mind and our hearts.

May 30, 2021 13:47

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Stevie B
21:01 Jun 05, 2021

Enjoyed how you wrote this in an active, as opposed to passive, voice. Very well done!


Hazel Hinderland
05:22 Jun 07, 2021

Thank you for your comment . I will change those in upcoming contests.


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