"No, that's not original. EVERYONE'S going to do that!"
Hannah rolls her eyes as she speaks.
"Which is why we should do that!" I argue. "If it's original, no one's going to do it. BECAUSE it's original."
"She's got a point," Alice says. "That's probably what everyone's thinking."
"But what if people come to the same conclusion we did?"
Everyone sighs.
"Screw the bracelet idea," I decide.
"Great idea! It isn't as I was saying that the whole time, right?" Hannah asks.
"Yeah, yeah, you were right, now we need to think." Alice says.
"So, can we do a..." Hannah trails off. "Look, Derek's group is DONE!" she gasps.
"Yeah, look, their thing is a... a... What is it?"
"I don't know, but we better catch up!"
"Yeah, with a BRACELET!" Alice says.
"Bracelet is dead." I say. "I thought you agreed with that!"
"I just said that Hannah was right, not that it was a bad idea."
"Guys! We need to focus!" Hannah says. "It really doesn't matter what we do, it just has to be original."
"Look, Derek's group didn't do a bracelet, and neither will Lucy's. We should do it," Alice stands downs.
"You're so stubborn, you know that, right?" I say.
"Yeah, I do. There's nothing wrong with that! I'm just into... wait a second..."
"What? Did you get an idea?"
"Yeah... what if we did, like I don't know, what we want to be when we grow up?" Alice suggests.
"No, offense, but isn't that kind of babyish?" Hannah asks.
"Yeah, I guess. What else?"
She brushes it off, but I can tell she's hurt by the remark.
"Um, okay, Chloe, have any ideas?"
"Apart from the bracelet." Alice butts in.
I chuckle. "Um, what if we like, put in something that means something to us. Like, we could all do our own things, and then, combine them into something. Alice could do her thing, I could do a bracelet, Hannah, you could do whatever, I don't know what you want to do."
Everyone stares at me.
"Or you know, that might not be such-"
"It's awesome!" Hannah says. Alice nods her head in agreement. "Alright then, let's do it!"
1 hour later, I'm done with my bracelet.
"Chloe, come here please!"
"Just coming, mom."
I hurry down the stairs.
"Phone for you."
I grab the phone. Ignoring the withering glare from my mom, I rush up the stairs, nearly tripping as I go.
"Hi, this is Chloe."
"Hey Chloe, um, could you pass on a message?"
It's Hannah.
"It depends. Who to? And why?"
"Well, um, okay, it's to Alice."
"And, um, I want to apologize to her, but I don't know her phone number... and I know you do."
"Well, I can give it to you."
"Great! Thanks!"
I scribble down her number, and then rush over to Hannah's house.
"Here," I say, panting.
"Oh, thanks!"
I go back to my house.
The next day, it's time for my teacher to collect our items. Our group hands in ours, and Mrs. Thompson smiles.
"Nice job girls, you've really created something wonderful!"
"Thank you!" Alice says.
We had created a collage, a small one, and then stuck our items on it with glue.
"Now class, line up please. Single file."
We rush to get in line, and Mrs. Thompson leads us to the field. We all gasp as we see a huge hole in the ground.
"That is why you made these beautiful items." she says, grimacing at Derek's one. "And I'm so glad that you all made something to go in our very first time capsule!"
We all look at each other in amazement.
"Wait!" Jack calls. "What if we don't want people to see what we made?"
"Well, you're going to be the ones to open it," was the curt reply. "You will wait 10 years, then everyone will come back and take what they put in."
"Oh, ok."
"You may all put your things inside, one at a time." she says.
"Can I go first?" Lucy asks.
"No, I will be drawing names. The first person is... William!"
He steps forward.
"Um, ok, so I put a candy bar with my group. We all took our favorite ones and then smashed them all together. We ended up with this." he holds up a brown item.
"Very... original." Mrs. Thompson says.
He puts it inside, then runs off back to class.
"Now... Lucy!"
After everyone puts theirs in, my name finally gets drawn.
I step forward.
"Ok, um, this is what I chose. It's a bracelet. My group decided to do different things because we couldn't decide what to do."
I place my bracelet in the box, and suddenly, a huge wave of emotion comes over me. I'm trying not to cry as I put it in.
"Come on, stop, it's just a bracelet." I mutter.
I drop it in, and then walk slowly to class.
When everyone's here, Ms. Thompson claps her hands.
"Everyone listen up! The capsule's going to be buried on Friday! I know it's Monday, but other classes have to put their thing in as well."
I ponder for a moment, then rush off.
"Chloe! Chloe, come back!" everyone’s talking at once, but I’m running as fast as I can. I ignore them, and race to the capsule. I search for the bracelet, snatch it up, then wait. I wait to see if I have any thoughts against it, but no, I don't. Before anyone sees me, I sprint home.
Later that night, my parents get a call from the school. I get ready to run, and then I’m off, running, not thinking about where I’m going. Pretty soon, I’m at the capsule again, and I look at the bracelet. It wasn’t hard to make, but I still don’t want to let go. I sigh and wait a few more minutes. No one’s coming, and I look back at it. I slowly drop it in, and just sit there. I know I’ll have till Friday to change my mind.
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Hi there!! I just read your story and I think you did a fantastic job writing!! Love your stories! :)
Is she a hoarder? XD
Wonderful job! This story is so amazing, and I love all of the dialogue! You have a knack for it! Keep up the fantastic work!!
Thank you!!! Same goes for you!
I really like this story, it was really funny and kept my attention! I liked William’s candy bar idea 😂😂 💯! Also the dialogue was so much better and more smooth! Well done!
I LOVE this story. The dialogue was my favorite part.
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Hey Aamena :)
I Like all your stories!
Keep Writing!
WOah! I find doing different styles of speech for different characters so hard, but you nailed it! Love this!
This story was really nice! You could have stretched out some moments in the story, like when she runs to put the bracelet back in the capsule. Besides that, I loved this story!!