The last will

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Fiction Holiday Kids

Being dead of old age, I, Sam Collins, died without any regrets. Or so they say.

My life of 89 years had been more or less the kind you call 'joyful'. Having grown up in a pretty pleasant environment with an affluent landlord as a father. Added the benefit of being the only son, the family business was passed onto me as I had no other sibling but a younger sister.

Life went on, I went to college, fell in love, married, and had kids and then grandkids. There you see, I had it all. I was flawlessly blessed with a perfect life.

Yet, I am still not satisfied. Still, I am wandering this human world, unwilling to pass through the underworld bridge until I get my last will fulfilled.

"The time has finally arrived," I thought, a ghost of a smile creeping up my ghostly pale lips. The fallen yellow maple leaves crunched under my feet as the cold breeze brushed against my skin in gentle and hollow waves. My eyes shined with delight crinkling on the corners and my cheeks stretched up in a grin. Gazing at the diverse Halloween decorations on each house that made the colony look like a mystery/thriller movie set. Pumpkins had been turned into big black cats, spooky spiders and bats had been hung around the doors, wreaths had been made, witchcraft books had been written.

It's finally Halloween night today. 

The day my great-grandchildren will, for the first time, come home to this little town with my grandson, who had been living abroad for 12 years now. The day I had been waiting for patiently for one month of being dead.

They had said they will visit this Halloween, I had waited. But I guess its fate that just had to pull me away one month from seeing them.

As a ghost, I can’t touch them, they can’t see me, but just having seen them will be enough for me to continue to my journey to the underworld with pleasure.

"Uh, hello, Mister. I was wondering if you are alright" A hesitant youthful voice reached my ear from behind me making me freeze.

I slowly and hesitantly turned around and my gaze met with the little boy probably less than even 8 years old. The curious one stared up at me from under the blond locks of his hair styled to be falling over his big brown doe-like eyes.

He looks human. And familiar. I thought.

Weird. How could a human be capable of seeing me? A ghost.

Well, he sure doesn’t look like he has seen a ghost. He seems to think that I am a man.

My eyes widened as I suddenly realised that in front of him I was a young man. Even though I had died old, my soul was still young and looked like the younger version of me. A man in his 20s to him.

"Are you lost by any chance, Mister? I can help you with that" he announced eagerly, "just tell me what your house looks like! I will help you reach there in an instant.”

It's quite funny hearing this from a kid when it's visible how all the houses in the colony look so similar that even adults get lost here regularly.

"No, thank you, Buddy. I am not lost," I answered him with a small smile.

"Mom said it's rude to ask private questions. But it's Halloween!" He broke out in a huge grin as he continued almost jumping up and down on his feet in excitement, "and on Halloween, everyone gets to be someone other than themselves! That means I am not Rick today, I am Sheriff Woody from Toy story and Mom has explained that to be him I have to be a very caring, considerate and brave person. Therefore, even if this might be disturbing you, I wanted to ask you what you are doing here. After all, this is a form of caring too as far as my mother says", Rick, as he told his name is, in between his fast and excited talking all in one breath and was huffing and puffing by the end of it.

"I am fine, son. Thank you for caring. Your mother seems like an interesting person, do you spend most of your time with her?” I asked kneeling beside him, eager for human interaction.

“Yes, I spend lots of time with her” he opened his arms wide when saying ‘lots’ with a huge grin in his face. “We bake together, sew, draw, read books and sometimes she teaches me how to play games on the computer too!”

“Wow, your mother’s very cool,” I remarked and he nodded proudly. “What are you doing here alone though, can I ask?”.

“Trick or treating, of course” he answered in a duh tone.

“Would you mind if I join you then?” I implored and his face brightened up. ‘’I would be very glad”.

Ah, isn’t he just the perfect gentleman? I wish my great-grandson, who probably would be as grown as him right now, has grown up to be just like him.

Together, we trudged to the first house we found on your way. We knocked on it and it was opened by an old lady who looked at Rick with a warm smile. “Trick or treat!” he said and she gladly brought out a big mummified bowl filled with chocolates and different candies giving a handful into his tiny treat bag that was designed to look like a leather gun pocket. 

“Nice costume, Rick. Did your mother sew it for you?” The old lady asked him kindly and he nodded grinning cheekily, “yes, she did”.

“Thank you, Grandma Ann. I’ll see you later” he bowed down lightly and she chuckled at that. 

“How’s your Mom doing, Rick?” her gaze changed to that of sympathy. 

By now I was sure that in here, Rick was the only one who could see me. So I was free to move around as I pleased like earlier.

“She’s a bit better now. Was sleeping when I left home. Dad’s taking care of her” He replied stiffly and after exchanging a word of goodbye he started on his way to the next house.

“Hey, bud. You do remember that I am with you, right?” I followed up to him with a grin and he looked at me as if pulling himself out of a trance.

“Oh. No, I didn’t, I was just too deep in thought that’s all” he responded and slowed down in his steps to let me catch up to him.

We went to the next houses and though I was very much amused and fascinated by how the little boy was so familiar and friendly with everyone he came across. I couldn’t help noticing how strangely everyone asked the same question. ‘How is your mother doing?’ and he always answered the same as the first time.

But in the end, I couldn’t help being curious and ended up asking him myself too.

“Has anything happened to your mother, Bud? Why is everyone asking you about her?” I raised a question worriedly and he looked up at me gloomily.

“She is pregnant. And we just travelled in yesterday from California, she’s been weak and has been vomiting since entering the house. Everyone says that she’s been cursed by my great grandfather who passed away last month and didn’t get to meet us” he told me, his eyes downcast and for the second time in the day, my non-existent blood ran cold.

“But I don’t think it’s true! Dad has told me many stories about him, in my opinion, he must have been a very good man! He won’t curse my mum…I am sure. He wouldn't ” he ran to his great grandfather’s defence. But I didn’t deserve it.

It finally struck me.

He is Rick Collins, the great-grandson of Collins. The son of my son’s son.

I beforehand knew that me staying here will be harming my family but I still stayed.

Thinking its fine.

However, Karma hits hard.

At that moment seeing my great-grandson fighting off the tears in his eyes, I knew that I had to go.

“Bud, do you want a brother or a sister?” I broke the silence peering down at him with interest.

Hearing my question his eyes twinkled as he rushed to answer me, “A brother! Mom says it will be a sister, but I want a brother! Then we will play together. I get bored alone otherwise” he sulked at the end.

“Oh, what does your father expect?”

“He says that he’s fine with anything as long as the baby is born healthy and happy” Rick beamed at me and I chortled.

"Do you like your dad too? You said you spend most of your time with your Mum, what about your father?" I watched him with furrowed brows.

"He's my dad, of course, I like him. It's merely that he works 24 to 7 when in California so we don't get to see each other much. But I understand that he works hard for us and on the bright side since we have been home he has been getting to spend much more time with me" the way he called this place 'home' was enough to warm heart. "Only if Mom got better, we would have lots of more fun," his voice trailed off as he stared into space.

“I am certain she will. I will be rooting for you to get a brother just like you wish, bud. Now I have to take my leave, I am a busy man just like you” I grinned at him and he broke into a big grin too.

“Bye, Mister! See you soon then! It was fun with you today” He waved to me running off to a house that was very much familiar to me.

After a while, when I was sure that he had gone inside I gradually trudged up the path to the house. I went to the window from where I remember looking outside and complaining to them over the phone about how they have all forgotten me. But standing in the shadow of the big willow tree I had planted years ago and the bushes I had once tended to like my child, looking inside the house at my grandson, with his father, mother, wife and his charming son, I could now finally say that yes, my last will has been completed.

The last will to see them. And I got to meet and spend time with my great-grandson too, is there anything more I could ask for?

I saw Rick staring at a picture on the family photo gallery and on a closer look, I realised that it was a picture of me in my 20s. He seemed to be asking a few questions to his father regarding it but he shrugged frowning, when abruptly Rick glanced at the window I was standing at, right at me. He ran over to the window but I stepped away swiftly hiding by the window before he could see me.

“He was here. I am telling you, Dad, I saw him” he persuaded his father but he just returned him a sad smile, “that’s not possible, Son. Maybe you are having an illusion because you haven’t rested well in a while”.

“Go upstairs to your Momma. Take a rest beside her” he told him and Rick obediently did as told rushing up the stairs to his sick mother.

I now noticed the appearance of my grandson. He looked worn out, deep dark circles lined his eyes, his beard had grown out quite a bit as he hadn't gotten time to shave in all the rush probably. He looked too thin.

All because of my selfishness.

They deserve better.

And I finally knew it was my time to leave now. At last, my soul can rest in peace now knowing that I had seen my great-grandson and that they will live on a good life after I leave to be marked as their ancestor, rather than the curse giver.

It is farewell for now, Bud.

October 30, 2020 14:38

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