Bedtime Christmas Creative Nonfiction

Winter frozen air by early afternoon. Bobby & Joseph went across the lake. When they reached to cabin /camping ground; they are amused of the water covered ice.(28) The camping ground was historical when meaning to say abandoned and so what. The historical background; suites me. But this town has a secret with fear to abide by. (58) The most dangerous is mental capabilities. Most of who grows right; learn right and earn a living. Bobbie and Joseph rented gear and equipment and off the two go. When Bobbie was 12 he nearly drowned & Joseph saved his life in a frozen river accident.(92) It was 7 years ago, as in Bad luck! Josehph was 15. Lucky the Ranger Patrol passes by every three hours. (113) They go to the historical event about the lake. Telling haunted stories around a campfire and roasting marshmallows at night. Everyone had to bring something. Was fun all camping gear was enough to set out 'til death do us part' (153) a shout became a yell; a screeching of the floor beneth as own lost to bare what was out there and what happened to Susan. (178) Everyone found together except someone took Susan. Closer to the cabin Bobby and Joseph witnessed a blood soaked; Susan? She was always different since prom she did not care as if sophisticated. (110) 👶💑👴👵🙀💩👻💖💕💔💗💋🐂🐭🐱🔚 she left her home since disagreements were ruining her life. We never wanted to lose her when we moved to were she lived, without her recognizing us. (152) Sweet baby Albert mom had him by now with everything partially made susan went home. "I wish we had our family back" mom stern and strict, said nothing. Albert this and all goes to Albert. "You should get ready to go, and leave my home... out! I sat there we were going to gave an engagement and never marry instead. Albert seems anything will make her startled.

322 Susan is D.E.A.D.!!! Her body a corpse at the morgue. Slashed and stabbed 5 times her clothes in her bag were missing the stuff still in the bag were empty and broken, spattered along her path as if forgot something, Bobbie & Joeseph studied the case but they do not know us as her friends. We are not mentioned in her life. The their will pay but how is the case proven no one knows who she is as an mental patient in prison no identity.

Who could have killed susan? Missing reports were made of susan since she was 10. Those homeless teens! Susan?! Ask her friends or asks where she could be doing or hiding around. A girl named Rhonda she was known as a nerd people did not like and hated her very much which secrets were shared about her in most to rumors or gossip . just saying nobody liked her and turned to a killing.

Nobody wanted her around all was at loss and now regret her life nobody wants her alive all she has problems with anybody and everyone cools off about her and she does not know it she thinks this is some game but others think its true

People want her dead so others can live in peace. She knows. But she does not relate according to them they are beheaded in mexico and she is asking for attention she act like she is nice but really does not appreciate the life she had. Dead is dead if she commits suicide and no one cares! Okay? This world.... We called her very many upon disgust as she needs to understand what she is and seem innocent more than others. People think you were as not a friend or chill to cool your shit because no one can hang with her and she chose to go to school everyday drunk and a slut. She is nasty sick and disgusting poor fool! He does not like her and wishes for her to go away and do a shit job and fuck motherfucker. Bitch she act like she a bitch everyone yells at her because the want to beat her up. Paula wants to fuck her up

God sees no understanding if she respect damn shit he think she likes him but she said she is not a friend with god and god cares less. So prostitutes and how's are not what she I'd! She claimed family with god hates her the most of no relation to her or to them and they all punks.most people see her all manic as she prove other ways to be able to talk to her.

People address her as a sex object a sex weapon and a sex expert those people know what they are doing but she kill. Boring as bitch god said it was his room and is in it when he is. I am glad you have done nothing, justice will never be enough. If some people throw they self at me are to get what they ready . they seem a bit paranoid a bit of my shame is their disgust. God good luck eating shit out of her, he is or was and still is her intimate with an nasty prostitute who does porn on live web for inexperienced peeves disgusting AMATURE

She should not think her way websites and accounts as she mentioned for the reason why I will connect when you need to adjust her or their life with god

Be good god will make time for me as I assume he had to take care of his business poor god poor guy does he drink? Or into drugs? Fucked up shit. Bitch be hanging like she expert. But she getting her respect

and as for desperate when is nice too nice can't triggers or take it from my very own person so, what Como respecto a dios con to do mi vida

Lo que sea no lo quiero k habla despues I'm ready to kill the bitch lucky I hope for a massacre bloody as shit!

January 16, 2021 13:42

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